Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 986

Yew turned his head and looked at the handsome face which was very similar to Jing Rui. He said coldly, "how, now do you know that you are afraid?"

At the beginning of meeting her, Liao Wei tried to conquer her by his face! You want to do something to her!

Have a good face, no brain!

Liao Wei didn't want to admit his inner fear and said, "no, you are beautiful. All men like you. She is smart, beautiful and has a good temperament."

However, yew is not the kind of girl who is complacent after being praised. She is very independent and doesn't like to be flattered.

What's more, she just failed in Jingrui. Even if men all over the world like her and Jingrui doesn't like her, she is not reconciled!

Only a good man like Jingrui is qualified to pursue her. What is Liao Wei!

However, Liao Wei's leather bag is really good. More than one face is extremely handsome, and his figure is also very good. He is tall and straight. Because he has been exercising all year round, he has no fat on his body. His legs are long and straight, and his waist and abdomen are strong and strong. He has a standard male model figure.

Yew wanted to punish him, but he was not willing to damage his face and body.

Who makes him look like Jing Rui?

Even if he is plastic surgery, it is also very exciting!

His temperament was taught by jingyichen at a high price. Although he didn't have the king's manner of Jing Rui, he also had some noble childe's appearance. Especially when he was cold and did not speak, he could take the false for the real.

Yew stares at Liao Wei for a long time, until she numbs Liao Wei's scalp. She says, "I have a way to let you go back to the king's house to be a young master and heir. Do you want to go back to your aristocratic life?"

Liao Wei's eyes suddenly brightened: "think about it!"

But Liao Wei is not stupid. He doesn't have the ability of Jing Rui, but he has his own strength. He knows that yew can't help him for no reason.

"What do you want? I should not be able to give you what you want. "

Yew's cool hand glided over Liao Wei's face and giggled: "of course, I want it, you can't afford it! As long as you cooperate well with me, you will naturally give you what you want, and I will take what I want myself! "

She had a beautiful appearance, now a smile, is as beautiful as flowers charming, eyes are a kind of alluring charm, let people want to die in her arms.

Liao Wei looked at her face with a restless heart. His eyes could not help but go down. Then he fixed his eyes on her plump chest, and raised his hands to hold the tender hand on his face.

However, before he met yew, he was kicked by yew.

Liao Wei screamed and drew an arc in the air, and then fell into the sea with a "bang".

It will be ten minutes before he struggles to climb ashore.

He spat out a big mouthful of blood in his mouth. His face was pale, but his eyes showed a fierce and vicious look. He scolded yew a thousand times in his heart.

Dammit! He always punches and kicks at him. He doesn't leave his hands every time. His body surface is not injured, but his internal injuries are constant!

No wonder Jing Rui doesn't like her!

Hum, do you think he doesn't know what she thinks about Jingrui? When I was young, I began to think about men, and it's not necessarily a thing in the future!

One day, he will let her cry under him for mercy!

However, Liao Weidao's face was full of fear.

At present, he can't turn his back. He has to use yew to seize the wealth of Jing family. By the way Kill Jing Rui!

He can't kill Jing Rui, but yew can!

But first of all, he has to leave this place! There is no signal, he can not contact the outside world, can only be bullied by yew!


Shuyin has been waiting in the hotel for three days, and her illness has been completely cured, and there is no figure of Jing Rui.

After working with Jing Rui for two years, Shu Yin knows his style too well. If there is no reason, he will not even give her a message.

Even if you can't come to her in person and arrange her to go to city a, you should tell others to do it.

Is something wrong?

Shuyin suddenly worried, she did not know to stay here to wait for him, or according to his previous instructions back to a city.

She wants to ask the people who protect her, but she feels that there is no need to ask. If Jing Rui has any other instructions, they must have come to tell her on their own initiative. Now that they have done nothing, it means that they have no news of Jing Rui.

Another day later, Shu Yin was so anxious that she had to contact Jing Zhi and Peter.

Jing Zhi and Peter haven't heard from Jing Rui for several days in a row, but this is normal for them, because Jing Rui will send them messages only when there is something important.

Jing Zhi is very suspicious of Shu Yin's judgment. In his eyes, Shu Yin is at most a female doctor. Her ability is only reflected in the study of viruses and the treatment of minor injuries and minor diseases.Her brother's affairs are confidential and complicated, which can't be understood by girls like her.

He asked Peter to discuss: "Shuyin is too fussy? It's normal for my brother not to contact me for a month. If she doesn't go to Shu Yin these days, she thinks something has happened to my brother? "

Peter looked dignified: "no, I believe in Shu Yin's judgment!"

Unlike Jing Zhi, Peter watched Shu Yin struggle to survive in the virus research institute.

In that kind of place, can protect oneself well, does not degenerate into a virus experiment article, needs not only the luck, more importantly is the brain and the mind!

The virus research institute will conduct IQ test for every new child. Shuyin's IQ is more than 140, which is the highest among the people that the Institute has absorbed in the past ten years!

However, Shu Yin usually deliberately low-key, never exposed their own strength, so no one pays too much attention to her, only treat her as an ordinary child.

After listening to Shu Yin's description and judgment of the whole incident, his ideas are the same as Shu Yin's. Jing Rui must be entangled in something, and it must be a thorny matter.

"Boss has a problem. I want to go to North America to help him. If he has nothing to do, it's better. However, if I have something to do, if I wait in city a, I'm too incompetent!"

Peter only thought for a moment and then made a decision. After a long time with Jing Rui, he was determined to do things.

"There are many forces in North America. I think it can help boss! I'll leave now, and you'll wait in city A. I'll let you know as soon as I hear. "

Peter gets up and goes out.

Jingzhi suddenly got up and said firmly, "take me and I will go too!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!