Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 992

Jingzhi widened his eyes: "brother, aren't you afraid I'll screw you up? It's easy for me to be a killer, but it's tough to be the boss

"I won't leave you alone. I will support you all the time. In addition, you will have many assistants."

"Oh, that's about it, or I'm sure I can't manage it well! If you are defeated in my hands, I will have no face to see you! "

Jingzhi's personality is a little similar to that of Xiaolu. They have no ambition and don't like to be a leader. They can keep it, but they can't go to expand their territory.

However, being so trusted by his brother and sending such a large organization to himself, Jingzhi can't help but feel a little hot blooded!

After controlling this huge killing machine of killer organization, we can see who dares to bully him and his brother!

Jingzhi admires his brother. He just wants to kill Andrew, but he never wants to take over the killer organization and control it.

So many killers can't be disbanded just as soon as they are disbanded. It's better to control them by themselves than to let others control them!

"Brother, you are so good!"

Jingzhi is very excited, his eyes are shining, but Jingrui is indifferent and does not have any proud look.

It has not been a year or two, but eight years.

Moreover, not only did he work alone, the Jing family mobilized a huge amount of human and material resources, but also Jing Zhongxiu's network resources in the killer organization played a huge role. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to control the resources of the killer organization so quickly.

Jing Rui arranges this matter well, and a certain place in his heart is gradually steady.

Now he and Jing Zhi can finally go home and no longer have to be bound by others.

In fact, he wanted Jing Zhi to run the killer organization for a long time.

Jingzhi is very suitable here, but not suitable to return to a city to run the family's industries, and even less suitable for socializing and drinking with the people in the shopping malls and officialdom.

The three go to the hotel where Shu Yin and Peter are. In the room, Shuyin not only prepares all kinds of food and fruit for Jingrui, but also specially buys him new clothes, puts the bath water, and even prepares the wound medicine and bandages.

Shu Yin, Peter and Jing Zhi live separately. Shu Yin only lives in a standard room. After Jing Rui comes to the hotel, all five people are crowded into her room.

She and Xiaolu are OK. They are all girls' bodies. However, all the three men in Jingrui are tall. The spacious room has suddenly become crowded.

As soon as Jing Zhi's eyes turned, he took Peter and the fawn to go out. As he walked, he yelled: "that Peter, I seem to be a little sick, would you like to check it for me? "

Peter has been getting along with Jing Zhi for eight years. With a look on his face, he knows the ghost idea in his heart.

He looked at Jingrui and Shuyin doubtfully, followed Jingzhi out quietly: "is it? I should show you, but This is

"Oh, this This My sister

"As far as I know, you seem to be an only child and have no sister!"

"That younger female cousin! Can't my cousin

"I know more about your family than you do. You don't have an uncle or an aunt. Where do you get your cousin?"


Jingrui and fawn are speechless looking at Jingzhi, who calls his mother his sister! This generation difference is big!

The fawn looked at Peter and said, "Peter, is he? Hello, thank you for taking care of ah Chi. I'm his mother. "



This little baby girl with ponytail?

How old is she this year?

Sixteen? Or eighteen?

Shuyin's water cup "pa" suddenly fell to the floor, splashing her all over the water.

Peter's eyes are about to pop out!

But he looked at fawn's serious appearance, and then looked at Jing Zhi's embarrassed face. This was obviously not a joke!

However, both Peter and Shu Yin quickly accepted the fact after a brief shock.

They believe that the fawn is indeed Jingzhi's mother, because they both know that the fawn carries a strong virus, which can keep a person's appearance unchanged.

The virus in Jingzhi's body is inherited from his mother, otherwise he would not be captured by the Research Institute for research.

And they both know that Jing Zhi's mother is the world's number one killer, code named Angel.

Jing Zhi sees that Peter and Shuyin accept the fact that his mother is younger than him so quickly. The whole person is not good!

He hasn't accepted it up to now. Why do they look so natural!

"Hello, it's my duty to take care of Jingzhi. My boss has also given me enough reward. You don't have to thank you!"Peter, with a decent smile on his face, spoke to the deer in a respectful tone. He opened the door and the gentleman made a gesture of invitation.

Fawn didn't think there was anything wrong with it. She lifted her feet and walked out first.

Peter waited for the fawn to go out of the room after her.

Jingzhi looks silly. He doesn't believe that Peter, who has always been high and does not give him a good face, suddenly looks like a changed man. He is respectful and gentlemanly to the deer!

He walked out of the room mechanically, even forgetting to close the door.

Shu Yin shook her head helplessly and got up to close the door.

She knew why Peter suddenly changed his attitude. It was a kind of respect and A trace of fear.

The most powerful killer in the world, he started to kill people when he was a teenager. So far, he has more than 30 years' experience in killing people. He can really end other people's lives without a sound!

Shu Yin just sighed about Xiaolu's identity. When she regained her consciousness, she felt that she and Jingrui were alone in a room. It seemed a little It's not appropriate.

Anyway, it's not the first time to get along with each other alone. I can't think so much.

"Why are you still standing? Sit down and I'll see where you got hurt? "

Jingrui didn't move, still standing straight. His face was a little pale, and his voice was a little cold: "did you call Jingzhi to North America?"

The tone of questioning, the indifferent attitude, the merciless eyes, in an instant, irritated the original love of his Shu Yin.

She has never heard from him. She has been worried for so long. When he comes back to see her, is that the attitude?

She only knows Jing Zhi and Peter. Who can she tell if she doesn't tell them?

Can she ask for help when he's dead?

Shuyin takes a deep breath and suppresses his impulse to hit people. He tidies up his things and tells himself: you can't do it, you can't fight him!

After packing up her clothes, she took off the disposable slippers of the hotel, put on her own shoes, and opened the door to go out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!