Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 978

The woman is still wearing his clothes!

Yew teeth are about to bite!

"I thought you were a God. I didn't expect that you are just a mortal. Seeing a beautiful woman, you will also move your heart. "

The smile on Yew's face gradually disappeared, with a look of irony. I don't know whether she is mocking Jingrui or herself.

"Are you sure she is the most beautiful one? I'm just wearing a mask. You haven't seen the real appearance. You've made a decision so soon, and you'll regret it later! "

Jingrui has no response to Yew's words, but the Shuyin in Jingrui's arms is greatly surprised!

The female killer's tone of voice is so sour. It turns out that she has taken a fancy to Jingrui!

Neuropathy, which eye of her sees Jing Rui move "fan Xin" to her? His heart is made of stone, as cold as his appearance. How can such a person be attracted to women!

Shuyin wants to go out of Jingrui's arms to prove that she has nothing to do with Jingrui. If the female killer takes a fancy to him, just jump in!

However, she can't move at all now. She knows too much about Jing Rui's character. It's better for her to pretend that she doesn't know about this kind of thing!

Jing Rui stands there, does not know Shu Yin's abdominal Fei, also does not take Yew's words seriously.

Both of them are killers, and in different camps, they are opponents, even friends. When yew said this, he didn't even have a ripple in his heart.

As for the relationship between him and Shu Yin, it has nothing to do with yew, only his parents are qualified to ask.

Like a proud peacock like yew, Jingrui has no patience to waste time.

He turned around and left with Shuyin in his arms.


The heart of yew gas is in pain, so ignored by Jing Rui, her self-esteem has been greatly hurt.

She had a slightly ferocious look and a sharp voice: "today you must kill this woman to complete the task, or I will report to the organization and report your favoritism! Waiting for you, will be the organization's most severe punishment, if you want to live, kill her! "

Now, I don't even want to report back to Rui Wei

Yew choked, almost spitting blood!

Shu Yin's eyes are closed and she is dizzy, but her heart is a little complicated.

After staying in the Research Institute for so long, she knows very well about the killer organizations that have been mutually beneficial and cooperative. Of course, she knows that the crime of deliberately releasing the target is very large, and Jing Rui will face the most bloody punishment, and may even die.

She doesn't know what method he will use to avoid punishment, but no matter what method, he will still be greatly affected. For example, now, he is being coerced by the female killer.

Why on earth does he want to protect her like this?

Shuyin's doubts are getting bigger and bigger, so big that she can't help looking for the truth!

Yeshan looked at Jingrui's tall back, and saw him take another woman step by step, and finally threw his last card: "lightning, you have been looking for someone these days?"

After listening to her words, Jing Rui finally stopped and turned his head: "it turns out that this matter has something to do with you."

His tone is calm and unappealing, but Shuyin can feel it with his eyes closed. Under his calm appearance, he is angry like a snow mountain falling apart.

Yew also felt his anger, but she felt very happy!

Jingrui finally has a reaction! That's good!

"Maybe I should call you Jingrui? "

Yew complacent, proud of the delicate beautiful chin: "I have checked you out, the original, you are a city people! The inheritor of the king family, who has such a high status, why do you want to be a killer? I'm afraid there's some ulterior purpose? "

Jing Rui's eyes from indifference slowly become cold, his identity has been hidden very well, did not expect or be checked by yew!

Since his identity has been revealed, he has no need to hide: "where is Liao Wei?"

His identity information must be leaked from Liao Wei!

Since Liao Wei came to North America, he has been missing. Jing Rui has been looking for him for several days, but he has no idea that Liao Wei has been taken back to the secret base of the killer organization by yew!

"Oh, you said your double?"

Yew finally took control of the initiative, took hold of a handle that could make Jing Rui moved, and a smile reappeared on her beautiful face.

"Don't worry. He's very good now. It's hard to find someone who looks like you. I can't bear to kill him."

"What do you want?"

"Ha ha, it's so easy to talk to smart people. I like you to be so straightforward! Life for life, you give me this woman, I give you the double, by the way, I can help you keep your identity secret. Well, is this a good deal? "Shuyin has been almost pissed off by yew!

Why does this man have to bite her? They have no injustice or hatred, but yew has to let her die. Even if she is dead, Jingrui can't want yew.

Other Shu Yin is not clear, but after contacting Jing Rui for so long and getting along for a period of time, she knows Jingrui's temper. He hates being threatened by others and hates the feeling of losing control.

Jing Rui is threatened by yew continuously tonight. He is really impatient.

She not only wanted to kill Shu Yin, but also tried every means to find out his identity, and secretly robbed Liao Wei. Each of these three things touched his bottom line.

For the first time, Jingrui has a killing heart to yew.

This kind of woman can't stay, otherwise it will bring endless troubles.

Yeshan doesn't know anything about it. Her good impression of Jingrui that she was willing to work hard at all has disappeared completely. She is still excited that she has grasped the key point of Jingrui: "your double is so similar to you that he can help me with many things in the future. The huge wealth accumulated by generations of Jingrui can also be emptied through him. You don't even care about the safety of Jing's family for a woman? "

Jing Rui looks at her faintly and doesn't speak again.

There's no need for him to talk to a dead man.

He took Shuyin to his car, put it in the back seat, took the driver's seat and drove away.

Yew standing there is silly!

She said so many threats to Jing Rui. Why didn't Jingrui react at all?!

How dare he leave like this!

Does that woman mean so much to him?

According to her investigation, the woman named Shuyin, who was originally a member of the virus research institute, has only known Jing Rui for only a few months. There is no deep feeling between them!

Was her investigation wrong?

What else does Shu Yin have? , the fastest update of the webnovel!