Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 975

"I'm sorry, sister. I tried to go for you last night, so I gave you the medicine. As a result, Jing Zhi didn't want me, so he took you away. "

Zheng Yuwei apologized to her sister in a low voice. She felt that she had done something stupid last night.

Zheng yuluo has already guessed the reason why he didn't wake up all night. When he heard his sister's words, he was angry and said, "Weiwei, you can't do this next time! I have You can't mess around. Do you hear me! You have to be good. The past has nothing to do with you. Don't get involved. "

Zheng yuluo has an indescribable feeling that she can't accept that her sister is also wanted by Jing Zhi!

First of all, she loves her sister. Jingzhi torments people. It's really unbearable. She doesn't want her sister to suffer.

Second, she found out at the moment that she didn't want Jing Zhi to touch others!

Zheng Yuwei hugged her sister and whispered: "sister, I listen to you. I won't do this again. However, if he bullies you, you must tell me that I will help you to seek justice."

Although she didn't know why Jingzhi would buy underwear for her sister, she already understood that even if Jingzhi was cruel, she would not kill her sister.

My sister is safe.

Zheng yuluo heard his sister's words, gently relieved.

She patted Zheng Yuwei on the shoulder, loosened her, and then carefully folded Jing Zhi's clothes and put them into the wardrobe.

In her cabinet, there are already three coats and a sweater of Jingzhi.

His clothes are very big, that sweater, she wore all over her buttocks, like a skirt.

Zheng Yuwei sees that her elder sister has been caressing Jingzhi's clothes in a trance. She knows clearly that her sister has already had a different mood for Jingzhi.

She sighed softly, then turned and walked out.

My sister has been looking for Jingzhi for so long, and she has been thinking about him all the time. It's really normal that she has other feelings for him.

Besides, Jing Zhi is really too handsome, handsome in a mess, if he is not so ruthless, will be very attractive to girls.

Zheng yuluo didn't even notice that her sister had left. She looked at the clothes and suddenly lost her mind.

Jingzhi bought a lot of new clothes, and several of them were coats.

Could it be She had put on all his clothes for him, and he had no clothes to wear?

Jingzhi stands in front of the mirror and changes his new clothes. Looking at the clothes in the bag, he suddenly feels that he has bought less clothes!

Today, Zheng Yu left two pieces of clothes. According to this speed, he bought several bags of clothes, which will be consumed in less than a week!

Thinking of this, he is a little annoyed that he hid Zheng yuluo's clothes last night. Let her go back with her own clothes. The clothes he bought are expensive. Zheng yuluo's clothes are not worth money at all! He lost a lot!

Jingzhi touches his chin and goes out of the hotel and takes a taxi back to his home.

Today, he also wants to accompany jingyiran.

Unfortunately, my brother is still in North America and can't go home. Otherwise, he would like to spend the Spring Festival with his brother.

In North America, the climate is also dry and cold. Jing Rui never cares about the new year, and this year is no exception.

The festival, for him, has no meaning, he is more concerned about what efforts need to be made to fully control the killer organization.

He has spent countless efforts to send fawn to the highest authority of the killer organization. Now, fawn has enough strength to compete with Andrew.

However, no one can kill Xiaolu, but she is not good at managing and gathering people's hearts, so Jing Rui manipulates all the events behind her.

Of course, he also cares about his brother's health, safety, and Emotional life.

Before Peter told him that Jingzhi had a woman, he had learned about Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo from his subordinates.

Jing Zhi may not know Zheng yuluo's character, but Jing Rui knows it very well.

She is not as resourceful as Jing Zhi thought. In fact, her personality after growing up is quite different from that when she was a child.

Even if she has a plan, she won't go to Jingzhi.

What happened seven years ago has changed her mind.

Jing Zhi turns her into his woman. Although Jing Rui is surprised, he doesn't object.

He has been bound for so long. Now that he is free, Jingrui will support whatever he wants to do.

However, in the case that Jing Zhi doesn't know, Jing Rui checks the two sisters of Zheng yuluo and Zheng Yuwei.

Zheng Yuwei once had a brief love affair. She had several friends of the opposite sex who had a good relationship with each other. She often got together to have fun.

But Zheng yuluo did not even have a male friend, her life, monotonous some boring.

Jing Rui is very satisfied with this.

The elder brother has never been a partner of the opposite sex.Even if it's just for fun, you can't find people who are in a mess.

Learning that his brother even bought a lot of underwear for Zheng yuluo, and asked Peter for some special medicine, Jingrui couldn't help laughing.

I'm afraid Jingzhi is not playing.

The internal struggle for power will basically not affect the business of killer organizations.

Killing, every day.

Jing Rui has also been receiving the task, however, today, he received the task he was destined not to do.

Because, the goal of this mission is Shuyin!

Shu Yincai just came to North America less than half a month ago. How could he have enemies?

In the past, she was in the virus research institute, rarely went out, and had no enemies.

No one knows Shu Yin better than him. Three years ago, he had already made sure of Shu Yin's identity. I'm afraid that even Shuyin himself does not know as much about her as he does.

Jing Rui checked his employer. He is a rich second-generation international student in China. He is 20 years old. Now he is studying in the same university as Shu Yin.

On the surface, his pursuit is not successful, but this matter can not stand scrutiny. Shu Yincai has just entered the University. How can anyone love her to the point of killing her!

The real employer must be someone else.

The sky is dim, and Jing Rui changes into a casual suit, brings his own equipment, and goes out of the killer base.

After so many years in North America, Jing Rui is familiar with finding a university.

After driving for more than an hour, he arrived at Stanford University, where Shu Yin works.

Since Shu Yin entered the school, Jing Rui has always sent people to protect her, so she knows her dormitory very well.

Shuyin had just finished the bath. She was wrapped in a bath towel. Before she could wipe her hair, she saw a man jump in from the window, almost frightening her to death!

She lives on the 11th floor and it's not easy to get in through the window!

As soon as she wanted to call for help, she heard a familiar and deep voice saying, "Shuyin, it's me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!