Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 958

Jing Rui immediately hears the meaning of muzen's trial.

Naturally, he didn't know if the double had any tranquilizing liquid before, but he didn't care about it. He just took a light look at Mu Sen and didn't even say a word.

Although in the eyes of Mu Sen and Mu duo, they are close relatives who often meet with Jing Rui, but in Jing Rui's opinion, they are strangers who have not spoken for seven years, and suddenly become close. Jingrui is not used to it.

He knows that Musen should be able to see the difference between him and the double, but Jing Rui doesn't explain anything. He doesn't intend to hide it any more.

He finally solved the cancer of the virus research institute, which is not far away from the huge organization that controls the killer organization.

In the future, he won't need a double.

Jingrui doesn't speak, and the atmosphere in the ward is in an instant of embarrassment. Both Mu Sen and Mu duo are awed by his powerful aura and dare not speak rashly.

After a long time, they heard Jing Rui say with indifferent voice: "go out."

For his brother and sister, this indifference is quite familiar!

This tone is very similar to jingyichen!

It's not the indifference of pretending, but the real character. That's it.

Since Mu duo came in today, her mind is confused. She is called out by Jing Rui. She doesn't even respond for a moment.

She couldn't understand how big the change of cousin was!

She thought she had never offended her cousin!

Mu Sen is relieved, pulling the wood, immediately out of the ward.

"Brother, how do I feel that my cousin is so strange today, so curious!"

Out of the ward, mudo seems to be alive again, and finally dare to speak.

She reacts that she is disgusted by Jing Rui and stomps her feet in anger.

"His eyes are so frightening! I still wanted to hold his arm like before, but when I was swept by him, I felt hairy and I didn't dare to get close to him! "

The wood flower says, exciting Ling's beat a cold shiver.

She didn't believe eyes could kill people, but now she does!

Musen sighed gently, patted his sister on the back and coaxed her: "don't be so close to my cousin in the future. It should be OK. He didn't like to be touched by others before. Have you forgotten? It's not for you. "

Mudo was unconvinced: "before, now is now! My cousin was not the same as when I was a child. He was very kind to me. He not only wanted to let me touch it, but also played with me. He gave me a lot of good things. You refused to buy the Global Limited diamond watch that I liked. Later, my cousin didn't even frown and gave it to me directly! "

Musen can not help but have a headache, sister from small to big was held in the palm of the family, were spoiled.

The watch she said was worth more than seven million yuan. He was still in school and worked in the hospital only occasionally to help. There was no source of income. Where could I find seven million yuan to buy a watch for my sister!

Don't say it's him. Even my parents won't agree to buy her such an expensive watch for a little girl.

But mu duo cried with Jing Rui and asked for it once, and Jing Rui bought it for her directly!

Before that, Jing Rui also sent Muduo a Maserati sports car worth more than 5 million yuan.

Who can match such a big gift?

Coax Mu duo almost didn't want him. He took Jing Rui as his brother! Jingrui let her do what she does, obedient with what like!

Originally, Musen only thought that his sister was too willful and Jingrui too spoiled her, but today he was sensitive to find the abnormality!

There are two Jingrui, but I don't know which one is true!

This indifference does not want to let the younger sister touch also calculate, the younger sister anyway did not suffer losses, but in case that the gradually intimate Jing Rui with the younger sister is false?

My sister not only hugged the man before, but also kissed his face!

Her character is a little careless, did not feel with cousin's behavior excessively intimate. He reminded him twice that Mu duo made a big quarrel with him and ignored him for many days. Later, he didn't dare to mention it any more. Anyway, it was his cousin and his sister gave him a kiss.

Musen is in a heavy mood. If there are two Jing Rui, then the Jing family may hide a big secret that is shocking to the sky!

He had to ask his father if he knew about it.

Musen sent his sister home and went directly to the dean's office where his father was.

After Mu Sen told Mu Qing about his guess, he was shocked.

He had seen Jing Rui many times before, and had taken care of his body for him. However, he did not have much contact with him. He could not even see Jing Yichen's face, let alone meet him often. Jing Rui is in good health and has been in hospital three times so far.

One is a child infected with the virus leading to hospitalization, one is the previous physical discomfort to the hospital, and another is this time.When Jing Rui is admitted to the hospital this time, jingyichen doesn't let him go to see a doctor for Jingrui. He directly says that he is in good health. There are other reasons for being hospitalized.

Since he didn't say why, Mu Qing didn't ask more. It was not the doctors in his hospital who went to see Jing Rui, but two foreign doctors who had just been recommended by Jing Yichen.

According to Jing Yichen, both of them are friends of Jing Rui.

So even if Mu Qing wants to help, he can't help at all.

But MuQing is much more calm than his son and has more trust in jingyichen. People like jingyichen can't even know who their own son is.

If there are two Jing Rui, he must have arranged it on purpose.

As for the wood flower

Mu Qing also sighs in her heart. Her daughter is the little princess of the family. She should be spoiled and brought up. She should suffer a little. They can't protect her all her life. She will get married sooner or later.

Two days later, Muduo was shocked by his father's words.

"Duoduo, my father wants to send you to the military academy to study for two years and exercise. What do you think?"

"Not so much!"

Muduo refused immediately!

Military academy is not a place for people!

Zheng Yuwei only went to the Military Academy for a year, and she became a vigorous and vigorous woman. She did not have her previous weakness. Her skin was tanned a lot, and her delicate little hands had worn out a lot of cocoons.

Moreover, the commander of the military academy is not allowed to keep his hair, his nails are not allowed to dye, his make-up is not allowed to change, and he can not sleep in. He has to train hard every day!

She doesn't want to suffer that!

Mu duo turned his head and left, and said angrily, "hum, I don't want to go to a broken military academy. I'm going to find my cousin! All of you are not good to me, only my cousin is good to me. He will follow me in everything I do , the fastest update of the webnovel!