Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 959

Mu Qing did not stop, the daughter directly drove the sports car disappeared!

He was so angry that he was even more determined to send his daughter to the military academy.

In the past, he was reluctant to let his daughter go to the bitter place. However, Zheng Yuwei was one year younger than Muduo. She was sent to the Military Academy for exercise by Zheng Jing. After returning home this year, her temperament changed a lot.

Zheng Yuwei used to be pampered. Like woodflower, she was the kind of flower raised in the greenhouse. But now, she is like a scabbard sword. She has a sharp edge and no more delicate spirit.

It's right for a girl to be rich, but it can't be too much.

Mudo didn't know that her father had made up her mind to send herself away. She drove the car to the street in a huff. However, her driving skill was not good, and she was in a bad mood. In a short time, she made an accident - hit someone else's car!

Her brand-new Maserati not only had a lot of paint rubbed off, but also had a big dent in it.

Fortunately, her car has good protection, otherwise she will be injured.

However, the other party is not as lucky as mudo. His car is just an ordinary Nissan, which was almost broken by mudo!

Although Mu Duo is very angry, she is in love with the car and wants to bleed, but she also knows that she has made a mistake, so she quickly gets out of the car to apologize.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I didn't mean to! I just accidentally hit you. Are you not hurt? Shall I take you to the hospital first? I'll pay for the repair and medical expenses of the car! "

Although Mu Duo is a little bit coquettish and willful, she won't act foolishly.

It's one thing to be pettiness with family at home, but you can keep the most basic etiquette with others outside.

However, the other party is a big girl. She is a little girl under 20 years old. She drives such a good car and looks like a good talker. She wants to blackmail her severely.

The middle-aged man opened his mouth and scolded, "how do you drive! No eyes! Take a look at what you've done to my car! This is my new car! Ouch, it hurt me so much that my head almost split! I can't do anything now. It's over. I'll be paralyzed for the rest of my life! You're to take full responsibility, stinky girl

This posture, with those in the news said that the porcelain is not a bit different!

Mu duo's academic performance is average, but her brain is not stupid, now where do not know each other is to do what!

Since she was born, she has been able to walk horizontally in city A. dare you blackmail her? I'm tired of living!

She apologized, and the other party even put on her nose and face! How could she bear it!

She didn't even call "Mister" and directly scolded, "what a jerk! You don't want to talk to you. You have to force me to expose my nature. Believe me or not, I'll stab you to death!"

Mu duo looks like a hooligan. She kicks out the rickety car door and pulls out the middle-aged man's hair!

She wanted to take full responsibility. It's nothing to lose money.

But where can she stand being bullied like this, and now the money is not willing to pay, but also want to beat the other party!

"It's shameless enough to shout so loud. It's full of energy at first sight. It's not like it's hurt! Don't you want to be paralyzed? I will help you, Auntie

The middle-aged man didn't expect that a little girl, who looked so delicate, was so fierce!

If you don't agree, just pull your hair!

He was pulled out of the car, and without reaction, he was kicked by mudo.

This is really painful!

However, men are naturally stronger than women, middle-aged men after the initial panic, fierce gas immediately play out, a foot to the wood to the ground.

Mu duo screamed, fell several meters away, almost broke his breath!

When the middle-aged man wanted to kick again, he was stopped by two ferocious men in black who were born in the sky. Then, he was hit hard on the back of his head, and the severe pain was tearing from the brain to the whole body.

He closed his eyes and passed out.

Lying on the ground, the pain dare not move wood, looked up to see the tall man standing in front of him, suddenly "wow" burst into tears: "cousin! That bastard hit me! You help me kill him

Mudo is 19 years old and has been beaten for the first time so far.

She's a little bit older than her parents!

She was beaten today. She is about to die!

Fortunately, my cousin appeared in time, otherwise she would be killed today!

Mu duo looked at her cousin in suit and leather shoes, bent down and lifted herself. She didn't dislike the dirt on her body at all. She couldn't help crying even more: "Wuwu Cousin, or you are good to me! You can always show up in front of me in time to save me

Waiting for two people to enter the car, mudo leaned against his cousin's arms, she just responded: "cousin, are you discharged from hospital? I went to the hospital to see you two days ago, and you didn't let me touch you. Why are you willing to hold me today? "Liao Wei is a little stiff!

The hand that he put behind the wood flower clenched tightly!

Sure enough!

Jingrui is back again, and this time is not willing to hide his identity!

Liao Wei Qi was so crazy that he almost broke his teeth!

He was forbidden to go out, and then Jingrui began to enjoy all the wealth of the Jing family. How could it be!

Liao Wei is almost mad with jealousy!

He finally got all that. How could he hand it over easily!

He wishes he could exchange blood with Jing Rui. His surname is Jing, so that Jing Rui becomes a double!

Mu duo has found that he is slightly different from Jing Rui. In the future, he must not let Mu duo see the real king Rui again!

Liao Wei squeezed out a faint smile and coaxed: "I was scolded by my father that day, and I did something wrong, so I was in a bad mood. I didn't mean to ignore you. No more, you are always my favorite sister

Mudo touched the painful ribs, but some happy: "really? Do I still have to be in front of Xi Xi Xi? "

According to reason, the cousin's favorite should be his sister, Jing Xi CAI. However, Mu duo thinks that the relationship between her cousin and Jing Xi is very general. They are not too close. On the contrary, she and her cousin should be more like brothers and sisters!

When Liao Wei heard the woodflower mention Jingxi, the evil in his eyes flashed away.

That little girl is not easy to fool!

Her heart and eyes, more than 19-year-old Mu duo! I really don't know how shangguanning can raise such a smart daughter!

Liao Wei Xinkou said: "Xi Xi is still young, different from you. I always feel more like a bosom friend with you."

A few words let Mu duo's moved eyes red!

She had thought that her cousin today was very different from her cousin she had seen two days before. Now she had forgotten that little doubt to Java! , the fastest update of the webnovel!