Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 979

Jing Rui drives away from the campus and goes directly to the airport.

Shuyin can't stay here until yew is killed.

For the killer, it's too easy to kill. Shu Yin is not the opponent of yew. Even if he sends someone to protect her, it is still unsafe.

Arriving at the airport, Jingrui does not get off the bus. Turning to the back seat of the car and pretending to be unconscious, Shuyin says, "don't install it. Get off the bus. Someone will pick you up to a city."

Shu Yin suddenly opened his eyes: "do you know I'm pretending?"

If you don't know it, she'll pretend all the way!

She's looking for a good time to run away!

Of course, Jing Rui knows that she is pretending. When confronting yew, he has found out, because her acting skills are not so good.

"Get out of the car. It's not safe here. Someone wants your life. Now you must know the cause and effect. City a is the safest place."

Shu Yin slowly sat up, her body is still covered with Jing Rui's clothes, which brought her a kind of shallow warmth, but did not affect her reason and determination.

"I'm not going to a city again."

With that she opened the door and got off to stop a taxi.

Jingrui immediately followed him, grabbed her and pushed her back into his car: "where are you going?"

His voice with anger and cold, condescending Shuyin pressed on the seat, legs pressed Shuyin's legs, not to let her run out.

Shu Yin was pressed by his chest is about to break, legs are about to break, the pain of her face are some white.

"Let go

"Yes, you go back to city a!"

"That's your house, not my house. I won't go! I'm not under your command now. You're not qualified to order me to do anything! You and that female killer mess, trouble you to solve, in the future don't implicate me again

"I'll take care of it, but you have to go back before that!"

"You asked me to go to city a with Peter before, and then you drove me away alone. Now you let me go back. In the future, you will drive me away. Why should I go?"

Jingrui suddenly has a headache!

Why is this woman still entangled in this matter!

His tone slightly softened: "is that why you refuse to go back? Afraid I'll drive you away again

Shu Yin did not admit it or deny it.

There are reasons for this, but not all of them.

Her character is stubborn and strong. The event that Jing Rui drives her out of a city makes her deeply realize that she is just a rootless duckweed. She has no family, no relatives, or even friends. When she encounters power, she has no choice but to retreat and tolerate.

No one will support her, no one will protect her.

He was willing to protect her for a long time.

However, their relationship is just a cooperative relationship. When she has no use value, she is immediately abandoned by him and even driven out of a city.

She came to her senses from her greed!

In fact, except for her own, no one will protect her for a lifetime!

Therefore, she wants to escape, want to leave Jingrui far away, from such people as Jingrui, only in this way can she control her life!

She stared at Jingrui with clear and beautiful eyes, and slowly opened her mouth: "please disappear from my life, can you?"

Jing Rui slightly a Leng, subconsciously asked: "why?"

For the first time he met the man who made him disappear!

It is also the first time to meet a person who does not need his protection at all!

From childhood to adulthood, he has been used to being the umbrella of others. As long as it is his people, he will bear the due responsibility.

According to the agreement, shuchengshan successfully restores Jingzhi's memory. In order to prevent him from hating Shu Yin, he chooses to commit suicide and refuses to let him have a chance to do it.

It is necessary and necessary for him to protect Shuyin.

He was ready to protect her all his life, but she refused!

Isn't it good that he protects and takes care of her?

"I can only follow your orders. If you want me to get out of here, I have to get out of it. If I go back, I have to go back. Why! You and the female killer contest, I was caught in the pool, why! Jingrui, I don't owe you! During the two years you protected me, I also protected Jingzhi and provided you with a lot of intelligence. We are even! "

Jingrui can't remember how long no one dared to speak to him with such a strong tone!

But he couldn't even refute a word!

Shu Yin is right. She does not owe him. On the contrary, he owes her.

Now they are so aggressive, if she knows how Shucheng mountain died, I'm afraid she will be able to attack people!

"You've pressed my chest. It hurts. How long do you have to press it?"Jingrui looks down, and sure enough, his hand presses Shu Yin's chest!

No wonder he always felt that her body was too soft. It was the wrong place!

The palm of his hand suddenly got a little bit hot. He took back his hand, held Shu Yin in his arms, then sat down beside her, looked into her eyes and said:

"I never thought about arranging your life, otherwise it would be impossible for you to come to North America. I originally arranged a safer country for you, but you didn't like it. I didn't even mention it. As for leaving city a, I apologize. I didn't know you liked it so much

His tone is extremely rare, gentle and sincere. Without the momentum and ferocity to control everything and the cold sense of oppression, Shuyin can't help but soften.

However, a soft heart does not mean that her position has changed. She turned her head, looked out of the window, and denied without expression: "I don't like city a, you think too much. A few more days in North America will be a good time for me

Jing Rui knows that Shu Yin is just saying angry words.

She likes city A.

In a city, her face is often hung with a shallow smile, the whole person is like a flower moistened by rain and dew, budding.

When she came to North America, she became that cold girl again, withered quickly, and then closed herself up again, refusing to show any real emotions.

The girl's heart, fragile and sensitive, independent and strong, she wrapped herself in a thick shell, even if she died, she would not show any weakness.

"Be obedient, go back to a city."

Jingrui's hard and cold heart becomes soft and gentle.

"You can live there as long as you want, and you can also study if you want. There are internationally renowned professors in the universities there. You can learn what you like. I will not force you or interfere in your life in the future." , the fastest update of the webnovel!