Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 990

Zheng yuluo pretended to be inadvertently slightly drooping her eyes. With only one eye, she saw the change of some place in Liao Wei!

Her face changed slightly, and her heart leaped wildly!

How could it be!

How can Jing Rui, who is high in her heart, be so unbearable!

She believes that with Jing Rui's ability, she and Jing Zhi's affairs, he has already been clear!

She is already Jing Zhi's woman. How can Jing Rui, who is a brother, have evil thoughts on her!

Zheng yuluo's first reaction is: this person is not Jing Rui!

Because this with her in memory, that sends out from the bone is not close to the breath of Jing Rui is not a person at all!

In recent years, Zheng yuluo has seen Jing Rui a few times.

First of all, she consciously hurt Jing Zhi and has no face to see Jing Rui again.

Second, Jing Rui is ruthless and ruthless. He never cheats on others, and even refuses to say a word to others. Of course, Zheng yuluo will not go to hot face and stick cold buttocks.

Therefore, she can not judge why Jing Rui has become like this.

However, the person in front of me is not Jing Rui, and who is it?

Last year, she went to the hospital with her sister to see him. It's this face. That's right!

However, there was something wrong at that time, but she didn't pay attention to it.

Whether the person in front of him is Jing Rui or not, Zheng yuluo has raised a strong defense in his heart.

Being bullied by Jingzhi, she has nothing to say, but if others want to touch her, she would rather die at once.

She had been sleeping well at home, but in a flash she was taken to the helicopter without even saying hello.

Although this is very much like the overbearing things that Jing Rui can do, why does she always feel that something is wrong?

"Jingrui, can I call my parents? I'll be worried if they can't find me. I want to give them peace. "

She wants to take this as a test to see if Jing Rui will let her talk to her parents.

Liao Wei took a look at her. Her eyes filled with tears were quite distressing.

Beauty is a beauty, even if you don't use powder and Dai, plain and simple clothes, it's still beautiful and thrilling!

If she was stripped and pressed under the body, listening to her tender voice begging for mercy, the taste would be very wonderful!

Liao Wei took a big gulp of saliva and said calmly: "I have told your parents to take you to North America. You don't have to worry. If you want to land later, you can call. "

Sounds like a perfect match!

Zheng yuluo's face turned white, and even his fingertips were shaking slightly.

This is not Jing Rui!

Jing Rui always cherishes words like gold. It is absolutely impossible for him to say so much to her!

She asked her parents to call her parents. According to Jing Rui's character, he would not even give her a word!

She saw Liao Wei's swallowing movements clearly. Her heart was cold!

Fortunately, the person in front of her is still in disguise and has no intention to move her.

Zheng yuluo comforts himself, must keep calm, can't show a little suspicious look!

She didn't dare to talk to Liao Wei at will. She pretended to be helpless and huddled on the cot, but her brain kept thinking about the countermeasures.


The darkness faded, and the light of morning hung over the killer base.

Jingzhi tall figure, from inside slowly out, his back, carrying an equally tall person.

"Brother, what do you want to eat? I'll call Shu Yin and ask her to do it for you!"

Jing Rui lies on his shoulder, but his face is a little ugly: "let me down, I can walk by myself!"

Jingzhi grinned, but his hands tightened Jingrui's legs: "that's no good. You're injured, and you've been hungry for so many days, and you don't have much strength. How good I am to carry you on my back!"

Jingrui is still injured at the last moment. It's not his legs but his arms that hurt him. So walking is not in the way!

However, Jingzhi can't help but recite what he said directly. His strength is not the same level as Jingzhi, and he can't even struggle!

"You don't have to carry it. I can go if I'm hungry for a few days! If you don't let go, I'll be angry! "

Jing Rui feels that his elder brother's face is gone, and he is carried by his younger brother. He is not very awkward.

But Jing Zhi is much thicker than Jing Rui. He feels it's very good to carry his brother. He feels that he is finally useful instead of dragging his brother down.

"Brother, I just helped you to take Andrew that old bastard, you don't let me carry you on my back? You escaped from the fire on my back last time. I came out from the killer base with you on my back. It's nothing! If only I had a little fire now, and I could be more valuable! "

Jingrui is about to be angry with him!

He is not dangerous enough. What more fire!

Andrew almost detonated the whole base just now. If he hadn't been injured and had to take off his arm, the base would have been destroyed!"Brother, don't move. I'm your brother. What's wrong with you? I like to carry you, you are not heavy at all! I'll just recite it this time, OK? "

Jingzhi's tone was a little imploring. He knew that his brother was always strong. It was probably the first time that he was carried by others.

Jing Rui can't stand his brother's pleading tone. He is obviously taller than him. He is an adult, but sometimes he talks like an ignorant child.

He always remembered that when they were young, Jingzhi followed him foolishly and called his brother.

In the eyes of such a genius with high intelligence quotient, his younger brother is no different from a fool. Now that he has grown up, his IQ is still not growing.

He is a little soft hearted, from the nose in the light of "um" a, is agreed.

Hearing his promise, Jingzhi is so happy that he jumps up with Jingrui on his back. Jingrui is scared!

He shook his head helplessly. Jing Zhi is 18 years old, but still like a child!

Jingzhi was very happy and ran quickly with his brother on his back: "brother, why don't you kill that asshole Andrew? Isn't it a disaster to keep him

Jingrui light way: "he must die, but not now. If you want revenge, you can make him suffer more, but don't let him die. "

Andrew's role is huge, but he didn't explain to Jing Zhi. Jing Zhi doesn't need to know too much. He controls everything.

Jingzhi obeyed, but he didn't ask the reason. Anyway, his brother was so clever that he didn't have to worry about it.

Two people go out not far, a figure quickly close to them.

The speed of the other party is extremely fast, and Jingzhi is on guard immediately.

Jing Rui gently patted Jing Zhi on the shoulder: "our people, let me down."

Jingzhi reluctantly puts Jingrui down. After a moment, the visitors have come to them.

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