Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 968

His fingers are as cold as snow, they are not like human hands!

Human hands, how can not have a trace of temperature!

Zheng Yuwei is frightened to think that her sister has been threatened by Jing Zhi? Touched by his cold hands?

Even she is going to be scared crazy, how can my sister endure it!

Zheng Yuwei's body is shaking unconsciously, but Jingzhi smiles in her ear.

His laughter, without a trace of temperature, is as cold as his hands! And inexplicably some desolate cold, like from hell, to let her bear the most painful punishment!

"Why, Zheng Yuwei, are you afraid? It seems that your sister is more daring

Jingzhi's fingers still slide back and forth on Zheng Yuwei's neck, as if to crush her carotid artery at any time!

"You two sisters have sent the child named Jingzhi to a good place! There is no sunshine all the year round, he can only lie in bed day after day, was stripped naked, in turn to the past research! His blood is very strange, so he was sucked. When he is about to die, he will be given some medicine for a few days. After that, he will continue to smoke! "

Zheng Yuwei is shocked and stares at Jingzhi in disbelief. He Is it even treated as a test object?! At that time, Jing Zhi, only 10 years old, was brutally drained of blood?

"He's scared, he's afraid to see the doctors, he's afraid someone's going to take his blood. But then one day he was not afraid, because they injected him with a kind of medicine, which can erase all his memories! Half a year later, he can't remember who he is at all! "

Jingzhi coldly pinched Zheng Yuwei's chin: "you said, such a life, is not a day of torture! He was sent to hell ahead of time by you, and has become a cold-blooded killer in the dark! Zheng Yuwei, don't you die? "

Zheng Yuwei murmured bitterly: "I'm sorry It's all my fault! "

"No! Vivie, it's not your fault! "

A voice that is very similar to Zheng Yuwei suddenly rings out. Zheng yuluo, with long silk hair, rushes in from the door.

She ran to Jing Zhi's side, raised her head, and said firmly: "it's none of Wei Wei's business. When she was a child, she listened to me most and calculated your affairs. I gave her ideas. She was forced by me to tie you up! It was me who made the decision and gave you to that man! "

Zheng Yuwei was shocked and said, "sister, don't talk nonsense! It's not your fault alone! "

What happened to my sister?!

She gave her sister a little sleeping pills, and then took her to her room while she was asleep. She slept in her sister's room. Shouldn't she still be in a coma at this time?!

Jing Zhisong opened Zheng Yuwei and said with a wicked smile: "Oh, it seems that my charm is not small. Your sisters are fighting to accompany me to bed! It's a sister's boat. Turn it over and over! Don't worry, in order not to let you fight, odd sister accompany, even sister accompany! "

Zheng Yuwei immediately scolded: "you bastard! Don't touch my sister

I want to eat both of them. Dream!

Just now, she felt that Jingzhi was so tortured and pitiful, but now she only felt that he was so hateful!

Zheng yuluo was afraid that her sister would be bullied by Jingzhi again. Her eyes were full of crystal tears and pleaded: "Jingzhi, don't move my sister. The previous things were all my fault. It was my fault that made you arrested again last time. It has nothing to do with my sister. Please let her go!"

as like as two peas and two sisters strike a deep chord, Zheng Yuluo's body is full of the beauty of classical beauty. At the moment, tears are full of tears.

Jingzhi's heart moved. He reached over Zheng yuluo's slender waist, picked her up and jumped down from the window he opened when he came.


Another "sister" word has not yet called out, Zheng Yuwei immediately covered his mouth.

She didn't dare to shout, and she was in such a hurry that her tears kept coming out.

She grabbed one of her elder sister's down jacket and ran barefoot. But when she ran out of the gate, where was Jingzhi and her sister!

Zheng Yuwei squatted down and put her hands on her knees. She began to cry: "sister Sister, you come back I'll go for you, please come back! "

Zheng yuluo far away to see his sister squatting in front of the door crying, the heart is like a knife cut.

However, as long as the sister can be good, let her suffer for a while and cry for a while at all costs!

She held Jingzhi's neck and cried, "Jingzhi, don't move my sister, OK?"

Seeing Zheng yuluo crying like this, Jingzhi was inexplicably upset. He said coldly, "if you cry again, I'll go and give her up now!"

Zheng yuluo immediately did not dare to cry: "no! I don't cry, I don't cry! "

The girl in her arms calmed down and held his neck quietly. Her soft body was close to him. Jingzhi was in a better mood at last.He took Zheng yuluo back to the hotel and threw her into the big bed where they had a good time last night.

All the sheets and covers on the bed are brand new. All traces of yesterday have disappeared. It seems that nothing happened.

However, Zheng yuluo just lying in bed, can think of all kinds of last night, her face quickly became very pale, but do not know what to think of, suddenly red again, the face is like a drop of blood.

When she went to bed this night, because of the lesson of last night, she didn't take off her underwear and underwear. What she was wearing was not a nightdress, but a plush Pajama with long sleeves and trousers.

At the moment, Zheng Zhi's pajamas seem to be scared of falling.

But the more she was afraid, the more she was.

Jingzhi didn't give her any buffer time at all. She pressed it directly and reached out to take off her clothes.

Zheng yuluo's skin touched his cold fingers. He was so scared that he almost screamed!

It felt like ice fell into her clothes!

She quickly covered her mouth to stop herself from shouting.

"It's OK. Don't cover your mouth. Just shout out. I like to hear you. You yelled so hard yesterday that you lost your voice! "

Jingzhi's words are extremely ambiguous. However, he has no emotion in his eyes and no expression on his face. Zheng yuluo only feels chilly and uncomfortable all over his body.

A few seconds later, Zheng yuluo's pajamas were stripped off, revealing her Lavender underwear inside.

Jing Zhi stares at the underwear for a full minute, until Zheng Yu falls to despair , the fastest update of the webnovel!