Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 961

Shu Yin there, Jing Rui arranged for people to protect, so there was no more attention.

He has a lot of important things to do.

Like his double.

Most of the forces and people in the Jing family don't know that Liao Wei is just a stand in. Therefore, others are very respectful to meet his requirements, and there is no doubt at all.

Therefore, Liao Wei was able to escape from the tight control, because many of the people who controlled him were his subordinates and regarded him as the master.

Of course, this is also the reason why Jing Yichen and Jing Rui do not pay enough attention to this double. Neither of them takes Liao Wei seriously. He is a puppet supported by them. Without Jing family, he is just an empty shell.

At first, Jing Rui didn't pay much attention to Liao Wei and Mu duo. Now, he finds out that Liao Wei dotes Muduo to heaven in his name. Now they are better than brothers and sisters.

Mu duo loves to pester Liao Wei now, and Liao Wei seems to have great patience to coax her.

Jing Rui has no time to pay attention to a little girl's thoughtfulness. Even Shuyin, who has provided him with intelligence for two years and has taken care of Jing Zhi for two years, has not paid much attention to, let alone his cousins who have not been in touch for seven years.

In the middle of the night, he appeared directly in front of Liao Wei and Mu duo, and said to Mu duo coldly: "the helicopter is waiting for you outside. From tomorrow, you will officially go to the military academy to enter the school. If you fail to meet the required results, you are not allowed to return to city a for life!"

Liao Wei's face is extremely ugly, and Muduo's face is not good-looking!

what is as like as two peas in the villa brother who have just sneak into the villa?

And he talked to her in such a tone, as if he were her cousin!

Mu duo subconsciously hugs Liao Wei by her side. Her most powerful cousin is by her side. She feels very confident.

Therefore, Mu duo raised his chin and said in a disdainful and arrogant voice: "who are you? With a face like my cousin, do you want to play garlic? If you don't let me go back to city a, I won't go back to city a? Who are you? "

When she saw Jing Rui today, she immediately responded. What she saw in the hospital two days ago was not a cousin, but the man in front of her!

The people in front of me are more indifferent and cold, and have no human feelings at all! Do not hurt her, even touch are not allowed to touch!

It's better for her cousin. There is nothing wrong with her, and she won't talk to her so severely!

"Cousin -" Mu duo hugs Liao Wei's arm and shakes with a long ending: "this man pretends to be you. Let him see your power! Let him know that you can't be imitated by anyone! This man is not a good thing at first sight

Being scolded by Muduo, Jingrui is also annoyed at his good cultivation.

If Mu duo was not related to him by blood, he would not care about her whether she was alive or dead today.

But my aunt has only one daughter. Although he has no brother and sister relationship with Muduo, he can't let her fall into Liao Wei's hands and be ruined.

Of course, if he gets angry, she'll be in bad luck! After taking her out of here, there will be more for her!

Mu Duo is full of confidence, but Liao Wei is in a cold sweat!

Every time I see Jing Rui, he always has a kind of inexplicable fear.

However, the present opportunity is fleeting, he must firmly grasp it. Today, he has deliberately left the wood flower by his side, and what he has done is to use her?

Liao Weiyi hugged Muduo and retreated vigorously. He yelled at his subordinates: "protect me and Duoduo, and kill this liar!"

Jing Rui is found by himself, but Liao Wei has a lot of bodyguards around him. The number of the two sides is seriously unbalanced.

Originally, when those bodyguards saw Jing Rui, they were also a little confused. They couldn't tell which one was the real Jingrui!

However, they all know Muduo, and Muduo won't even admit his cousin is wrong?

They all subconsciously take the person who hugs Mu duo tightly as Jing Rui. After all, they have followed Liao Wei to protect him, without doubting his identity.

Jing Rui stands there quietly. His eyes sweep over the bodyguards around him. No one dares to look at him.

He watched Liao Wei leave quickly with Muduo under the protection of his bodyguard, but he didn't chase after him. He was just a little cruel to the crowd: "all the people present today have been fired! No one is allowed to enter city a again

The bodyguards who wanted to shoot at Jingrui are hesitant.

Because Jingrui is more like the successor of Jingrui's family no matter from appearance or temperament!

Jingrui in the hundreds of bodyguards in the eyes, walk calmly away, during the period, there is no one to stop him!

Of course, even if these people stop him, he can't stop Jing Rui at all.

Soon, city a went crazy and there were two successors to the king's family. One was true and the other was fake. It was hard to tell whether it was true or not.

What's more, there are rumors that the child who disappeared seven years ago in the Jing family has been found back by the Jing family. It is Jing Rui who brings Jingzhi back.As a result, the killer organization began to look for Jing Rui like crazy.

Jingrui takes a mask and changes his clothes. Together with other killers, he plunges into the task of looking for "Jingrui".

On that day, in fact, with Jingrui's ability, he could have saved Muduo. However, Muduo's abusive words without principle made Jingrui's saving heart slack.

For a while, Liao Wei certainly did not dare to move Mu duo. Let Mu duo suffer two more days.

Using Liao Wei, he successfully shifted the focus of the killer organization. In this way, he could protect Jing Zhi until he took control of the whole killer organization.

On the one hand, he kept searching for people with the killers day and night, and on the other hand, he secretly asked people to help Liao Wei avoid their search. Every time, he tried to avoid them again and again.

After several times, Liao Wei himself collapsed first!

He took a wooden flower with him. He was injured. He was chased like a dog who lost his family. But now he can't go back to the Jings to seek shelter. Not only that, the Jings have sent people to kill him!

Soon, he realized that the woodflower was a burden!

Liao Wei did not hesitate for a long time. When he ran away again, he directly threw away the wood flower. He took his men and fled to North America with the help of "noble people".

Mu duo has lived a purgatory life these days!

Every day is hiding!

She had not taken a bath for five days, and had not eaten a full meal. Her body was rapidly losing weight with the naked eye.

Until she found herself abandoned by her cousin in an unknown village, she finally despair!

In her impression, cousin is omnipotent, how can such a mess!

Usually most loves her cousin, abandoned her!

She felt like her whole world had collapsed! , the fastest update of the webnovel!