Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 971

Sex affects the secretion of hormones in the body, which in turn affects the concentration of the virus in the body. This is related to his scientific research, and Peter has to ask.

"Who said that?" Jingzhi said? No! "

Peter blinked and put it another way: "do you have a sexual partner?"

This time, Jing Zhi did not say anything.

Peter understood it all at once!

Little virgins become big men! And I don't know how to control. I hurt my girl!

Peter shakes his head. Oh, young people are so crazy! It is estimated that Jing Zhi has been choked up in recent years. He is so energetic that he suddenly opens meat. It is normal to be crazy.

He can't help but tell: "you don't want to be too unrestrained. The Academy didn't let you touch women at the beginning, it was really for you! Your body can't stand this way! Relatively speaking, the impact on women is much smaller. "

Jing Zhi's face was a little ugly, so he got up and pushed peter out: "get out of here. I don't need you to teach me! You're thirty-seven, and you don't have a woman. Are you incompetent in that respect? Then you come to suppress my masculinity

Peter is so angry with him!

He was kind enough to remind Jingzhi not to indulge in excess, but instead he satirized him that "the function is not good"!

He wanted to take off his pants to show Jingzhi whether he could do it or not!

"Forget it, you can go about it! I don't care! "

"Bring the best medicine and make sure it works immediately."

"Where can I find an instant medicine! I'm not a fairy

"The research institute has developed so many drugs before, and many of them have quick results! Hum, I know all the medicines you have there! Don't try to deceive me

Peter felt that his angry hair would stand upright one by one!

His good gentlemanly demeanor and aristocratic temperament were destroyed by this bastard in front of him!

"Those who are quick to work contain all kinds of viruses! While promoting wound recovery, there will be serious side effects. Are you sure you want to use it? "

Suddenly, he was dumbfounded.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "forget it! If there is no virus! "

Peter leaves angrily. On the way back to the hospital, he immediately reports to Jing Rui that Jing Zhi has a woman.

He is a woman who can't find Jingzhi. It's better to leave this matter to Jing Rui, the elder brother.

However, he felt that Jing Zhi was good for that woman, and was not willing to use the virus to make her recover faster.

He has to tell Jing Rui all these small details so that he can make the most accurate judgment.

Jingzhi didn't know that he was sold by Peter in an instant. After breakfast, he dressed and went out.

After he came to a city, he didn't buy many clothes. Now, Zheng Yu left two coats on his coat, leaving only one down jacket in his wardrobe.

He is going to the mall to buy some clothes, buy some presents, and then go home.

Tomorrow will be the new year, Jing Yiran has told him many times, let him go home.

To the mall, Jingzhi bought bags of clothes and gifts, suddenly saw an underwear shop.

He walked into the room.

Jingzhilai's shopping mall is Jingjia's and the top shopping mall in city A. the clothes and accessories sold are all high-end luxury brands.

Therefore, when the shop attendant saw a man visiting the lingerie shop, he showed good self-cultivation and didn't mean to laugh at him at all.

However, the waiter didn't laugh at him. The women who bought underwear in the shop looked at Jing Zhi a little strange.

Even if Jing Zhi's psychological quality is strong, it's uncomfortable to be watched like this. He even feels uncomfortable buying his own underwear, not to mention buying a woman's underwear.

Fortunately, he had big sunglasses, so he couldn't tell who he was.

He also did not pick, pointed to the row of complete underwear, rich and bold way: "give me all wrapped up, I want all!"

It took a lot of effort for the waiter to restrain his surprise!

She thought that there was a man who was very considerate to his girlfriend or his wife. After all, there are few men who are willing to buy underwear for their women these days. She didn't expect that the visitors would sweep the whole row without looking at the size!

Isn't there something strange about this guy? Love collecting women's underwear?

The female customer in the shop looked at Jing Zhi with a look of complete disdain. She almost scolded him as a hooligan!

What a local tyrant! And he is a local tyrant with underwear addiction!

The waiter looks sweet. She has a professional standard smile. Even her eyes seem to be very sincere: "Sir, these underwear are different in size. Some are for skinny people and some are for fuller people. Are you sure you want all of them?"Jingzhi is stunned. He hasn't bought underwear. He doesn't know what to pay attention to!

He glanced at some of the shop attendants, and suddenly pointed to one of them and said, "I want to be similar to her!"

The waiter, who was pointed out by Jing Zhi, suddenly blushed with shame, and almost got into the ground!

Some of the other waiters want to laugh, but they all hold back, and then all the staff go out to help Jingzhi pack underwear.

Jingzhi saw how gorgeous the underwear and underwear were packed by several people. He immediately said, "no need to pack it. Just find a bag to put it in at will."

Why is the bag so beautiful!

Zheng yuluo will think that this is he specially bought for her!

What a shame!

He didn't buy it for her! He is for For the sake of

He didn't want to buy anything!

The waiter had no choice but to pack a pile of underwear into a big black bag.

They're all in a mess. They've got a lot of money for underwear! Make a few waiters all a bit want to cry without tears, their underwear is not sold by catty ah!

However, this list, they earn a lot! It's rare to meet such a big customer, whether he bought his own clothes or for his girlfriend!

Several people bowed down to send the "local tyrant" to leave. They all welcomed him to come again next time with all smiles on their faces!

Jingzhi is carrying a big bag of underwear, but he doesn't want to come again!

He felt that he must have been controlled by the ghost, otherwise how could he buy underwear for Zheng yuluo!

Forget it, he tore her two pairs of underpants and gave it back to her, so that she would be naked when she left every morning.

At the thought that she had nothing to wear and only one of his overcoats was wrapped around her, Jingzhi felt very hot all over! , the fastest update of the webnovel!