Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 983

Jingrui is stunned. How can he sleep and his attitude change so much?

Didn't you refuse to go back before?

Eat soft not eat hard?

He's used to being tough, and he's not really soft on girls.

He wiped off the water on his hands with a towel and said faintly, "OK, I'll arrange it. When you're ready, I'll send you back."

Shu Yin is so ill now that she can't leave immediately. If something goes wrong on the plane, she will be in trouble.

"But you can't drive me away after you send me back."

"I didn't drive you away."

"Then why do you want me to go somewhere else?"

"I thought you would want to go somewhere else."

Shu Yin finally showed a shallow smile: "I don't want to go anywhere!"

Jing Rui has not seen her such a pure smile for a long time. At the moment, his mood suddenly feels relaxed: "OK, then I won't go anywhere."

Shuyin was very happy, turned around and walked briskly.

The breakfast provided in the hotel is very rich. Jingrui and Shuyin are not picky people, and they are hungry all night. They both ate a lot of food.

Especially Shu Yin, she likes to eat French sandwiched bread, and ate several.

Jingrui can't see it. When she reaches for it again, she directly reaches out her hand to cover the bun.

Two people's hands touched together, Shu Yin immediately retracted his hand and looked at him with slight doubt: "what's the matter?"

"You've eaten six already. You can't eat any more."

Shu Yin is quite surprised. She doesn't remember how many she ate!

"It's OK. I can eat one of the buns in two mouthfuls, only six. I haven't had enough yet."

"You also had a glass of milk, a fried egg, a shrimp ball, a fruit salad, a bacon. You are still weak and can't eat any more."

Shu Yin widened his eyes: "did you stare at me all the time just now?"

Otherwise, how could you be so clear about what she ate!

"You don't need to stare, just look at it."

Jing Rui doesn't notice anything wrong. He still looks calm and doesn't slow down his eating speed.

He ate so much and so fragrant, but he didn't let her eat it. Shuyin pathetically said, "can't I have another one? How can you abuse a patient like this? I didn't take care of you the last time you were injured

Jing Rui finally looks up at her.

The girl dare to mention his injury last time!

He was wrapped up like a mummy. He didn't want him to move. His clothes were all cut. After looking at his whole body, he didn't get angry. Now he said "take care of it"?

"Well, it's because you take good care of me, so I'll repay you and take care of you."

He bit the word "take care of" very seriously, and Shuyin immediately recognized the meaning of his words.

She couldn't help feeling guilty. Retribution came so fast!

On the table, she still has her favorite taro pineapple bag. I'm not reconciled!

Never eat with Jingrui again! Too much of it!

However, she can't eat. It's good to watch Jingrui eat it!

Shu Yin holds his chin and stares at Jing Rui for dinner.

However, looking at it, she was fascinated.

He had a mask on his face, and his appearance was very ordinary, but he sat there, and his ordinary appearance and inconspicuous clothes could not cover up his brilliance at all!

His back is straight, the outline of his side face is very good-looking, and his eating action is elegant and noble. He is like a noble childe who enjoys the honor and is not like a killer who runs around all the year round.

His hand with the spoon is so beautiful!

Long fingers, distinct bony joints, looks full of power without losing beauty, like a beautifully carved art! Such hands are suitable for playing the piano, not for killing people.

Jing Rui is extremely sensitive to his eyes. Moreover, he is so close to Shu Yin that he can't even pretend that he doesn't know.

He turned his head and asked faintly, "I look better than your bun?"

Shu Yinshang was immersed in "beauty" and couldn't extricate herself. She nodded subconsciously after hearing the speech: "good looking!"

After answering, seeing the joking look in Jing Rui's eyes, she just reflected what she said.

Her white face suddenly turned red. She got up in a panic and left in a hurry.

However, after two steps, she felt that she was not wrong. What's more, Jing Rui once praised her beauty seriously. She praised him, shouldn't it?

Shu Yin turns his head and sees Jing Rui bow his head to eat again. Suddenly, he summons courage and says, "you are good-looking!"

However, she overestimated her psychological quality. After saying this, her face turned red and her heart beat faster. She did not have the calm and calm manner when Jing Rui said she was beautiful.She turns to leave in a hurry. She doesn't see the smile in Jing Rui's eyes.

Where does she see that he looks good?

Wearing a mask, I can't see anything clearly.

This is the childish spirit that Shu Yin seldom shows. She is cold and rational most of the time, which is not in line with her age.

The naivety she showed inadvertently can reflect the softness of her heart.

She is similar to Shucheng mountain in some places, but there is also a big gap.

Shuchengshan is ruthless and crafty, and never cares about other people's lives. However, Shu Yin is resourceful but never abuses his mind.

Fortunately, otherwise, Shuyin will die till now.

Jingrui shakes his head slightly and continues to eat. His meal is much bigger than Shuyin's, and his body's consumption is also fast, so he needs to replenish enough energy.

After dinner, Jingrui quickly left the hotel and returned to the killer base.

As soon as he returned to the base, he received a message from his men that the tracking signal of yew had disappeared.

Every killer has a chip implanted behind his ear, which can locate and explode. Jingrui was about to find yew according to the tracking signal, but her signal disappeared!

The killer group's signal monitor says it means yew is dead.


Jingrui sneers, it's a coincidence that she's not immune to death!

All chip passwords are in Andrew's hands, in addition to death will make the signal disappear, using the password to chip cracking function, can also make the signal disappear!

Of course, Jingrui's people have already cracked the chip password, but yew is not his person, and he certainly has not given the password.

Give her the code. It's Andrew who makes her disappear!

With yew disappeared, and his double, Liao Wei.

Jing Rui knows that the disappearance of yew and Liao Wei means the complete exposure of his identity. Andrew already knows his real identity, and I'm afraid he also knows who Jingzhi was rescued.

The killer base is completely sealed off by Andrew, and he may not be able to get out for a while. , the fastest update of the webnovel!