Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 987

Zheng yuluo is used to being carried away every night, and then goes home the next morning.

But this night, she waited left and right, until the morning did not see the tall figure.

She thought that if Jing Zhi didn't come, she would not be bullied by him. She would feel relaxed and happy.

However, she did not have that kind of happy feeling, on the contrary, she also felt lost!

My sister went to the military academy the next day after the Chinese New Year. She was left alone at home, and there was no place for her to confide.

She felt that she was crazy. She was bullied by Jingzhi. She didn't see him for one night. She was out of her mind.

After a day, Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun discovered her daughter's abnormality.

However, no matter how she asked, she said that she was ok, and the couple had no way out. Since Jingzhi disappeared, her daughter has often been like this, and they have not paid much attention to it.

Zheng yuluo didn't sleep last night. He had a sleep during the day. At night, everyone was awake.

She began to wait from the evening, until the early morning, but still did not see Jingzhi.

Her heart was empty and miserable.

Is it really like Jingzhi himself said that he was just playing, and when she was tired of playing, he would change someone else?

Does he still hate her?

Otherwise, he didn't leave her all of a sudden. A few days ago, he didn't leave her. Even on the night of the Chinese new year, he still took her back to the hotel and tossed about all night. She couldn't get out of bed the next day.

She can't guess Jing Zhi's mind. She knows too little about men!

He would buy her ointment, underwear, and even a dozen pairs of shoes the other day, so that she would not have to wear disposable slippers when she left the hotel in the morning.

But, up to now, he has never kiss her!

Every time to bed, he is straight to the theme, she begged for mercy is useless, he will toss her to death will let her go.

Other people Zheng yuluo is not clear, at least she understands the love of her parents.

Until now, my father still dotes on his mother. Every morning when he goes to work, he will give his mother a kiss and say with a gentle smile: I went to work, and I will wait for me to go home in the evening.

Perhaps, she gave her own psychological hints too much!

Jingzhi has never shown any special to her. He does the most intimate thing with her, just revenge her, right?

Zheng Yu fell in a corner of the heart was quietly torn a hole, bleeding, pain she wanted to shed tears.

She stayed up all night. The next morning, she said hello to her parents and took a taxi to the hotel.

No matter what, she can't put Jing Zhi in her heart.

She is willing to give everything, as long as he does not regenerate her gas, as long as he can be safe.

Zheng yuluo quietly guarded the hotel door, from morning to noon, from noon to sunset, and from sunset to midnight.

She didn't even see the shadow of Jing Zhi!

Zheng yuluo hesitated for a moment and went into the hotel to ask the waiter.

Zheng yuluo is a frequent guest of the hotel recently. She is carried back by Jing Zhi every night and leaves in the morning. The hotel attendants have known her for a long time.

Hearing her inquiring about Jingzhi, the waiter tried to hold back and didn't show any difference: "Mr. Li left at noon the day before yesterday, and hasn't come back."

When Jing Rui book a hotel for Jingzhi, he uses a fake identity information. The surname "Jing" is too harsh in city A. he casually gives Jingzhi the least impressive name, so the waiter will call Jingzhi "Mr. Li".

Hearing the waiter's words, Zheng yuluo was stunned: "left?"

"Yes, this lady, Mr. Li, he Didn't I tell you? "

The waiter was a little bit contemptuous of Zheng yuluo. She thought she was the kind of person who came out to sell. She slept with her every night. As a result, she was dumped and came to her door.

If it wasn't for her beautiful appearance, and her temperament was also very good, and she was not as heavily dressed as those women, the waiters were not willing to say a word to her.

Zheng yuluo was immediately asked by the waiter!

Her little white face turned red and she shook her head awkwardly: "he He didn't tell me

So many times, she has no language communication with her!

No matter what he has, he will not tell her. Now when asked by the waiter, this question seems more obvious.

At least the waiters knew that he had been away for three days, but she knew nothing about it!

She seems to be of no importance to him at all. All her worries and worries are just a joke!

Zheng yuluo no longer had the face to stay, turned and fled.

When she came back home, the tears in her eyes suddenly fell.

Is she going to lose his news again?

She is nothing in his eyes!How could she be so stupid that she thought that she could change their relationship by doing the most intimate thing with him!

Between him and her, never changed!


In a luxury hotel in North America, Jingzhi stands in front of the window, silently listening to Peter and Shu Yin's analysis of the situation behind him.

He didn't understand any of those messy power struggles and intrigues.

All he knew was that his brother was in a critical period, and the killer organization was a huge killing machine, which might be his brother's in the future!

As for Zheng yuluo, he has no time to think about it.

In his heart, a hundred Zheng yuluo couldn't compare with his brother's hair.

He spread out his hands and looked at the two pale blue handwriting in his palms. His eyes were slightly wet.

After returning to city a, he had already understood all the things that happened at that time.

Ten year old, after his disappearance, although the Jing family asked for him from two major organizations, neither the research institute nor the killer organization admitted to taking him away.

His hiding place became a mystery.

His 12-year-old brother gave up his excellent life and even ignored the inheritance rights of the Jing family. In order to find him, he directly entered the killer organization.

Since then, he has been protected for seven years.

Every time the crisis, his brother is helping him to resolve.

In the Research Institute, every bit of care comes from my brother.

Peter and Shuyin are only two close to take care of him. There are many people who are hiding in the dark to protect his safety and ensure his health.

He has studied in the killer organization for a long time. His physical fitness is so excellent and his conditions are not for his enjoyment.

His brother used to protect him. Now, he has the ability to protect his brother!

Jingzhi suddenly turned his head and said to Peter, "you can find a way to send me to the killer base. I'm going to see my brother! I'll take him out of there

Peter was stunned, then quickly refused: "no, you can't go!"

Shu Yin also said: "Jingzhi, it's too dangerous there. Peter recently got the news that the killer base is in a mess. None of the people who enter the base can get out. You should know the structure of the base best. Breaking through the encirclement will only cause the base to explode!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!