Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 982

Jing Rui was held by her, and her hand was a little stunned. Hearing her words, she suddenly froze!

Shu Yin Remember her father!

Didn't Peter say that Shu Yin has no memory of the past?!

Every child who is sent to graduate school has been erased from his memory?

Jing Rui takes a deep breath and forces himself to calm down.

Shu Yin may be just a little bit of memory fragments. Just like Jing Zhi, he wrote down his brother in a special way before recovering his memory. Shu Yin may also be able to remember some information from the past.

Jing Rui soon calms down. It doesn't matter if Shu Yin remembers the past. Even if she learns of the death of Shucheng mountain, it doesn't matter. When it comes to the day when weapons meet, he thinks that he will not be soft hearted.

He tried to take his hand out of Shu Yin's arms, but he was held more tightly by Shu Yin.

"Don't go Dad doesn't want me. Don't leave... "

Jing Rui looks down at the confused girl in silence. Maybe, only when she is so sick can she show her weakness.

She remembers that her father abandoned her, so she will always be independent and strong?

How did shuchengshan send his daughter to the virus research institute? He didn't tell Jing Rui in detail. What Jing Rui found out was relatively rough. He only knew that shuchengshan entrusted Shu Yin to a friend of his research institute, so that his daughter would not die with him.

Jingrui sighs gently in the bottom of his heart. He is undoubtedly happy. At least, his parents will not throw him away to others. He has a complete and happy family.

He let Shu Yin hold his left hand, raised his right hand, touched her hot forehead, and called the private doctor again to ask him to do it again.

Maybe it's because of too much contact with Shuyin. Jingrui finds that even if Shuyin hugs his arm, he doesn't feel repelled.

When he was a child, he was stripped of his clothes by a dirty little beggar, so he didn't like to be touched by others all the time. Although his cleanliness was not as serious as that of his father jingyichen, he kept a distance from others all the time.

In addition to his parents, he did not exclude only Jingzhi and Jingxi, two brothers and sisters who were related by blood.

Shuyin is a special case.

Mr. lemon, Jing Rui's personal doctor, has been taking care of him for seven years. He knows his character well.

Today, he was called to the hotel twice, and both of them were to see a girl. He was very surprised.

He knows Jing Rui as a cold and rational man. He can't say how ruthless he is, but he is definitely not a person with sympathy, let alone a person easily confused by women.

So when he first came, although he was surprised, he didn't ask anything and didn't think about it anywhere else. He thought that this girl was just a valuable person to Jing Rui.

But when he came the second time and saw Jing Rui let the girl hold her arm, the shock on her face could not be concealed.

Since lemon is Jing Rui's doctor, he certainly knows how much he doesn't like to be touched by others. Even if he is injured at ordinary times, he will deal with it by himself. He will not seek him as a doctor unless he has to.

Now that Jing Rui is so close to a beautiful girl, how can lemon not want to be crooked!

Of course, Jing Rui knows what lemon thinks, but he doesn't open his mouth to explain.

Because even he knew that if he didn't want Shu Yin to hold him, he had a thousand ways to get his arm out.

Fortunately, lemon is not a gossipy person. He never asks questions and only does what he should do.

When he left, he took a few drops of medicine, and then he left.

There are only two people left in the room, Jingrui and Shuyin. Jingrui looks at her calming down and gently breathes a sigh of relief.

I thought she was obedient, but it was not a worry.

However, his mood was inexplicably relaxed. Even when he received the bad news from fawn, he didn't get angry.

Shuyin sleeps soundly. When she wakes up to dawn, she opens her eyes and sees that Jingrui is still around her. To her surprise, she seems It seems that Holding Jingrui's arm and sleeping all night!

The most strange thing is that Jing Rui let her hold it like this?!

He didn't sleep?

Isn't your arm numb?

Is Is this a prosthetic?

Or is the sun coming out of the West today?

Shu Yin was staring at the strong arm he was holding. A faint voice came from the top of his head: "do you like to sleep with your arm in your arms? When a pig's hoof is gnawing

Shuyin lengbuding was scared and threw away the arm in a hurry. He said in a hurry: "I don't have any!"

Jing Zhi takes back his numb arm, rolls up his sleeve with another hand gracefully, and hands it to Shuyin's eyes: "see for yourself."Take a look at it! There are several rows of clear tooth marks on it!

This, this, this She did it?!

It's true that she likes to sleep with things in her arms, but she never dreams of gnawing pig's feet!

Shu Yin's face was embarrassed, and her ears were slightly flushed: "that I'm sorry, I may be a little confused, I didn't mean to bite you! Or You bite it back

She said, gritting her teeth and pulling up her sleeve, she stretched out a small arm like white lotus root to Jingrui: "bite it, I don't cry for pain."

Jingrui can't laugh or cry. He doesn't know she has such a childish side!

But, that piece of white and delicate, like the most beautiful lanolin jade, smooth and tender forearm, how does it look a bit attractive?

Jingrui closed his eyes and held her arm down. He said as if nothing happened: "get up and eat. I'll take the medicine for a while. I'll give up the next time I get sick."

His voice is a little bit hoarse, his eyes are full of red blood, some of his eyes are blue, Shuyin can't help but ask him in a low voice: "have you been guarding me all night?"

Jing Rui did watch her all night, because he was worried that she would have a high fever. He had to pay attention to whether her drip had been finished at any time, and he had to deal with the affairs of the killer organization.

He didn't sleep all night.

However, he did not say anything, turned to the bathroom to wash.

Shu Yin lies on the bed, staring at his tall back disappeared in his sight.

No one has been so nice to her since she has memory.

She thought that no one would care about her life and death.

She thought that when she was ill, she could only carry it by herself.

Shu Yin barefoot bed, some of the top heavy out of the room, went to the bathroom.

Jing Rui saw her and frowned slightly: "go back and lie down!"

Shu Yin looked up and looked at him quietly. He said softly, "I'll listen to you. Go back to a city." , the fastest update of the webnovel!