Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 964

Of course, Jingzhi is not willing to take Zheng yuluo for a long time. He is just used to this kind of rapid running.

In the past, when he was in North America, every time he did a task, he walked almost all day. Many times, in order to hide his identity, he was not allowed to drive. What's more, if the car is equipped with a tracker or a bomb, there will be only one dead end.

He wanted to let Zheng yuluo go by himself, but she walked too slowly and wasted time!

Jing Zhi takes Zheng Yu to the hotel, and he carelessly enters the hotel elevator with Zheng Yu in his untidy clothes.

The waiters in the hotel haven't met any kind of people. They already know that Jingzhi is a big customer with history and background, and no one dares to offend him.

After entering the hotel room, Jing Zhi threw Zheng yuluo onto the bed, regardless of her cold shivering, and completely ignoring her panic, she asked, "say, are you with those crazy people?"

Zheng yuluo's brain is almost dizzy at the moment. Before, she was carried into the most famous five-star hotel in a city. Her face has been completely lost!

Fortunately, her clever face was all buried in Jing Zhi's chest, and others did not see her appearance, otherwise, she would not be able to see people in the future!

"What madman?" she asked blankly

Jing Zhi looks at her as if she doesn't know anything about it, so she doesn't get angry!

He mercilessly pinched Zheng yuluo's chin and said coldly: "still installed?! If you and those people did not deliberately set a trap for me to drill, how could I be deceived! How could it fall into their hands and suffer another sin! "

Zheng yuluo finally reacts. What is Jingzhi asking!

She was eager to deny: "no, no, no, you misunderstood! I didn't mean to hurt you! They didn't know the conspiracy to me that day. They didn't know a few people back to the city. They didn't know each other

She said, her face darkened, her voice became low, and her voice was filled with strong remorse: "I've been looking for you for several years. When I heard someone say you're back, I subconsciously wanted to find you, but I didn't expect to fall into the trap of others and cause you trouble again..."

Jingzhi can't believe Zheng yuluo casually. Who knows whether she is telling the truth or a lie made up in advance?

How could this happen?

He had a stomach full of fire in his heart. When he was lying in bed a few days ago, when he lost his ability to take care of himself, the most important thing he wanted to do was to catch Zheng yuluo and beat him hard. He could not get out of bed. He had better be half dead and never dare to fight against him again.

However, at the moment, watching Zheng Yu fall, let him punch and kick people to give a beating, he can not do it.

Let him directly shoot Zheng Yu down, he can do it, but with that means to beat a girl who has no strength to bind a chicken, he is not so twisted and abnormal.

If you can't fight, you can't kill. Jing Zhiqi's eyes are red!

He wanted to strangle Zheng yuluo directly so that he could get revenge and never see this vicious woman again! Otherwise, if she can sell it once or twice, she can sell it three times and four times. It is a disaster to keep it.

Zheng yuluo curls up on the big bed and looks at Jing Zhi for a moment. His kung fu is on the verge of rage. He can't help but feel a little frightened.

With tears in her eyes, she apologized to Jingzhi in a panic: "it was really me who was wrong last time. When they handed me the note, I really suspected that someone had ulterior motives. But I really want to find you. I just want to know whether you are well and where you have been in the past few years. I knew it was a trap, but I fell into it. I'm sorry... "

Zheng yuluo was lucky at the beginning. She felt that the probability of finding Jing Zhi was less than one in ten thousand. Even if someone wanted to pit her, she recognized it.

This is unexpected, people want to pit is not her, but Jing Zhi.

She has no use for anything.

Zheng yuluo remembered what happened a few days ago and immediately said, "by the way, the person who took you away last time is the one who took you away seven years ago."

She didn't mention seven years ago, but when she mentioned seven years, Jingzhi was even more angry!

Although he didn't know the specific situation at that time, Jing Rui told him all about it.

Jingzhi can't understand how a young girl can be so vicious!

Give him medicine, make him dizzy, tie him up and give it to "human traffickers"!

At that time, Zheng yuluo must not know that person. Now that she remembers that person, how can she send him to others?

Jing Zhi's anger could no longer be controlled and broke out completely: "Zheng yuluo, do you still have humanity! Do I have a blood feud with you? You want me to die

"I didn't! I've been looking for you

Zheng yuluo knew that she was wrong before, so she tried her best to make up for it. She didn't want Jing Zhi to misunderstand that she still wanted to deal with him.Jing Zhi is so angry that he can't listen to him. He takes off his coat and puts Zheng Yu under his body.

He pulled off Zheng yuluo's pajamas, revealing her beautiful and slightly green body.

Because Zheng yuluo was originally sleeping in her own home, she only wore underpants and pajamas, and did not wear bra. Now she was torn off her pajamas.

The light in the room made the whole room as bright as day. Zheng yuluo felt that he was completely exposed in Jingzhi's eyes.

She screamed, subconsciously embracing her chest, trying to protect herself.

However, Jing Zhi tore up her only underwear without politeness.

Up and down are lost, Zheng yuluo's face is pale.

She was shaking all over, desperate!

Jingzhi's body is very hot because he has just been exercising, while Zheng yuluo is cold because he has been frozen outside for too long. It is the same temperature with the snow outside!

A cold and a hot, stimulating two people's bodies at the same time slightly shaking.

This change is so fast that Zheng yuluo will be scared silly! She never thought that Jing Zhi would want to strengthen her!

Although she is ready to sacrifice everything for Jingzhi, she does not include her own body!

She can give her life to him, but it doesn't mean she can accept being forced!

Zheng yuluo struggled desperately under Jingzhi's body and cried in a hoarse voice: "Jingzhi, you let me go! You're crazy , the fastest update of the webnovel!