Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 981

Jingrui suddenly thinks of Yew's words yesterday. She thinks that her beauty is better than Shuyin, but Jingrui thinks that Shuyin's appearance is one of the best. Yew's appearance can't surpass her. At most, it's even.

Obviously, she is a weak girl, but she still dares to confront him and refuses to compromise.

This alone will add to her personal charm.

If not for his people have been staring at her, I am afraid that she lived alone in the hotel, died of disease would not be known.

Jingzhi has been away for seven years. At least his family is still thinking about it. Deer and he are secretly protecting him. What about Shuyin?

She was trembling, a person desperately to protect themselves.

After shuchengshan sent her daughter to the Research Institute, there was no way to reach in.

Although shuchengshan is a killer, he is rich, but his network resources are not enough, and he does not have a strong backstage. Therefore, there are more than a dozen national supported virus research institutes behind him, which is no longer what he can fight against.

One of the things he regretted most in his life was to send his daughter to graduate school.

I hope Shuyin will never know about it in his whole life, and it's better not to know how Shucheng mountain died.

As soon as Shu Yin opens her eyes, she sees Jing Rui sitting in front of her. She thinks that she is dazzled or dreaming. She closes her eyes and opens them again.

Jing Rui is still sitting in front of her.

She frowned and looked at Jingrui from head to toe. Then she took a look at the surrounding environment. She was sure that it was in her hotel room. She asked unhappily, "Why are you here? Is it not good to break into a girl's room? "

Fortunately, she did not have the habit of sleeping naked. Otherwise, she would have suffered a lot!

Jing Rui expects that she won't appreciate it again. She has a helpless smile on her face: "if I don't break in, you may go to hell now."

He pointed to the needle in Shuyin's hand: "you have a cold."

Shu Yin noticed that the hanging needle was still on her hand.

Her face changed slightly, and she pulled out the needle without hesitation: "I don't give an injection!"

Jing Rui didn't expect that she would be such a reaction, because Shu Yin seems to be a very rational person, not a willful little girl who doesn't like injections.

Shu Yin is not willful. She is just a conditioned reflex.

The life of the research institute made her have a strong resistance to all kinds of injections, because each injection is a virus and an experimental sample.

Seeing her rejection reaction, Jing Rui quickly reacts to the reason.

He pressed Shuyin's hand, picked up the pillow and inserted it for her again.

Shu Yin wants to struggle, Jing Rui says coldly: "don't move! It's healing, not killing you! There's no virus in it. It's antibiotics

Shu Yin resisted the impulse to pull out the needle and said with a white face: "I don't need antibiotics. I have viruses in my body. They make my immune system very good. I don't need an injection to get better."

"And how do you feel so unconscious?"


Shu Yin's words were poor, and he bent his head and bit his lips.

She has not had a cold for a long time. First, when she was in the Research Institute, in order to cultivate viruses and bacteria, the research institute kept constant temperature and killed many harmful viruses. Therefore, she would not catch a cold at all. Secondly, the virus in her body really enhanced her resistance. Even if she had cold symptoms occasionally, she could carry them quickly without taking medicine.

I didn't expect to get so sick this time.

In fact, when she went back to the hotel to sleep, she had already noticed that she was not feeling well. However, she didn't take it into consideration. She thought that this time it would be as good as before. She didn't know that she would still have a fever and coma.

It was a long time before she whispered, "thank you."

Finally, Jing Rui gives a faint "um" and just about to say "no more", Shu Yin suddenly raises his head and stares at him with big eyes and says, "no, why should I thank you? It's clearly you who caused me a cold and fever. If you hadn't knocked me out in the middle of the night and took me to the airport, how could I have fallen ill? "

Jing Rui wants to laugh a little.

Reaction is very fast!

"And can you let go of my hand? It hurts if you keep pressing it like this

This, this scene, always makes people feel familiar.

Jing Rui still pressed her hand and refused to let go: "then you are not allowed to pull out the needle, just finish the medicine!"

Shuyin immediately nodded: "no more!"

Jing Rui is relieved.

Who knows, he just let go, Shu Yin quickly pulled out the needle, gas Jing Rui almost bit his tongue!

Why didn't he find that Shuyin was such a disobedient person before!

At that time, she could do whatever she was told to do. She was as obedient as a kitten. How nice!

Shu Yin sees Jing Rui's face blackened. He quickly lies down and shrinks into the quilt: "I'm going to take off my clothes and go to bed. Go quickly!"Jingrui gnawed his teeth and said, "if you have the ability, you can take it off now! I'm not leaving tonight! "

Eh, angry?

Shu Yin did not dare to continue to anger him, quickly changed a pair of pathetic appearance, imploring: "I am hungry."

"Don't you want to take off your clothes and go to bed? Go to sleep. I'll watch from here. It's not good to eat before going to bed. I'm hungry. I can't die of hunger. "

Listen to seem to care about her, but Shu Yin is not stupid, look at Jing Rui's expression to know that he is deliberately whole her.


Shuyin snorted coldly, wrapped himself in a quilt, closed his eyes and prepared to go to bed.

She still has a fever, in fact, there is no appetite, just said hungry, just show weakness.

Jingrui was still waiting for her to continue to beg for mercy. After a long time, Shuyin still didn't move. After a careful look, she actually went to sleep again!

Jing Rui is choked in his heart. He can't go up or down, which makes him suffer a lot.

She can rest assured of him!

Not afraid of him doing something else while she's asleep!

Or did Shu Yin not regard him as a man at all?

Shuyin sleeps hazy. She always feels that someone is calling her, but her eyelids are heavy. After several efforts, she can't open her eyes.

In a trance, someone put his hand on her forehead and sighed in her ear: she refused to use the dropper, and it burned again

This voice, deep and sweet, straight into the heart, intoxicating.

"Shuyin, wake up, eat something and sleep again! Shuyin

Shu Yin opens her eyes with difficulty. She is a little confused. Seeing Jing Rui's ordinary face with a mask, she forgets who he is.

She suddenly hugged Jing Rui's hand on her forehead and whispered: "your voice is so beautiful, like my father's..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!