Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 970

In the early morning, Jingzhi watched Zheng yuluo disappear in the taxi, then he took back his eyes and began to eat breakfast.

When Peter came in, he saw Jing Zhi eating out the food. His upper body was bare, showing his strong chest muscles.

"Why do you eat breakfast naked in the winter?"

"Are you blind? Don't you see I'm wearing a pair of underpants? "

What's going on? The smell of gunpowder is very strong in the early morning. Who offended the big devil?

Peter's face was full of doubts, but he refused to suffer at all: "you are blind! Wear a pair of underpants to eat breakfast, that's a matter of talent! I'm not gay. I won't make it if you wear it like this! "

Jingzhi was laughed at by him!

"As long as you are so old, who will seduce you?! If I have something to say, I'm in my own territory. How can I wear it? You can't take care of it

Peter is 37 years old. He has a little beard on his face. He really feels like a middle-aged uncle.

However, he is tall and has been keeping fit all the year round. In addition, he is a typical European face, with natural brown curly short hair, deep facial features and straight nose. In fact, he is a handsome man worthy of the name. If it was not for his beard, many people would believe that he was 30 years old.

In fact, the little girls who like him are many times more than those who like Jingzhi, because he is more mature and stable, and he likes to wear all kinds of straight suits. The charm of a mature man radiates from the inside out. Most women have no resistance to such men.

Peter is not angry at all for being laughed at by Jing Zhi.

Because he never felt that he was old. He was European. Many people in Europe started their families in their thirties. He didn't have much interest in marriage, and virus research was his most interested.

"I'll borrow some blood from you!"

Peter asked for help, and his handsome face was full of smiles.

But Jingzhi immediately turned cold: "get out of here! You are so thick skinned. Why don't you borrow my life! Thanks to me, I still treat you as a good person these days, so you are not a person at all! Just like those bastards

Peter knew that if he wanted Jing Zhi's blood, he would be angry. Jing Zhi was afraid of being drawn. Every time someone wanted to draw his blood, he would be uncontrollably irritable, and then he would have a strong impulse to kill.

At the moment, Jingzhi is still sitting there. He has already given him a lot of face for not throwing him out of the window.

"No, no, no, Jingzhi, please don't get angry. I only need 10 ml of blood. I will never draw hundreds of milliliters like those people in the previous research institute! I can't use so much blood to do the experiment alone

"Ten milliliters of blood is not blood? I'm a man, not a mouse! My brother cleaned up all those people, but you still have to do some fart experiments! Don't think you are my brother's man, I dare not kill you Jing Zhiqi couldn't even eat any more. He picked up a stainless steel fork and put it into Peter's body!

Peter's face is white with fright. Jingzhi can't help but do it! If the fork is stuck in his chest, half his life will be taken away if he does not die!

"Don't move your hands, don't do it!" Peter was scared to hide. "I want your blood to study the virus. Your virus is too rare. Don't you have a great impact on your body? My research may be able to make your body get a certain balance! At least find a way to contain it, or you will die if you encounter your blood, which will kill many innocent people

The action of Jing Zhi is tiny a meal, he asks doubtlessly: "really?"

He didn't want his blood to be so poisonous. What if one day his closest friend met his blood and there was no medicine to help him?

"True, of course! For many years, I didn't want to do a thorough research on virus because I didn't want to do so many researches. But I want to see if we can develop a drug to inhibit this virus. If it works, maybe the crisis of virus outbreak in your body will be lifted

Jingzhi was still worried: "wait a minute, wait for me to ask my brother, he said yes, that's OK! If he says no, there's no way

It's better to let my brother check on this. Peter is his man, and only he knows whether it is reliable or not. Otherwise, what if the drugs developed are harmful to him!

Jingzhi sits back with his fork and continues to eat.

Peter is relieved. He has already asked Jing Rui, the big boss, about this matter, and Jing Rui has already agreed, otherwise he will not come to Jing Zhi.

For him, his obsession with virus is not a substitute for his obsession with virus.

"OK, please ask the boss. I'll go first and call me when you have accurate information."Jingzhi listens to Jingrui most. As long as Jingrui agrees, it will be done.

"You wait first!"

"Anything else?"

"That I want some medicine for the wound! "

Peter took a puzzled look at Jing Zhi, who was close to * * and said, "I don't think you are hurt! Even if you are injured, I'm afraid there is no drug that can compare with the healing ability of the virus in your body? "

"You mind me! I just want the medicine. Do you give it or not! If you don't, don't want my blood

"Good, good, give it to me!" Peter compromised without principle. "But you have to tell me where I got hurt? I don't know the location. How can I prescribe medicine for you? A broken head and a broken foot make a big difference in medication! "

Jingzhi, with a long face, said, "I'm hurt!"

Peter waited for a full minute. Unexpectedly, he waited for such an answer. He almost choked to death by his own saliva!

"You, you, you Where? "

Peter is more aware of Jingzhi's body structure than Jingzhi himself. The research institute has made detailed records of every cell of him. How can he not know that Jingzhi still has such an organ!

Jing Zhi's face turned black: "are you mentally retarded? Did I say it was me? It's a woman! How can a man have that thing! "

Peter would like to say that some men do have it! It's just that the probability of occurrence is very, very low.

However, he can't say anything. Besides, Jingzhi is going to hit people again! This violent maniac can't be provoked!

"Cough Well, I see. "

Peter knows that when he was in the virus research institute, Jing Zhi had never touched a woman. Now he even asked for that kind of medicine for a woman. Does he have a woman?

"Jingzhi, do you have a girlfriend?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!