Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 969

Under this, Zheng yuluo's beautiful body was completely exposed in Jing Zhi's eyes.

She was shy and afraid, and instinctively curled up to escape.

However, Jingzhi doesn't give her any chance to escape. He presses her long and symmetrical thigh with his big hand to keep her from moving.

Last night, he met a woman for the first time. He couldn't control himself impulsively. He didn't even take a close look at Zheng yuluo's beauty.

Today, seeing a perfect body without a trace of defects, Jing Zhi still has a strong desire in his heart, but he can finally control himself, not so eager.

Zheng yuluo is going crazy!

She didn't even care to cover her chest and covered her lower body with shame: "you, you, you You can't see it

She propped up her upper body. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw that she was under the weight of Jing Zhi. She was not wearing any inch, but Jing Zhi was dressed in neat clothes. She still looked like a serious and elegant gentleman who could not be more serious!

Zheng yuluo felt extremely humiliated!

She struggled to escape, but she saw Jingzhi unting her shirt buttons one by one, revealing her strong and strong chest.

Zheng yuluo was scared to close her eyes. She heard the voice of him taking off his clothes. She felt that he covered her body, and her face turned red instantly.

However, her face did not red for too long, and soon turned pale.

At the moment of union, she was almost in tears.

Today's pain, compared with the pain of the first time, also let go!

She closed her eyes, passively and painfully, and only hoped that Jingzhi could finish early.

She didn't even dare to struggle, because the more she struggled, the more rough Jingzhi was!

I don't know how long it took or how many times they did. Zheng yuluo fell into a faint sleep.

Jing Zhi gets satisfied and goes to the bathroom to take a bath.

After he washed and wrapped his towel, he saw Zheng yuluo, who was sleepy on the bed, hesitated a little. Then he picked her up and went into the bathroom.

From the heat of the rain, she fell faintly.

When she saw where she was, she was shocked!

How did Jingzhi carry her into the bathroom!

Her subconscious struggle, but "pa" on the butt was slapped.

Jingzhi said in a cold voice over her head: "don't move around!"

Zheng yuluo was shocked. The hot pain on her hip petals made Jing Zhi beat her without leaving her hands!

As a matter of fact, Jing Zhi has kept his hand! However, his strength is much greater than that of ordinary people, so even if only 10% of his strength is used, Zheng yuluo feels unbearable pain.

Zheng yuluo didn't dare to move. He leaned on Jing Zhi's body and let him do it.

Then, she realized that Jing Zhi was bathing for her!

She was so ashamed that she wanted to find a way to get in!

"No, no, I'll do it myself. You You go out first... "

She has no clothes on. Jingzhi is not! Zheng yuluo as long as a bow, you can see his somewhere high!

She never saw this!

Last night and today, she almost closed her eyes during the whole process, not to mention the lower body of Jingzhi, even her face!

Now seeing Jing Zhi's body, she was at a loss. Her whole body was so soft!

Jingzhi turned a deaf ear to her words. He washed Zheng yuluo's whole body up and down, then wrapped her in a bath towel and walked out with her.

Give Zheng yuluo a bath is no more than five minutes, but only five minutes, Jing Zhi almost can't help but directly put Zheng yuluo in the bathroom!

Just now, when she was in bed, Jingzhi had already seen Zheng yuluo's delicate place already red and swollen. He knew that her body had reached the limit of bearing.

He threw Zheng Yu heavily on the bed, as if throwing something worthless, without looking at it, then turned around and went to sleep in another bedroom.

Zheng yuluo felt relieved when he left.

However, I don't know why, while she is relaxing, she still has a trace of pain in her heart.

Just now, Jingzhi gave her a bath. Although she was extremely flustered, a glimmer of hope rose in her heart. However, seeing him mercilessly throwing her on the bed and turning away mercilessly, her hope disappeared.

She laughs bitterly, Zheng Yu falls, are you crazy? He bullies you so much. What are you expecting!

Zheng yuluo buried himself in the quilt, almost suffocating in pain.

She didn't want to!

If she goes on like this, she will not be saved!

She wanted to hate Jingzhi, but no matter how she convinced herself, she couldn't hate it at all!

She's really crazy!

Jingzhi is lying in another bedroom, cold and quiet beside him. Without the fragrance of a woman and his soft body, his reason gradually returns, and the cruel Jingzhi comes back again.……

Zheng Yuwei stayed up all night. She was standing by the window waiting for her sister to go home.

It was not until a taxi appeared again in the dim morning light that she rushed downstairs as if she had survived.

Seeing her sister go home wrapped in a men's coat for the second time, Zheng Yuwei's heart seems to be broken, she almost faints in pain!

She and her sister are twins. They have a wonderful telepathy all the time. Her sister is bullied by Jing Zhi, and Zheng Yuwei is in agony as if she fell into the abyss.

She gave the driver the money she had prepared and watched him go away. She hugged Zheng yuluo and cried to her, "sister!"

Zheng yuluo couldn't help but shed tears: "Weiwei..."

She is all over the pain, good pain good pain, heart more painful! What a pain!

Zheng Yuwei hurriedly wiped tears for her sister: "sister, don't cry. We'll ask dad for help. I can't beat him, but I can't let him bully you like this! Dad will have a way


Zheng yuluo tightly grasped her sister's hand and refused in a panic: "Weiwei, don't tell your father or your mother! They will fight with Uncle Jing for me, even fight. Don't tell me! And even if said, it's no use. Jingzhi is uncle Jing's son. He will certainly protect Jingzhi! It's going to be worse then! "

"What shall we do! Let him bully you like this? Sister, I love you! I don't want you to be so wronged! "

Zheng yuluo's voice suddenly fell down: "Weiwei, it's nothing, I owe him. I heard what he said to you at night. I'm nothing compared to what he's been through. What's more, he did not... "

Zheng Yuwei did not know where to go and asked eagerly, "nothing?"

"Not too much..."

Zheng yuluo's voice was almost inaudible. She was absolutely embarrassed to say that in front of her sister.

She knew that although Jing Zhi was retaliating against her, he did not really put her to death. Even though his vent was rude, he would not deliberately abuse her.

Maybe that's why she can't hate it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!