Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 976

Shuyin was stunned and called out his name in disbelief: "Jingrui?"

He wore a mask, his handsome and perfect face was covered, but his voice did not change at all, his temperament was still cold and expensive, and his whole body was full of oppression.

Jing Rui stood in her single dormitory, tall and straight, but indifferent: "put yourself away, I have something to tell you."

Shu Yin didn't expect Jing Rui to be in North America, and he would climb the window and jump in!

She was only wrapped in a bath towel and nothing else!

Shuyin's cheek was slightly red, but she soon calmed down and took the clothes to the bathroom.

After dressing up for only a second, Shu Rui doesn't appear in front of her.

No boss wants to wait.

She had no time to dry her hair, so she simply wiped it with a towel and draped it behind her.

Just after bathing, the face is delicate and smooth, with a faint blush, showing a healthy and gentle beauty.

She is like a lotus that does not dye the dust, which makes Jing Rui feel a little stunned.

"What's the matter?"

Shu Yin thinks that if it is not something urgent, Jing Rui will definitely not come to her.

However, she couldn't think of anything urgent that would be related to her. Was it Jingzhi who had an accident again?

Jing Rui takes back his eyes and asks faintly, "do you have any enemies?"

Shu Yin didn't understand why he asked, but he believed in Jing Rui's ability and character. She thought about it for a while and said, "there should be no one who knows me. Except for the people in the Research Institute, I haven't contacted anyone else."

She didn't die because she might have offended people, but she didn't know that, but in her cognition, she had no enemy.

Jingrui knows that she doesn't think she has an enemy. He doesn't hide it. He says bluntly: "someone pays a high price to hire a killer organization to kill you, and this killer is me."

Shuyin was surprised and then showed a shallow smile: "so, is Mr. Jing coming to kill me?"

She smile Yan Ran, originally very beautiful has become twelve points of beauty, under the light, originally cold she, suddenly soft up.

Jing Rui's coldness dissipated. Shu Yin's reaction was beyond his expectation.

When he first received the task of killing, he was angry. Someone wanted to kill the people he protected and asked him to do so. He had an impulse to kill his employer directly.

But now, when he saw Shu Yin, he was completely calm.

He looked at Shu Yin's delicate and beautiful face and said faintly: "you go back to a city, North America is not safe, don't stay here."

The smile on Shuyin's face gradually dissipated and became calm, rational and even cold again.

"No, I'm fine here. I don't want to give up the opportunity of studying in University. "

"In city a, you can learn as well." For Shu Yin, Jing Rui's patience makes him a little unexpected.

Shu Yin raised his face and looked at him. He said in a calm voice, "I don't want to be driven away after going to city A. It's very good here. At least, it's not your territory. I can live as long as I want. If you want to finish the task, just kill me

Let her go, she'll go, let her go, she'll go back?

Shu Yin has never been a submissive nature, otherwise she would not have been so difficult in the Research Institute at the beginning, so that she still needed to rely on Jing Rui to protect herself with his strength.

"If you want to let me go once, I'd like to thank Mr. Jing very much, but please leave. Besides, please don't come back later. "

Jing Rui's psychological quality has always been strong, and there are few things that can cause him to have emotional fluctuations. Everything is under his control. Occasionally, he can make a quick response to avoid accidents.

However, Shu Yin's words made him very angry.

If it was not for the promise of Shucheng mountain, he would be too lazy to take care of Shuyin!

He wanted to protect her. As a result, she was not only ungrateful, but also disliked him!

Jing Rui looks a little cold, but such a small matter will not make him lose his mind.

As early as Shu Yin left a city, he knew that he was angry about leaving a city.

Unexpectedly, after so many days, she is still holding grudges.

"I didn't drive you away. It's your choice to come to North America. It's none of my business. I didn't approve of your coming here, but I didn't object to your insistence. "

Shu Yin choked for a moment and couldn't speak.

At that time, Jingrui did not explicitly say that she would not continue to live in city a, but his manner, tone and words were not driving her away?

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin's indifference and knows that she doesn't believe his explanation.Jing Rui thinks that he doesn't need to explain anything to anyone at all. No matter what he does, no matter what he does, Jing Rui doesn't need to explain.

Shu Yin was the first one to break the rules.

There's no way. Shu Yin's identity is too special. He can't fight or scold. He has to ensure her safety. Even according to the agreement with shuchengshan, he wants Shu Yin to be luxurious.

Shuchengshan is addicted to money. He has saved amazing wealth by killing people all his life. He left all this to his daughter.

However, he is an old fox, leaving a large amount of inheritance to his daughter. He also asks Jing Rui to give her daughter a huge living expenses every month, so as to ensure that she can live like the princess, and that she can live without worry and do whatever she wants.

At present, all the heritage of Shucheng mountain is not in Jing Rui's hands, but entrusted to an international wealth company. As long as Shuyin is 20 years old, this company will transfer all the heritage to Shuyin.

All the living expenses of Shuyin before he is 20 will be borne by Jingrui.

However, even if Jing Rui wants to send money to Shuyin and villa to Shuyin, she has to accept it.

She has a strong sense of precaution. She doesn't even look at all the unexpected property. She is completely opposite to her father!

Jing Rui hopes that Shuyin is greedy, so that the agreement between him and shuchengshan will be easier to implement.

There was silence in the room for a moment. Each of them had his own mind, but there was no expression on his face.

After a moment, Jing Rui takes the lead in breaking the silence and says in a cool voice, "pack up your things immediately and leave here. If I don't kill you, the killer organization will send some killers to continue to carry out the mission. If you don't want to die, you should leave immediately. "

Shu Yin looked at him quietly and asked his doubts all along: "well, you tell me, why protect me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!