Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 980

Shu Yin was almost bewitched by his gentle tone and warm words.

She really likes a city, where the people's life is rich, hot and noisy, not as cold as North America, and everyone has the same black hair and black eyes, so she can't help but have a sense of belonging.

Not to mention a few people in a city.

However, Shu Yin can now travel alone in the world, she does not need to go back.

No one can guarantee that Jing Rui will drive her away one day because of other things.

Moreover, his unreasonable protection made her feel uneasy. She didn't want this kind of protection.

"I don't believe you."

Shu Yin's look is also soft down, but the words he says doesn't make people feel soft at all.

"I don't believe anyone. I believe in myself. You have the absolute power to control my life. I can't resist it, but can I always avoid it? "

After talking for a long time, Shuyin still has to go!

Jing Rui's face was a little ugly: "believe it or not, I'll knock you out directly and let people go back to a city! I'll keep you there after that! "

"Yes, of course I do! But unless you don't wake me up, I'll kill myself! If you're dead, you can relax, and you don't need to protect me from now on

Jingrui is stagnant. How can Shuyin, like her father, choose to commit suicide!

As expected, they are father and daughter!

Shu Yin said, directly opened the door and went out. This time, even Jing Rui's coat was not willing to wear. He threw it back into the car and left without looking back.

Jingrui's persuasion and coercion fail, and the whole person is cold.

It was the first time that he had met such a difficult person. He could hardly get into the oil and salt, and he was not afraid to die.

But he can't let Shu Yin die.

Yew may not leave now. Shuyin will be in danger if she goes back to her dormitory now.

Jing Rui drives a car to follow up.

When he saw that Shuyin did not return to the dormitory, but temporarily stayed in an upscale hotel, he felt relieved.

Fortunately, she was not stupid. She didn't go back to school immediately. Living in such a high-end hotel, it was easier for her to protect her people.

Jing Rui mobilizes people to the hotel, and then drives his car back to the killer base.

Now he can control half of the killer organization, and the other half is still in Andrew's hands. He has to speed up the progress. After taking full control of the killer organization, yew is not afraid at all.

However, before this, he needs to tie Liao Wei back from yew!

He had already found out a few days ago that the original fire and explosion were all the ghosts of Liao Weichuan. He did not know when he had been involved in the virus research institute. He used his identity to promise the people of the research institute that he would send Jing Zhi to the Research Institute for experiment.

Over the years, Liao Wei has controlled a lot of forces in secret. In the name of the successor of the Jing family, the people who take refuge in him are just like Qing crossing the river. He won the support and support of many people without any effort.

However, after Jing Rui returns to the base, yew doesn't come back. She has no trace. It seems that she deliberately conceals her whereabouts and refuses to let Jingrui find her.

If you can't find yew, it's hard to find Liao Wei, who was hidden by her.

Jing Rui doesn't feel anxious and confused. Instead, he contacts fawn directly and begins to formally force Andrew to the palace.

Fawn has the superior strength that all killers look forward to. She is the world's top killer. She leads people to fight for control, which makes it easier to win and more convincing.

In fact, every power change of the killer organization is bloody, but it has never been so bloody. Many opponents have been strongly suppressed and even directly killed.

As the supreme leader, Jing Rui certainly doesn't need to kill people in person. All he has to do is to command by remote control.

He originally wanted to slowly encroach on the whole force, but now it seems that the speed is too slow. He should take violent measures directly. Although this will lose some manpower, it will bring about quick results.

As the day dawned, the two sides reached an impasse and maintained a delicate balance. No one could do anything about it.

Andrew is deeply rooted in the killers' organization and wants to uproot him without killing all the people who support him, but this is not realistic.

Andrew finally put forward the request for negotiation. After asking Jing Rui's meaning, fawn sat down and began to negotiate with Andrew.

The so-called negotiation is just a cover. Both sides are accumulating strength to prepare for the big eruption in the future.

Jing Rui is waiting patiently at the base. Unfortunately, what he is waiting for is not the news of Xiaolu's victory, nor the news of yew and Liao Wei, but the news that Shu Yin is ill and unconscious.

He immediately drove to the hotel where Shuyin stayed.

The person in charge of protecting Shuyin was not personally protected. However, he found that Shuyin had not been out for more than ten hours and had not eaten since she entered the room. So he suspected that something was wrong, so he asked the hotel attendant to check it out. Only when he found out that Shuyin had a high fever and was unconscious.When Jing Rui arrived, he saw a strange flush on Shuyin's face and immediately called his private doctor in North America.

The doctor took Shuyin's temperature, and then performed a simple blood test. She was given a fever reducing needle and a hanging needle in her hand. After two hours, her condition had stabilized.

In the hotel room, after the doctor left, only Shu Yin lay on the white bed.

Jing Rui sits beside her and looks at her face turning from flushed to pale. After a little hesitation, he puts his hand on her forehead.

With the injection, her fever was less severe.

He now some understand, why Shu Yin took care of him last time, would subconsciously raise his hand to touch his forehead.

This is just a kind of unconscious action. When you hear someone else's fever, most people will try to test it, especially for those who care about it.

Jing Rui knows that he caught a cold last night.

She had just finished the bath yesterday, and she was directly taken out of the house by him. Her hair was still dripping wet and her clothes were very thin. The temperature at night was 10 degrees below zero. It was strange that she didn't catch a cold.

He was not careful enough, otherwise she would not have suffered such a crime.

In her lethargy, she did not have the cold feeling of last night. Her eyebrows and eyes were soft and her skin was pale and almost transparent. However, she was slightly haggard. Instead of reducing her appearance, she had a different aesthetic feeling.

Jing Rui has never looked at Shu Yin so carefully. After a close look today, she finds that her facial features are extremely delicate. Her beautiful oval face, straight and delicate nose, slightly pursed red lips and even her chin are very beautiful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!