Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 977

Jing Rui frowned slightly: "who told you?"

"Your people follow me 24 hours a day. It's hard to avoid showing my horse's feet. I'm not stupid. How can I be tracked without knowing it?"

At the beginning, Shuyin found that someone was following her. She was puzzled and afraid.

But she only tried once and knew that the people who followed her came to protect her.

On the whole earth, except for Jing Rui, she can't find a second person to protect herself.

She is no longer under his command, and no longer works for him, no longer pays for him. A rational and cold-blooded person like him can never expend manpower to protect her safety for no reason.

There was a strong uneasiness in her heart as well as money.

There is absolutely no free lunch in the world!

Shu Yin instinctively feels that Jing Rui has hidden a huge secret!

She frowned and asked, "why do you protect me?"

Since protecting her has been discovered by her, Jing Rui is relieved: "you don't need to know. You just need to know. If you continue to stay here, you will die."

When Shu Yin was in the Research Institute, she always wanted to have a powerful umbrella to protect her from the madman's experiment.

After getting the protection of Jing Rui, she felt secure and happy.

No one bullied her any more, and those who coveted her beauty were all respectful to her. She had the most top scholars in the professional field to guide her, and her life was full and peaceful.

However, the present sense of happiness has long since disappeared.

She used to be sheltered because she created value and deserved it.

Now it's not. This kind of gain for nothing will not make her feel happy, it will only make her feel panic.

Her attitude, stronger than ever: "my life is my own, it has nothing to do with you! No matter what you protect me for, I don't want it! You go out

Jingrui didn't want to take tough measures against her, so as not to arouse her stronger resistance psychology. However, seeing her appearance of no oil and salt, Jingrui immediately had a headache.

Maybe you don't need to reason with women!

He took two steps forward and pasted it to Shuyin's side. He raised his hand and gave her a hand knife.

Shuyin didn't have any action, she closed her eyes and fell down slowly.

Jing Rui hugs her and jumps down from the window with the help of safety rope.

He doesn't like to be touched by others. However, he and Shu Yin are no longer just touching each other. His whole body has been treated with medicine, skin contact and body contact, so much so that he won't repel her now.

Why at that time she was so cheeky that she couldn't even get rid of her. Now it's better for him to come to see her and be driven out by her.

Is this the turn of Feng Shui?

If he knew that he needed to use force, Jing Rui would not tell Shu Yin any nonsense. He would just take him away!

I didn't expect that the girl was so stubborn that she refused to accept his money. Now she even refused to obey his arrangement.

Shuyin's long hair is wet. On winter night, the north wind is howling, and the cold is deep into the bone marrow. She only wears thin clothes and is soon frozen through.

Jingrui frowns slightly and hesitates for a second. He takes off his coat and covers her. Then he takes her to his parking place.

Suddenly, there is a slight wind coming from behind, and Jingrui's feet stop immediately.

He looked back with Shuyin in his arms, and then he saw a slender and graceful woman standing there quietly.

Yew looked at the comfortable sound that was held by Jing Rui, and said in a clear voice: "lightning, for a woman to violate the order of the organization, is it not worth it?"

Jing Rui looked at her coldly: "it's really you."

He had already guessed that the person who was going to kill Shuyin was yew! Shu Yin has never offended anyone, except for the conflict with yew because of Jingzhi's affair, she has not provoked any enemies.

Yew Jiao smiles and claps her hands: "yes, you are so smart, you guessed it right!"

Jingrui looks at her smiling face. Somehow, he suddenly remembers the shallow smile of Shuyin.

The same is the smile, the same is the most beautiful girl, but Shu Yin's smile seems to be able to purify people's heart, let people become soft, although Yew's smile is beautiful, it is difficult to make people feel good.

Shuyin's growing environment is not much better than yew.

Yew is a killer, has received a lot of harsh and cruel training, personality has become so cruel, cold, this is very normal.

However, Shu Yin stayed in the Research Institute for so long, surrounded by paranoid, abnormal, she still maintained her inner innocence.

In fact, the psychological oppression of the research institute is more serious than that of the killer organization. The killer can vent, but the people in the research institute have no place to vent. After a long time, there will be mental and psychological problems.For example, Jing Zhi has a strong tendency to violence. He is easy to go to extremes when he encounters things. Moreover, he does not have a correct view of right and wrong, because the research institute has never taught him what is right and what is wrong.

Shu Yin can maintain herself in that kind of environment, which shows her strong willpower.

Jing Rui holds Shu Yin's hand slightly tight and sticks her to himself.

Shu Yin is held by Jing Rui and feels his casual movements and lashes tremble.

In fact, she was dizzy for a short time. When Jing Rui held her and jumped down from the 11th floor, she was already awake.

However, she did not open her eyes and still pretended to be unconscious.

Because now she still can't escape, this is not the best time to escape.

At the moment, hearing the conversation between Jing Rui and a woman, Shu Yin already knows who is going to kill her.

She could hear that it was yew, the killer who wanted to kill her not long ago.

What a disaster!

Because she refused to tell the whereabouts of the Chinese fir Jingzhi, she came to North America and was still missed by this killer!

Jing Rui's whole attention is on Yew's body. He doesn't notice that Shuyin in his arms is awake. His hands are not light, so he didn't expect Shuyin to wake up in advance.

He also felt that Shu Yin had suffered from the disaster and had a slight apology for her.

He looked at the yew smiling face, in his heart a cold: "clearly know that she is my person, you still want to move her, it seems that the last time the pain is not enough."

Yew's face is smiling, but his eyes are full of jealousy and resentment. Why is Jingrui so different from this one called Shuyin!

Didn't he always hate being touched?

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