Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 984

Andrew comes to the killer base by helicopter and talks with Jing Rui in person.

He doesn't know that the real leader behind the power struggle launched by fawn is Jing Rui, but he still attaches great importance to Jing Rui.

The successor of the king family has been lurking in the killer organization for so many years, which makes Andrew uneasy!

No wonder Jing Zhi died so strangely. No wonder Virus Research Institute was destroyed so quickly!

Andrew is angry and shocked. He thinks of his predecessor, Edward, the top authority of the killer organization. He once said that all the famous families who have been able to stand for 100 years in the world have their own details and abilities. They must not move until they have to.

Edward and Jing Zhongxiu of the Jing family are old friends. In the past, the killer organization never took on the task of Jing family.

Not only that, the killer organization also opened a special case, allowing fawn to leave the organization and follow Jing's family.

Of course, the killer organization has also obtained a large amount of financial support from Jing family. Both sides are mutually beneficial and keep a balance.

After Andrew killed Edward and seized the power of the killer organization, he immediately broke the balance.

He is ambitious. Although he is afraid of the Jing family, he always feels that his strength is enough to deal with the Jing family.

As a matter of fact, over the years, since he and north jointly captured Jing Zhi, the Jing family has organized a series of attacks on the killers.

Because of this, many powerful families in the world do not give killers face. If you can catch Jing family's people to be killers today, will it be time to catch our family's people tomorrow? How arrogant!

For a time, the funds of killer organizations have been greatly reduced. If the research institute had not provided a large amount of working capital, I would have no money to train new killers.

Now, Jing Rui is the first of the new killers. Andrew is flustered.

He wants to kill Jing Rui, but he doesn't dare to do so.

Marry into Jing Rui and die in his hand, he will be more miserable than Jing Rui!

Not to mention anything else, the world's number one fawn will never let him go!

Andrew has a strong intuition that his control of the killer organization is coming to an end soon.

If he can kill Edward and seize power, fawn can kill him and seize power!

Jing Rui took off his mask and looked at Andrew walking into his room indifferently. He said faintly, "Mr. Andrew, nice to meet you."

He said "very happy", but he didn't even have a happy look on his face. His whole body exuded a kind of cold air, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Andrew was also the number one killer at the time, with outstanding abilities in all aspects.

However, after all these years, he not only gained weight, but also lost the sharpness of his youth.

However, he still looks calm, has seen too many life and death and big scenes, his psychological quality is naturally excellent.

"Nice to meet you, too! Killer organization crouching tiger, hidden dragon, fortunately yew found the real body of the dragon, otherwise I would still be in the dark. "

"It seems that you two have a good relationship. She will tell you any secrets, and you will never forget her in any way."

"Anyone who is loyal to me will get what I deserve. I just do what I have to do. I don't know what is the intention of Mr. Jing lurking in the killer organization? Does the king family want to interfere in the internal affairs of an independent force like ours? "

"My own behavior does not represent the Jing family. I'm here just to save my poor brother, who has been tortured like that by your joint efforts. I'm afraid it's not too much for me to get back some interest. "

Andrew looked cold: "what interest?"

Seeing his face turn cold, Jingrui can't help but say: "of course, it's the life of North, and Your life

Andrew sneered: "you think I'm a North idiot?! Kill me? The chip is still buried behind your ear. I only need a command, and I can make you disappear

"Oh, I'm really scared."

Jingrui said and opened his hand: "you mean it? I wonder if your life will be as fragile as North if it explodes now

Andrew was so shocked that his fingers trembled: "chip?! How did you get it out! "

It's impossible! How can Jing Rui take out the chip without disturbing him!

Suddenly he realized a possibility and said, "you cracked my chip!"

Jing Rui nodded faintly: "sorry, your chip has not been updated for three years in a row. There is no difficulty in cracking it."

Andrew turned pale!

He controls thousands of killers, one of the most effective means is high-tech chip!

Of course, he also wants to upgrade, but the development of new chips not only requires a lot of high-level scientific and technological personnel, but also needs to spend hundreds of millions of money. He can not afford so much money.

Now, the chip is cracked, and he's broken an arm!However, he has other ways to control the killer. Many killers are willing to follow him. He still has the confidence.

"It doesn't matter if the chip is useless, as long as people are useful! There are all my people in the killer base. You can never escape! Here, it will be your grave

Andrew now wants to kill Jing Rui immediately, but he doesn't dare to act rashly. He doesn't know what cards Jing Rui has.

If there is no card, he can not dare to face him alone.

Jing Rui looked at him and said without expression: "why do I want to escape? You should be the one to run for your life, right? "

Andrew was surprised: "what do you mean?"

"It means Killer base now has a new owner

"Change the master?! Who dares to change without my command! I am the master here! Whoever I ask to inherit will inherit! You are a new assassin, you are not qualified to take charge of the whole base! "

"I am not qualified. Who is qualified?"

Jing Rui stares at Andrew coldly and spits out two words: "yew?"

Andrew's pupils shrank and immediately denied, "it's not her."

"Oh, really? Not even your own daughter? "

"What are you talking about?"

Andrew's biggest secret is stabbed by Jing Rui, and his face is extremely ugly!

"I said, your daughter, yew!"

Jing Rui repeated it lightly.

"She's been checking my identity all the time, and I'm certainly not idle. She is so active in seeking death. I am not sure. She is too embarrassed. Before she finds out my identity, I have already checked her out clearly! "

Jing Rui looks cold. What he says makes Andrew's heart drop like an iceberg!

"Before shuchengshan died, he said that the man who hired him to kill me was cherry! You say, what deep hatred does this cherry have with me? He wants to kill a powerful killer , the fastest update of the webnovel!