Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 963

Just now Zheng yuluo was too shy and angry. At the moment, she finally realized that Jing Zhi felt her whole body very quickly. She did not deliberately stay in any part of her body and did not knead as she did when she met last time.

She suddenly understood that Jing Zhi was afraid of hiding things in her body!

But such a search is embarrassing!

Zheng yuluo bit his lip and whispered, "you let me go. I don't have anything on me I won't hurt you. "

Jing Zhi puts his big hand on Zheng Yu's naked back and starts to rub it back and forth.

Two people close together, his action looks gentle and affectionate, I don't know, will think that two people are affectionate newlyweds.

However, his voice is so cold and his words are cold and cruel:

"you won't hurt me? Zheng yuluo, do you think I am an idiot! Don't pretend to be innocent. It just makes me feel sick! I was put so much blood in the hands of those crazy people. Today, it's my turn to put your blood! "

Zheng yuluo was frightened by him and made a shiver!

She thinks, this kind of thing Jing Zhi really can do! Killing is as simple as drinking water to him. Bloodletting is nothing!

However, even though she was scared to death, she did not say a word of mercy.

She had thought about it a long time ago. As long as Jingzhi is happy, he can punish her as much as he wants! Even if let her die, she will not have any hesitation!

Every day, she is looking forward to finding Jing Zhi and hoping that he can return safely.

Now seeing that he was all right, seeing him escape from the bad man again, she was dead without regret!

She gently closed her eyes, tears in the inadvertent slip.

"Come on, you can put as much blood as you want," she whispered

Jing Zhi sees Zheng Yu's clever appearance of closing his eyes for a moment. He is puzzled!

When did she become so obedient?

In the impression, Zheng yuluo has always been a proud peacock! It's the kind of woman who can easily lead to "World War"!

His memory is wrong?

Or has she changed over the years?

Jingzhi doesn't think he has enough brains!

He always felt that he was not smart enough. Compared with his brother, he was far behind.

Although he and his brother are "wise" and "wise", he thinks that the two words "wisdom" are all occupied by the elder brother alone! His head is full of paste!

He is so stupid and has lost his memory. When he meets such people as Zheng yuluo, he always feels a little frightened. He doesn't know whether it is a sequela left by his childhood.

However, he is not good at using brain, but he is good at using martial arts!

Force value can make up for the brain power value to a large extent. Fist is easy to use. At least it is more than enough to deal with a weak woman!

Jingzhi picked up Zheng yuluo and jumped directly from her room window.

Zheng Yu's soul is gone!

This is the third floor!

Villa floors are on the high side, from her room jump down, full of more than ten meters! If you fall vertically, your head will break!

Is this a cruel way to die?!

Isn't it good for bloodletting?!

Zheng yuluo didn't care about anything. She held Jingzhi's neck tightly, as if this could make her less painful when she died.

She closed her eyes and fell to the ground with Jing Zhi.

However, the pain in the imagination did not come.

Zheng yuluo opened his eyes and found that they had landed steadily!

How could that be possible!

Spider man?

The strong sense of fear disappeared. Zheng Yu turned his face and looked at Jingzhi in shock: "are you superman?"

Jing Zhi sneered at her with disdain: "idiot! Those who are beautiful have no brains

Zheng yuluo was scolded by him and realized that he had said something wrong.

Superman Ultraman, such as Ultraman, are all children will believe, she saw all seventeen years old, even can say such words, but it seems that she is a little naive.

However, in the days when Jing Zhi was not there, Zheng Yu spent his spare time watching almost all cartoons.

She can't watch any other TV series. She likes the simplicity of cartoons, the feeling that someone is guarding human beings, and world peace.

Because only when the world is peaceful and people become more and more simple, can Jing Zhi come back.

However, she can't blame her subconsciously saying that Jingzhi is "Superman". Normal human beings, how can they jump down from the third floor and have nothing to do with it? What's more, he still has a person in his arms!

She even nicknamed him "monster" because he was so different from other children that she thought it would be unlucky to be close to him and die.Now think about it. How could she be so bad when she was a child? Jingzhi was so poor at that time!

No one plays with him. The only one who is close to him is his elder brother, Jing Rui. However, Jing Rui is always cold and doesn't go to school. He is not a playmate of Jing Zhi.

Don't say Jingzhi hates her, even Zheng yuluo hates himself at that time!

Zheng yuluo hugs Jingzhi. She only wears a thin pajamas. In the night when water drips into ice, she is held by Jingzhi and runs fast. However, she forgets the cold and fear.

She didn't know how to atone for her sins, nor did she know how to make up for the damage she had caused to Jing Zhi when she was young.

She wants to be nice to Jingzhi, but she knows that Jingzhi doesn't need her kindness and won't appreciate her.

Zheng yuluo felt terrible in his heart, and his tears spilled out unconsciously.

Jingzhi's neck slipped into the cold tears, he was a little angry, this woman is really, how do you know to cry?

Used to be very capable? Only when she bullied others to cry, absolutely no one else bullied her to cry!

Jingzhi slapped Zheng Yu's buttock petals and said in a vicious voice: "don't cry!"

Zheng yuluo was spanked suddenly. He was ashamed and hurt. He didn't dare to cry again.

He is still as fierce as he was a child!

In the past, he always liked to scold her, and always quarreled with her. When the quarrel was fierce, he would hit people. A group of them were not his opponents alone.

Zheng yuluo turns his head slightly and secretly looks at Jing Zhi's side face.

His face is handsome and handsome, and his profile is perfect and impeccable, with a kind of perseverance that ordinary people don't have, and a faint shred of ferocity.

Become handsome, also become mature, also become cruel.

Zheng yuluo was still afraid of him. Seeing that he had been holding himself fast, he asked him, "where are you going to take me? If it's far away, you should drive. "

She was distressed that he walked so far with his arms around him, but Jingzhi didn't appreciate it at all and said in a cold voice, "shut up! You'll know when you get there , the fastest update of the webnovel!