Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 989

The shock on Jing Rui's face is no less than that of Andrew. Even when Andrew brought people to trap him here, he was not so surprised!

"Who sent you here?"

Jing Rui's face is a little cold, even his voice is cold. He doesn't have any joy to see his brother.

Jingzhi is very happy, brother is OK, this is great!

"No one asked me to come, I just don't trust you, so come and have a look! In case you are bullied by this old man, he implanted two chips into me at the beginning, which made me almost deaf. Brother, you should be careful

Jing Rui will not believe Jing Zhi's words. The people who know that he is trapped here are no one else except his several subordinates and fawn.

In addition, it should be Shu Yin who knows what happened to him.

There is no doubt that Jing Zhi got the news from Shu Yin, because Xiaolu can't tell Jing Zhi such a thing. As a mother, she wishes her son doesn't know anything and is at ease in a city.

It's just that this is not the time to pursue.

Although Jing zhilai is reckless, he is more than enough to protect himself with his strength.

Now, he is no longer the child who needs to be protected everywhere. His plump wings and rich experience against the enemy can be his most powerful help!

In a twinkling of an eye, Jing Rui recovers from the shock of seeing his younger brother. The coldness on his face also subsides slightly. He says, "don't worry. Your revenge will soon be avenged."

Seeing that his brother didn't blame him for taking the risk, Jingzhi didn't know how happy he was!

This proves that the elder brother trusts him, not only the people who trust him, but also his strength!

There is nothing more gratifying than to be respected by the people you most respect.

He went to Jing Rui and stood side by side with him. He said in a high spirited way: "brother, we are invincible together!"

Jing Rui is speechless about his brother's arrogance. However, seeing his childish face full of fearlessness and wanton, he feels warm and incomparable.

He is also human, flesh and blood, not made of steel.

He was very pleased that there was a brother willing to take the risk to save his brother.

Assassin's base has been fully closed by Andrew, and it's going to take countless attempts to find loopholes in the system.

I don't know how long it took Jing Zhi to get in. It's hard for him.

Jing Rui has a deep love for brothers, but Andrew is very angry!

These two brothers have a virtue. They are all arrogant. They don't pay attention to him at all. If they open their mouths and shut up, they will let him die. He won't believe it. Today, they can't solve the two young boys who are still in their infancy!

Andrew always wanted to catch Jing Rui first and subdue him, but his people could not rely on Jing Rui's clothes.

Of course, Jing Rui has the same plan. Andrew can't kill him for the moment, otherwise his followers will easily kill him, and if he detonates the whole base before he dies, it will be bad.

He wanted Andrew alive.

At first, they were evenly matched on both sides, but now Jingzhi came and the balance was suddenly broken.

Jing Rui is the person who knows Jingzhi's strength most. His code name "magic charm" is not a white cry. He can really become a shadow if he is fast. It is the most efficient way for him to catch Andrew.

However, both sides are fighting fiercely and bullets are flying around. He is worried that Jing Zhi will be injured, so he hesitates for a moment.

"Brother, let me go. Only I can catch him!"


Zheng Yu fell in the hazy, felt as if he was floating on the clouds. She opened her eyes and saw a familiar face.

She was extremely surprised: "Jingrui? How do you Where am I? "

Liao Wei looked at her faintly and imitated Jing Rui's indifferent and cold language way: "you are on my helicopter."

Zheng yuluo was more surprised: "where are you going to take me?"

Since childhood, Jingrui has been very indifferent to her and her sister Zheng Yuwei. When she was a child, she was not sensible. The more indifferent Jingrui is to her, the more unconvinced she is, and tries to gather together in front of him.

But when she grows up, she never wants to go to Jingrui again.

She knows for sure that they and Jing Rui are not people of the same world at all. No matter what they do, they can't be integrated into his life.

She used to be just a little girl's blind worship of the strongest.

Now, she still has great admiration for Jing Rui, but she doesn't want to contact him.

I don't know why. Maybe it's the instinct of a girl. She doesn't think Jing Rui is a good man.

He looked very cold, but she looked at her as if she were looking at a plate of snacks, which always made her feel creepy.

Such eyes, Zheng yuluo has seen many.

She knew that she was beautiful, and the man's eyes fell on her, which could not be more normal.However, in her heart, anyone can look at her with that kind of vision, but Jing Rui can't.

He used to be superior and despised everything. He should even despise her, who has harmed Jingzhi. How could he treat her Desire!

Liao Wei doesn't know Zheng yuluo's defense against himself. He thinks that no one can rival him in playing Jingrui. Even if Jingrui himself comes, I'm afraid others can't tell the truth from the false.

His face was extremely cold, and his words were also cold: "Jingzhi went to North America and was taken away by those people. I think you are the best person to save him. "

Zheng yuluo was shocked, even his brain was buzzing: "you I beg your pardon? It's impossible! "

She thought that Jing Zhi had left her. She didn't expect that he would be captured by those people again!

She was flustered and distressed. She wanted to fly to Jingzhi's side immediately.

After a while, her blank brain began to work: "you say I can save him? How to save it? "

Liao Wei looks at the body concave and convex, the face son beautiful Zheng Yu falls, in the heart that evil fire "rub" suddenly came up!

He is a 23-year-old normal man, but he has been unable to touch women, he has been suffocating to death!

In front of him, a delicate and pitiful creature, with a national and natural beauty, awoke from somewhere in his body.

He swept Zheng yuluo's whole body up and down with obscure eyes, maintaining the surface of cold: "I said you can save you can save, how, you are not willing to save him?"

Zheng yuluo was uncomfortable all over his body. His delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, but he still quickly said, "no, I'd like to!".

She is no longer a little girl without any human resources. A few days ago, she was entangled with Jing Zhi every night. She was very sensitive to some reactions of men. , the fastest update of the webnovel!