Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 985

Andrew's face turned white, but after years, he soon calmed himself down.

He looked calm, and his chubby face was calm: "I don't know what you're talking about, but I know you can't get out of here today anyway!"

"Oh? Don't you know cherry? But I did a genetic test for you and cherry, and your genetic similarity is 99%. Isn't she your daughter? "

"I don't know cherry!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't know cherry. It's enough to know yew and Shucheng mountain! Yew has disappeared so quickly. Without your protection, she would have died in my hands now! I'm just a little higher than her. She wants my life! You have found such a helper as shuchengshan for your daughter. Unfortunately, you overestimate him! You want to kill me? Your father and daughter should go back to practice for another hundred years

Andrew looked up at Jing Rui, only felt that the people in front of him were like monsters!

Yew is his daughter's business, only he knows, the other high-level killer organization no one knows the real identity of yew!

Since yew came to the killer organization, she has been training hard. She has never shown her delicate temper and seldom contacts with the outside world. She hides herself very well.

How did Ruijing come out!

Killers usually rarely marry and have children, so they can inspire a killer's ferocity.

Andrew was the exception.

When he was young, he wanted to control the whole killer organization, to be the leader, and to let his descendants control this huge killing machine and profit-making machine!

He gave birth to a son and a daughter. Unfortunately, when his son was 12 years old, he was chased by his enemies and lost his life. However, his daughter survived in the pursuit. He could only cultivate her with all his strength.

He deliberately hide the identity of his daughter, never know his relationship with yew, did not expect the secret or not to keep!

However, Andrew has been in business for so many years. Although the secret has been broken, he still has a way to deal with it.

"I heard that Shucheng mountain also has a daughter. Do you know that girl? It's said that they are beautiful and charming

Jing Rui has no accident. Since Andrew dares to hire Shucheng mountain, he must have investigated it for a long time.

He glanced at Andrew's round body and said, "how, after using Shucheng mountain, do you want to use his daughter again?"

Andrew suddenly showed a smile and waved his hand: "Oh, no, no, no, I don't need to use her. I just need to tell her the cause of her father's death and let her know the truth. That's enough!"

He wants to see the change of Jingrui's look, but no matter what he thinks, Jingrui is still cold and heartless, and he doesn't look like he has worries at all!

Is yew wrong?

Jing Rui doesn't have any love for Shu Yin at all?

But yew also told him yesterday that Jing Rui attached great importance to Shu Yin, which was far beyond the limits of ordinary friends.

Andrew believed in her daughter's judgment. Although she was young, her daughter was excellent in all aspects, and she could not even get it wrong.

"If Shu Yin knew that she had been with her father's enemies and was grateful to them, would she become crazy?"

Andrew only knows that shuchengshan died in Jing Rui's hands, but he doesn't know how.

What's more, he didn't know that shuchengshan deliberately chose suicide in order not to let his daughter hate Jingrui, but also to let Jingrui protect his daughter for life.

Jing Rui's look has not changed at all. Since the day he decided to kill Shucheng mountain, he has considered the worst result.

It's just that Shu Yin wants revenge. It's just that there's no Shu Yin in the world!

"If you don't use Shucheng mountain, he doesn't have to come to me to die. Shu Yin won't be grateful to me, will he be grateful to you? What's more, she will never know this fact, and none of them can say it! "

After hearing this, Andrew burst into laughter. His eyes flashed and he said in a cold voice, "yew, you're right! You have a crush on the daughter of Shucheng mountain

Do you like Shu yin?

Jing Rui flashed Shu Yin's beautiful face in his mind, but he shook his head gently.

It seems that he doesn't care much about him. In his life, the most important women are still his mother and sister.

Shuyin just happened to make him feel comfortable.

He was willing to take care of Shu Yin just because of a promise.

However, there is no need for him to explain to Andrew that today's war is just the beginning of the battle!

The killer base is completely closed by Andrew. Jing Rui can't go out. Andrew can't go out.

As for Jing Rui, it has only advantages and no disadvantages. The longer Andrew stays in it, the more likely fawn will win.……

Yew is on holiday in a beautiful island. She has long hair and a long silk skirt. Standing under a coconut tree, she looks at the blue sea water and seagulls flying around. But her mood is not good.

She knows that her father and Jing Rui have entered a stage of fierce confrontation.

I hate that she can't help!

She has been lurking in the killer organization for so long, learning everything and climbing up. In the end, she has to hide her name on the island which is not marked on the base map!

She used to be a world celebrity! When I was young, I was a young lady who I could look up to. I lived in rich clothes and rich food. I lived in countless pursuits!


She was hunted again!

The man who killed her is the man she once thought of, Jingrui!

It's really cruel and incomparable. For the sake of a Shuyin, I'll kill her completely!

What's good about that woman!

Yew slightly bowed his head, looking at the sea reflected his real beautiful appearance, can not help sneering.

She is the most beautiful woman in the world. What kind of thing is Shuyin! But she is the daughter of a coward who loves money like life and can ignore everything!

Her father is the highest authority of the famous killer organization!

Marry her, you can have everything!

Jing Rui is the man she finally fell in love with!

Shu Yin can't marry Jing Rui. There is a deep blood feud between them. She doesn't believe that Shuyin will not revenge after knowing the truth!

Yew's eyes are full of ruthlessness. Liao Wei, who is not far away from her, is shivering!

At first, seeing Yew's beautiful face, Liao Wei immediately fell in love with her. He felt that there was no more beautiful woman than yew!

However, contact for a long time, he found that this woman is definitely a most poisonous beauty snake! , the fastest update of the webnovel!