Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 960

In the hospital, Jing Rui has received the information of Liao Wei's escape.

His face was cold and frightening, while he took off the gauze to check the wound, and Shuyin was terrified.

I don't know who provoked the king of hell. It's too short-sighted! She had to be careful!

Hate that Peter followed Jingzhi to the hotel. She was the only one left in the hospital. She couldn't run away.

Jingrui's recovery is good. With the help of medicine, most of his wounds have been healed in a few days. The newly grown skin shows a kind of pink and tender like that of a newborn baby. There are almost no scars left on the burned area. This kind of recovery ability makes women feel jealous.

Shu Yin's heart flashed a trace of doubt, Jing Rui in the body of the virus in the end is what virus?

Normal people's ability to recover is certainly not up to this level, unless there is a virus to help.

However, Shu Yin knows almost all the viruses in the virus research institute. As far as she knows, no virus in the research institute can achieve such an effect.

However, she asked nothing.

This kind of thing, is a person's biggest privacy, involves the vital privacy of life safety.

Another person, Shu Yin may use her professional knowledge to solve this puzzle, but the person in front of her is Jing Rui, but she will not do so.

Although her relationship with Jing Rui doesn't seem close now, her admiration for Jing Rui is growing.

Such a man to look up to, Shu Yinsheng can not afford to resist any mind.

Jing Rui doesn't know what Shu Yin thinks. Looking at Shu Yin's nearly perfect side face, he suddenly says, "Shu Yin, do you have any places you want to go?"

This topic is inexplicable, even a little abrupt, and it is extremely inconsistent with Jing Rui's indifferent and cold personality. He can't care about where she wants to go for no reason.

Shu Yin has never been an amorous person.

Jing Rui asks this question. It must be meaningful, but it can't be that he wants to take her out to play.

She did not dare to answer easily, but asked cautiously, "boss, do you mean to travel?"

Jing Rui light way: "no, settle down."

Shu Yin slightly a Leng, what does this mean?

Is Jing Rui going to send her away?

Is she not good enough? Why send her away?

Shu Yin's bitterness can't be restrained. She is an orphan without father and mother. When she was young, she entered the Research Institute and enjoyed the warmth and coldness of the world. After escaping from the Research Institute, she became very happy because she thought she had friends.

Originally, she still did not.

She is still alone.

For a long time, Shuyin has tenacious perseverance and forbearance that others don't have. In a few seconds, she forced back tears in her eyes.

She doesn't want to and can't show her vulnerable side in front of others.

She told herself that her cooperation with Jing Rui, Jing Zhi and Peter was just mutual benefit. They were not friends.

Shu Yin stands up straight and faces Jing Rui with her back straight. She suppresses all her emotions in an instant and says in a calm voice: "I like doing scientific research. There are several top universities in the United States in this respect. I want to go to university for further study."

Shu Yin's mood is too good to hide. Jing Rui doesn't find her different, but she is quite impressed by her intelligence.

His words, only a little bit of meaning, she understood.

Talking to smart people is to save energy.

"OK, I'll contact some universities and send you there."

"No, I'll go by myself." Shu Yin lightly refused, "you don't owe me, I don't owe you either. From today on, our cooperation ends, and I will leave tomorrow."

Shu Yin's voice is still, and it seems to be exactly the same as usual. But Jing Rui thinks that she is angry.

However, she suppressed all her anger, sadness and sadness in the bottom of her heart and refused to show it to him.

Her beautiful and delicate face, showing a faint alienation, there is no previous that kind of relaxation and smile.

Jing Rui suddenly feels that he is not doing well?

"If nothing's wrong, I'm out. If I leave tomorrow, I need to book my ticket now. "

With that she turned and went out.

Jing Rui took her wrist and said, "wait a minute!"

Shu Yin broke away from his hand: "is there anything else?"

"Do you want to stay here?"

"No, I don't want to. For me, it's the same everywhere. "

Just yesterday, she naively thought it was different. She thought she had done so many things for Jingrui, at least she would not be discarded.

It doesn't matter. She wasn't thrown away once or twice.

She should be used to it, shouldn't she?Even her parents do not want her, others can not protect her all her life.

She has a strong and brave heart, she is only 18 years old, the road before so rough, she has come, the road after, she can walk alone!

Shuyin comes out of the hospital and goes to the small apartment that Jingrui helps her find.

Back in the apartment, she suddenly found that she unconsciously, had already begun to rely on the powerful man.

Accustomed to his orders, to his arrangements, to his protection.

Otherwise, she would not be so comfortable living in the apartment he arranged.

Shu Yin laughs at herself. Fortunately, she is never greedy. Fortunately, she is independent enough. Otherwise, I'm afraid she will cry all over her face.

She picked up her mood and started booking tickets online.

There are a lot of flights to the United States. Shu Yin chose the one that was the most advanced, that is, the plane at 5:00 this afternoon.

She has few things. She hasn't learned the skill of shopping. Most of her clothes are simple styles she bought online.

She thought she would live here for a long time. She wanted to go to the shopping mall to pick up clothes, shoes and socks. Now she can't go.

Shuyin took a bath, changed her clothes, dried her hair, and then left the apartment with her suitcase and went to the airport.

She is a crisp person. Since she wants to leave, she should leave earlier. She does not allow herself to have any nostalgia for here.

So when Jing Rui knows that Shu Yin has left, he is always calm and surprised.

Does Shu Yin think that he is driving her away?

But he didn't mean that. He just didn't want to tie her down. He wanted her to go out and live the life he wanted.

Now, she wants to go to university for further study, and she wants to have a good life after coming.

However, just in case, he arranged for Shu Yin to take ten people to protect her day and night.

He thought that Shuyin would go to a small city with more stability, but she still chose North America.

North America is actually the most dangerous for her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!