Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 974

Maybe she knew that she would be taken away by him again tonight. Instead of pajamas, she was wearing a sweater and fine velvet trousers.

All of a sudden, Jing Zhi finds that she looks good in everything she wears!

He looked at her face for a moment, then got up and took her naked.

After taking off Zheng yuluo's clothes, Jingzhi's somewhere has completely recovered!

He wants her, but he doesn't like to be awake and act alone. He has no interest in Fan Jian.

He likes to see her reaction, even crying.

Jingzhi went to the bathroom, took a cold bath, and finally got better.

He wrapped up his bath towel, took the medicine Peter had brought in the evening, and went to the bed to give her the medicine.

No wonder it gets hurt!

Zheng yuluo even in a coma, the body will automatically respond to pain.

She frowned and snorted.

Jing Zhi is startled. He thinks she is awake and hides the medicine.

But look up, the original Zheng Yu falls still asleep, just too painful, she will be painful to hum out sound.

Jing Zhi can't help but lighten the action.

He has never done such a gentle thing in his life! This is not his style at all!

He was suddenly angry and dropped the ointment on the ground. Is he sick? Why give her medicine? It hurts her so much!

Jingzhi fidgety in the bedroom, see the naked and beautiful body on the bed, he is more irritable!

He directly pulled the quilt to cover the whole Zheng yuluo, and could not see her, and his agitation was slightly calmed down.

He raised his feet and went to the next room. Just as he lay down, he sat up again.

Why does he sleep alone here when he has a warm quilt?

What about him? He caught Zheng yuluo for his own enjoyment?

Jing Zhi got out of bed with a gloomy face, went to the master bedroom, got into the quilt, and took the soft and fragrant body into his arms.

Now, I feel comfortable.

In the silent night, on the soft big bed, the handsome men and women embrace each other, immersed in their respective dreams.

The moon is setting and the sun is rising. The snow is gradually stopped for a night. The outside is covered with snow, and the water drips into ice. However, the interior is warm and beautiful. It is a beautiful spring scenery.

Jing Zhi looks at Zheng yuluo's sleeping face, but his heart is complicated.

She and Zheng Yuwei, the twin sisters, have all kinds of small fragments in Jingzhi's memory, but each fragment is a bad memory.

He remembered that when they were two children, they never paid attention to him. In their eyes, only Jing Rui was outstanding in all aspects.

When there is no past memory, Jing Zhi is looking forward to finding the memory, but when the memory comes back, he doesn't want it any more.

Zheng yuluo opened her eyes. After a short period of confusion, she soon found herself lying in the arms of Jingzhi!

What's going on!

She had only the memory before going to bed last night, but she had no impression of how she came here!

She glared at the face of Jing Zhi who was close at hand. After a few seconds, she realized a problem!

She and Jing Rui are embracing each other without any barrier!

Zheng yuluo immediately struggled, originally thought will not break free, did not expect very easy to get out.

Jingzhi watched her away from himself, like a frightened fawn, looking at her pitiful appearance. She said coldly, "are you afraid of me? Or hate me? "

Zheng Yu fell stiff there, afraid of him? I'm afraid.

But I hate him But there is no such thing.

Jingzhi ran after her and pinched her chin: "tell me the truth! Well said, I'll let you go! "

Zheng yuluo didn't know what to say. She hesitated for a long time, until Jing Zhi squeezed her chin hand slightly and seemed to crush her chin. She looked up at Jingzhi's eyes and whispered, "I'm afraid of you, but I don't hate you."

She kept her voice for a day and a night, no longer hoarse, but restored the usual soft, tender and sweet voice.

What she said was so sincere that her eyes were clear and there was no sign of lying at all.

Jingzhi can also feel that her breathing and heartbeat are stable, and her pupils have no change.

All this proves that she is telling the truth.

Jingzhi's eyes gradually become deep. He releases Zheng yuluo's chin and gently caresses her with his big hand along her delicate clavicle.

Two days ago, Jingzhi was rude. She had never stirred Zheng yuluo's body like this. Now when she was touched by him, her whole body was shaking involuntarily!

Zheng yuluo's white body quickly turned red, and the whole person soon turned pink, like a sweet and sour apple, for anyone to pick.

Then, Jing Zhi encircles her, and the whole person presses up.

Zheng yuluo was so flushed that he could almost bleed.She knew he wanted her again!

Is this a good or bad answer?

Didn't he say, well said, let her go?

Did she say something wrong?

Zheng yuluo didn't know. It was because of her good answer that Jing Zhicai refused to let her go.

Of course, if her answer is not good, Jing Zhi will not let her go.

He didn't care if he meant what he said. He just wanted to hear the answer he wanted to hear.

Fortunately, Zheng yuluo didn't really think that Jingzhi would let her go. She was used to Jingzhi's hegemony.

However, today's Jing Zhi gave her some different feelings, but she couldn't say where it was different.

Zheng yuluo is pressed by Jing Zhi, and his breath is all over his body!

There are It's just a shiver that makes her blush!

Zheng yuluo is at a loss!

She didn't know how to suppress the desire from the soul!

She has been searching for him for seven years. Every day, she is describing his appearance. Every year, she is waiting for his appearance.

Her life, has been all his shadow, can no longer erase.

Ever since she found him, she's been like him in her dreams! , the fastest update of the webnovel!