Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 967

Zheng Yuwei on the bed, the inner shock has been unable to use the language to describe!

Jingzhi is not a man at all! He's a devil!

How could he know she wasn't a sister!

How do you know she's not asleep at all!

almost as like as two peas, she is almost the same as her elder sister in appearance, temperament and physique. They walk out together in two daytime hours, and no one else can tell who is who.

How did he tell that out!

as like as two peas, she even went out to make a wig just like her sister's hair.

The pajamas she was wearing were also from her sister!

Zheng Yuwei was stiff and lying on the bed without moving.

She has been taught in the Military Academy for a long time. She has to be calm and calm. The enemy is likely to try out on purpose. If she can't hold on, the loser must be himself.

However, Jing Zhi was just like reading mind skills. He sneered and said, "OK, don't pretend. It's OK to fool an idiot like you with the little things you taught in the military academy. It's better for a genius like me to get out and exchange your sister for me! Otherwise, I don't mind taking you too! "

Camouflage fails! Psychological tactics also failed!

Zheng Yuwei's heart is cold.

How can we fight this battle! In just one minute, she, the top student of the military academy, lost completely!

She knows clearly that she is not at the same level as Jing Zhi! There is a Himalayan distance between the two!

Zheng Yuwei doesn't dare to disguise. She already knows that Jingzhi is not Meng. She can really distinguish their two sisters.

She opened her eyes, got up slowly, looked at Jingzhi with cold eyes, lowered her voice and said, "are you Jingzhi?"

her face is as like as two peas in Zheng Yuluo under the moonlight, but the momentum is different from Zheng Yu's, and she is more heroic and Zheng Yuluo is gentle from inside to outside.

Jingzhi vaguely remembers that the two sisters had the same temperament and the same personality. How could they have changed so much after seven years!

Jingzhi said coldly: "who is Jingzhi? I don't know! Do you mean the child who was sent to the madman by your two sisters? He is dead

Zheng Zhi is choked for a moment. She doesn't know how to open her mouth.

She just wanted to confirm Jing Zhi's identity just now. After all, she hasn't seen him for so many years. He has changed too much. At this time, she is in a dark environment. She can't be sure whether the people who come here hurt her sister Jingzhi.

But now she's sure.

Zheng Yuwei raised her face, looked at Jingzhi's tall figure and said in a low voice, "I I'm sorry for what we did when we were children. We made a mistake and made you disappear for so many years. You should be angry, just please don't hurt my sister, she has been looking for you all these years, she also lives very hard! No matter what you want, I can give it to you, whatever you want

"So you are determined to sleep for your sister? Very good, with a pair of twin sisters to sleep with, should still be very happy! I've never enjoyed the twin service. I hope you're more skilled. Don't be like your sister. You just call! "

Zheng Yuwei listen to the words of Jing Zhi, the anger in the heart rubbed suddenly came up!

She is different from her sister. She has a much hotter temper, and she is a master who refuses to suffer. Hearing that Jingzhi talks so badly, she immediately jumps out of bed: "Jing, you are shameless! What kind of hero is bullying two weak women? What have you done to my sister? "

"No, she just changed her from a girl to a woman, and then I adjusted her in bed. If you envy me, I'll teach you tonight!"

Jingzhi said that the wind was light and the clouds were light. He pointed to the black overcoat thrown on the chair and said casually, "look, your sister was so excited last night that she tore all her clothes, so she came back with my clothes."

Zheng Yuwei's seven tips make smoke! She didn't believe her sister would tear off her clothes. She must have been torn by Jingzhi!

My sister was really forced by this devil!

Thanks to my sister, when she came back, she could still be so calm. She also joked with her and comforted her!

Her pure and pure elder sister suffered the greatest pain and humiliation in her life last night, but she couldn't help anything!

Zheng Yuwei jumps out of bed barefoot, raises her hand to face of Jing Zhi fiercely fan!

She's going to shoot this asshole!

However, Jing Zhi's reaction speed is much faster than that of Zheng Yuwei. He grabs Zheng Yuwei's white wrist and pulls hard.

In the quiet room, suddenly a "click" sound was heard, Zheng Yuwei's arm was directly removed by Jing Zhi!

Then, Jing Zhi directly threw Zheng Yuwei on the floor and scoffed: "do you want to hit me? Next life

The arm was taken off, Zheng Yuwei almost screamed out in pain!

But her military academy career made her very able to bear hardships, and also very able to endure pain.She was afraid to wake up her sister next door, and her parents on the second floor, but she resisted without saying a word.

Her back was wet with sweat!

She thought that she was studying hard and training hard in the military academy, and could compete with Jing Zhi, but now she found that she was hitting the stone with eggs!

She bit her lips and refused to make any painful sound.

Holding back the pain, she held out her other hand and fumbled to take it back! Fortunately, she has learned this, otherwise she will die of pain tonight!

The pain in the joints is still there, but it's tolerable.

Zheng Yuwei got up from the ground and looked at Jing Zhi like the God of death. She could not hide her indignation and said, "how can we all blame us for what happened in those years! Even without my sister, you will still be taken away by those people, but it may be a few days later! At that time, my sister and I were so young, and you bullied us every day, we would be unscrupulous! The law has already stipulated that children under the age of 14 can not bear criminal responsibility even if they kill people! "

Jingzhi slowly walked to Zheng Yuwei and forced her to retreat step by step. Until Zheng Yuwei retreated to the wall, her body stuck to the wall, and there was no way out. Jingzhi stood still and said coldly: "so, you two have lived to this day! Otherwise, you think your head is still on your neck? "

He said, with his fingers gently slide over Zheng Yuwei's neck, as if it was a molestation general, ambiguous posture.

However, Zheng Yuwei didn't feel ambiguous at all. She was touched by Jing Zhi and half held in his arms. She only felt incomparable fear! , the fastest update of the webnovel!