Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 966

When Zheng yuluo came down from the taxi, Zheng Yuwei was shocked!

My sister is barefoot, her hair is still dripping, and she is wearing a men's coat!

"Sister! This is you... "

"Wei Wei, don't ask anything. Pay for the car for me first."

As soon as Zheng yuluo opened his mouth, his voice turned out to be hoarse, and there was no tenderness and sweetness in the past.

Zheng Yuwei was waiting for her sister at the door early in the morning. She had no money with her. She quickly said to the driver, "master, wait a minute. I'll go home and get the money right away."

She said, and took Zheng yuluo's arm and took her home.

Zheng Yu fell back to his room and tucked himself into the quilt. The house was heated and warm as spring, which finally made her feel better.

Zheng Yuwei used the fastest speed to pay the fare, and then rushed to Zheng Yu's room.

"Sister, what happened? Did you not come back all night? How Dressed like this? Who bullied you? You tell me, I'll help you out! "

The impact of Zheng yuluo is too big, until now, in fact, she has not slowed down. She can't believe that Jing Zhi will force herself.

Even if she was killed by Jing Zhi, she would not be as miserable as she is now.

She wrapped herself up in a quilt. She was afraid that her sister would see her traces and that her sister was not sensible. She would go to Jingzhi to settle accounts. In case her sister was also killed by him

That's the end of it!

She didn't want to hurt her sister in any way.

All the mistakes in the past, let her alone to bear, sister now lives very well, she should be happy.

Zheng Yu fell in the head a blank, but still strong calm light voice: "I'm ok, Weiwei, you go back to your room, let me rest for a while."

Zheng Yuwei didn't know anything and refused to go: "no, sister, I want to accompany you! From tonight on, I will sleep with you! No matter what happens, you should tell me! Sister, we are twins. We are the best. You can't keep everything in your heart. You have to tell me! It's better for two people to work together than for you to hold on alone

"No, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. I want to sleep. You think too much, vivi."

Zheng yuluo is not going to tell anyone about last night, not even his twin sister.

Seeing that her sister refused to say anything, Zheng Yuwei knew that what had happened must be more serious than she had imagined. Otherwise, with her sister's character, she would certainly say it out and not let her worry.

"Don't tell my parents about my absence last night, lest they worry. I won't eat breakfast in a moment. Don't call me. I want to sleep more

"Well, I won't tell my parents, but you'll tell me what happened!"

Zheng yuluo did not speak again. She closed her eyes, turned around, and began to sleep with her back to Zheng Yuwei.

After a good while, Zheng Yuwei sighed gently: "sister, it's Jingzhi, isn't it?"

Except for Jing Zhi, no one can make her sister like this.

Zheng yuluo heard the name, his body slightly stiff, eyelashes trembled, even his face turned white in an instant.

However, she did not dare to open her eyes to see her sister's face, she could only pretend to sleep.

Zheng Yuwei is good at observing and judging. When she sees her sister's reaction, she knows that she is right.

"Sister, you are so stupid. You can't blame yourself for making a mistake and live for him all your life! You should live for yourself

Other things, Zheng Yuwei can comfort her sister. She is a person who can listen to other people's opinions. In fact, she is very easy to compromise, which was the case when she was a child.

Except for Jingzhi.

All things, as long as they have something to do with Jingzhi, my sister will have no principle and stubborn bias towards Jingzhi.

Zheng Yuwei herself is deeply guilty of Jingzhi, but she is more selfish and more considerate of herself. She will not be unable to extricate herself from the pain of harming Jingzhi.

But my sister didn't care about herself.

Zheng Yuwei doesn't know what happened last night, but she knows that no matter what happened, her sister will not blame Jingzhi.

The elder sister was wearing a man's coat. She guessed that it should be Jing Zhi's, so she had a little guess about what happened in her heart, but she thought it was impossible.

If something happened to Jingzhi and her sister, she couldn't be so calm?

Zheng Yuwei did not dare to ask again. She was afraid that the more she asked her sister, the more painful she would be. She stood up and quietly left the room.

Zheng yuluo heard his sister go, tears finally couldn't help falling down.

Just now, she didn't dare to take off her clothes in order to keep the stuffing out.

At this moment, Jingzhi's coat is still on her body.

His clothes, with his unique light sweet breath, last night when she was under him, was always wrapped in this breath.However, the taste is sweet, but the heart is extremely bitter, no girl, will like last night's kind of rudeness and humiliation.

If it wasn't for Zheng yuluo's deep and deep apology for Jingzhi, and he thought that Jingzhi could not torture her too much, I'm afraid she would not have the courage to live.

She cried and cried, and did not know when she went to sleep.

I didn't wake up until evening.

She woke up from hunger.

She was still in pain all over her body. Her waist and legs were sore. One of the most serious places invaded by Jing Zhi was even more painful. She even had problems walking.

Fortunately, Zheng Yuwei was extremely distressed for her sister, and brought all the food and drink to her room. Zheng yuluo did not have to go downstairs, but simply ate something in the room, and was forced to drink a glass of milk by Zheng Yuwei.

Seeing that her sister is not like her sister, but like a sister, she takes care of her every detail. Zheng Yu finally feels warm in her heart.

She showed a faint smile to her sister: "Weiwei, I'm ok. Don't think about it, don't frown, or you'll look like an old woman."

Sister is still in the mood to joke, it seems that things may not be as bad as she imagined.

The big stone in Zheng Yuwei's heart finally fell to the ground.

The two sisters talked for a while, and at night they fell asleep in their own rooms.

In the dead of the night, everything is quiet. There is light moonlight outside the window. Through the glass, it scatters into the room, so that the exquisite figure on the bed can be clearly seen.

Jingzhi stands quietly in front of the bed, tearing off the quilt on the girl's body. Just about to pick up the person, her hand suddenly stops.

"Zheng Yuwei, you ran to your sister's room, you want to sleep with me for her?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!