Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 962

Muduo was not sent home, she was directly sent to Britain by a helicopter, and Zheng Yuwei went to the same military academy and began a hard military academy career.

Liao Wei went to North America.

The killer organization is in turmoil. Only two killers are left in city a to continue searching for Jing Zhi. The rest of them have returned to North America to catch Jing Rui.

Jing Rui is one of the killers who withdraw. He and yew all return to the killer base.

A city, near the new year, everywhere is filled with a lively atmosphere, full of new year flavor.

Jingzhi's body has been fully raised, but after he got better, he found that his brother and Shu Yin had left city a!

He was so upset that he wanted to talk to his brother!

When he heard about the true and false Jingrui, he hated that double. His brother had only one. What kind of stunt was that stunt! I even want to eat the property of Jing family!

Pooh! His surname is Jing. He has no such idea. Liao dare to think about it! Don't let that guy fall into his hands. He will make him regret it!

After Jing Zhi is well, the first thing he does is to revenge Zheng yuluo.

Zheng Yu's heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney all hurt. He directly put her in the ranks of those crazy people in the virus research institute. He felt that she was an accomplice with those people!

The night like ink, a ghost like black figure quietly fell in front of the bed.

On the light pink bed, lies a sleeping girl.

The girl's head of green silk scattered on the pillow, perfect side face, exposed an ear delicate and lovely, exposed a large area of snow-white skin under the clavicle, fascinating.

It seems that she is curled up in her frown.

It's a girl with a thin body.

In Jingzhi's eyes, a strange light flashed away: what a creature!

Although he has been in the West for so many years, he is not interested in Western women. He always likes Oriental women, especially A girl with classical temperament.

Such a girl, can easily provoke his nerves, let him impulsively lose his mind.

Jingzhi is suddenly a little excited and has a strong desire for destruction!

What if it's a beauty!

Twice he fell into the hands of those lunatics! This time, if his brother didn't show up in time, he would have died!

He promised Jingxi not to kill Zheng yuluo, but this does not mean that she will not be punished! You can't escape death, but you can't escape a living crime!

He pulled Zheng yuluo out of bed and carried it to his shoulder.

Zheng yuluo suddenly woke up, and then felt a whirlwind. When she reacted, she found that she was resisted by a tall man on his shoulder!

She was frightened and screamed involuntarily.

Jingzhi immediately put her down, strangled her slender waist with her left hand, and covered her mouth with her right hand. She said, "shut up! Don't yell, you'll be killed if you call again

Hearing this familiar voice, Zheng yuluo looked up and saw his unique face. He was surprised and shocked!

She did not think that the person who came was Jing Zhi!

Isn't that a dream?!

Over the years, every midnight dream back, she always dreamt that Jing Zhi came to her and let her lose her life.

Recently, because she hurt Jing Zhi again, she often dreams of this kind. Moreover, every time in the dream, his appearance is so clear!

A drop of cold tears from her face, dripping to Jing Zhi covering her mouth on the back of the hand.


Jingzhi saw women's tears more than once. He saw many crying women, but it seemed that no one could cry as well as Zheng yuluo.

The girl in his arms was trying to keep calm, but her eyes were full of disbelief, and her body was shaking slightly, not knowing whether it was frightened or because she was sobbing.

Outside the room, there was a rush of footsteps, and then a girl who was a little hoarse asked eagerly, "sister, what's the matter with you?"

Zheng Yu was afraid that his sister would break in. She immediately broke open Jing Zhi's hand and said, "I'm ok Have a bad dream! You go back to bed and leave me alone

Zheng yuluo often has nightmares, recently more and more frequently, like today suddenly afraid to scream more than once or twice.

Zheng Yuwei put down her heart and thought about it, but she didn't enter her sister's room.

The elder sister is suffering from a heart disease. She does not know how many good words she persuades, but has no effect at all.

In a few days, her vacation will be over, and she must return to the military academy to study, but she is really worried about her sister.

Zheng Yuwei sighed and went back to her room.

The sound of footsteps gradually left, the night, slowly quiet down, quiet to, the whole room can clearly hear the breathing sound of two people.Jing Zhi is surprised and suspicious. Why does Zheng yuluo hide it? Why help him?

Is there any conspiracy?

He was really scared!

Today's women absolutely can't look down on, more than one has the heart, powerful very!

But Zheng Yu falls, whole body is shivering slightly. Although she tried her best to tell herself not to be afraid, she thought of the things Jingzhi had done before, his ruthlessness in killing people, his humiliation last time, and her fear in her heart, all of which were honestly reflected in her body.

She wanted to say something, but once again she could not say a word to Jing Zhi!

She wanted to apologize, but she felt how pale a "sorry" was!

Jingzhi didn't speak. He was on guard against Zheng yuluo in his heart. He listened carefully to the movement outside. His eyes were wrong and he kept a close eye on Zheng yuluo for fear that she would play tricks again.

After waiting for a full five minutes, without any abnormality outside, Jingzhi put all his attention on Zheng yuluo.

His hands start from Zheng yuluo's hair, and touch down inch by inch, clavicle, back, chest, abdomen, until Zheng yuluo's most private lower body.

Zheng yuluo is ashamed and indignant!

Her whole body was touched by Jing Zhi in a short minute!

She wants to stop, but her strength is not Jing Zhi's opponent at all!

"Jingzhi, what are you doing?"

"Is it not clear enough to touch you? Isn't that what makes men happy

Jingzhi's tone is extremely frivolous, and his smile is full of evil.

Zheng yuluo was blushed by his words, and felt aggrieved and humiliated!

She's not that kind of woman at all!

How he has become such a man now! Bloodthirsty, so indulgent to women!

However, when she summoned up the courage to raise her head to refute Jing Zhi, she found that in his ink like eyes, it was a piece of cold, without any emotion and desire! , the fastest update of the webnovel!