Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 965

Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo are closely attached, and their lower bodies are closely combined. Zheng yuluo has a reaction, and Jingzhi feels it at the first time.

Her face was no longer pale, but tinged with a faint blush, gentle and charming, quite different from the usual silent and cold appearance!

Of course, Jingzhi knows that Zheng yuluo is the first time, not only because of the falling red of the virgin.

She didn't have any, neither did he.

However, in this respect, a man is born with no teacher. What's more, although he has not practiced it, he has a lot of theoretical experience.

Two people lie on the carpet, indefatigable entanglement, Zheng yuluo has no strength to resist, soft and soft against Jingzhi's strong chest, closed eyes, eyelashes trembling.

Just now, she experienced the first fall in her life.

Even without any experience, even if her sexual knowledge is very poor, she still knows what happened to her just now.

She was so ashamed and angry that she despised herself in her heart!

How could she Feel very comfortable!

She was forced by Jing Zhi, a jerk. How could she be made to forget who she was!

Zheng yuluo hated himself, and even more hated Jing Zhi, the chief culprit!

She was too tired to sleep.

The next day, when Zheng yuluo woke up, it was still dark outside and the sun had not risen.

She was awakened by pain.

Open eyes, see strange room, Zheng yuluo's confused brain suddenly remembered what happened last night.

Under the quilt body, not inch thread!

She was in pain all over her body, especially somewhere below. She wanted to cry because of the pain!

She felt that her skeleton seemed to be scattered, and it was very difficult to get up!

Zheng yuluo turned her head slightly, and then saw the culprit lying beside her, sleeping sweetly.

She forced to endure discomfort and body pain, gently opened the quilt, light hands and feet out of bed.

She looked back at Jing Zhi and saw that he didn't wake up, so she resisted the shame and indignation, and quickly got out of the bedroom and ran into the bathroom.

Jingzhi quietly opened his eyes, staring at the temptation of the naked figure, until the back disappeared, he closed his eyes again.

Zheng Yu fell into the bathroom and washed herself up and down all over the place. She cried while she was washing. Finally, she squatted in the corner of the wall and felt aggrieved and wanted to cry to death.

She hated Jingzhi for destroying her innocence, and even more hated that she did not reject his touch and touch!

He was so violent to her, but she didn't hate him!

She's hopeless. How can she be so spineless!

How can you repay him like this!

Zheng Yu fell in the bathroom crying dark and dark, she thought, by the crash of water cover up, others will not hear.

However, Jingzhi is not a "other person". After taking out the chip behind his ear, his hearing gradually recovers. Now, let alone the sound in the bathroom, it is the sound on the street. As long as he is willing to pay attention to it, he can also listen to a general idea.

He was lying in bed, listening to Zheng yuluo's cry. He didn't know why, but he felt uncomfortable.

He took away the most precious thing of a girl in such a rude way. He thought that Zheng yuluo would be very happy when he was in pain, but he didn't!

Zheng yuluo was in pain, and he was not happy to go anywhere.

He secretly warned himself, Zheng yuluo is not a good thing, he should not pity her! Not to be soft hearted!

Zheng yuluo cried in the bathroom for a while. He didn't dare to delay here. For fear of being bullied by Jing Zhi, he quickly wiped himself dry, then wrapped himself in a big bath towel and walked out of the bathroom.

Her clothes were torn up by Jing Zhi last night, even her underwear.

Even if the clothes are still good, on such a cold day, Zheng yuluo can't just run out in a pajama. I'm afraid she will be frozen to death before she gets home!

Wrapped in a bath towel, she quietly enters the room and takes a look at Jing Zhi. Seeing that he is still asleep, she immediately takes up the coat Jingzhi threw on the ground last night and puts it on her body. Then she turns around and runs away.

Until she ran out of the luxurious presidential suite, ran into the elevator, ran to the hotel lobby, Jing Zhi did not catch up, Zheng yuluo "plop plop" straight jump heart slowly settled down.

Jingzhi's coat is a long black woolen coat. It's made of pure cashmere. It's warm and cold resistant. Zheng yuluo's coat is wrapped in a big bath towel, and he doesn't freeze to death.

However, although the coat is long, can cover her calf, but she did not wear shoes, barefoot on the cold ground, cold from the heart of the foot throughout the body.

Seeing Zheng Yu's barefoot in winter, the waiter in the lobby stopped her and asked, "Miss, do you need disposable slippers?"Zheng yuluo was suddenly stopped and scared to death. He thought that this man was arranged by Jing Zhi to prevent her from leaving the hotel. Unexpectedly, people cared about her!

But now she is a frightened bird, cold and afraid, and her body also has severe pain. She shakes her hands in a panic and runs away!

When she got out of the hotel, she stopped a taxi anxiously. When she got on the bus and saw the driver start to play a watch, she remembered that she had no money at all!

Jingzhi put on a bathrobe and stood in front of the large French window of the suite. Looking at the petite figure in his coat, he hid in the taxi in a hurry and squinted.


City a is so big, see where you can go!

None of his prey can run away!

He didn't tie Zheng yuluo into the hands of traffickers again. He has been very kind!


When Zheng Yuwei got up in the morning, she was still thinking about her sister's nightmare last night. She ran to Zheng yuluo's room with her gloves and clothes. When she saw that there was no one in the room, she immediately had a bad premonition.

If you don't wear your mobile phone, why don't you wear your mobile phone?!

Maybe it wasn't a nightmare that my sister screamed last night?

Zheng Yuwei's remorse and remorse!

Why didn't she go in to see her sister last night!

She tugged her cheek hard and turned her face red.

She comforted herself to be calm. Maybe her sister went out in an emergency. She would be OK!

Zheng Yuwei wants to go out to look for her sister, but she doesn't know where to find her. She turns around in a hurry and dare not tell her parents. She only wears a down jacket and looks around the gate.

She didn't wait too long. A taxi soon appeared in the morning fog and stopped in front of her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!