Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 957

However, Jing Zhi has no impression of Shangguan Ning.

But he knew jingyichen and Jingxi. It was no doubt that he was not shangguanning if he could be around these two people and come to see him.

Jing Zhi smiles very brightly, and Shangguan Ning also smiles.

In her eyes, Jing Zhi is still the child seven years ago.

She gently touched Jingzhi's forehead, and felt some heartache in her heart. For seven years, he suffered!

"Hungry or not? Do you have anything to eat? Your brother is injured. Are you hurt? Do you feel any discomfort? Did you take medicine? What do I think? You look a little yellow. Haven't you had a good rest these days

Shangguan Ning garrulous, completely took him as a child who did not understand anything.

Jingzhi wants to laugh, but somehow feels so warm.

When he was in North America, no one cared so much about him. He always wanted to be cared and cared for.

He laughs foolishly: "big aunt, my injury is all right! My face turned yellow because I was drugged by a group of madmen, which made my muscles atrophy and can't move now! But don't worry, I'll be all right in a few days. When I'm ready, I'll kill those people! But Although I have just finished my meal and am hungry again, I want to eat meat

Shangguan Ning doesn't know that Jingzhi's muscles are atrophic. When he says this, he is shocked.

But she just refrained from asking more, so as not to let Jingzhi suffer.

"Want meat? This is simple! Someone will bring you the steak in a moment

Jingyichen said with a faint smile: "you boy, after so many years, you can still eat! Your father prepared food for you at home early in the morning. He cooked a lot of food himself. He just called me and asked me to bring you a box of oranges. You can have as many oranges as you want! "

Jingzhi has lived in a city for so long, but he has not seen his father in the first few days.

Listen to Jing Yichen. Will dad come today?

Jingzhi doesn't know how to face jingyiran.

At the beginning, he almost killed his own father!

What a jerk he is!

After chatting for a while, jingyichen left with his wife and daughter.

He is going to transfer Jing Zhi to another place. The hospital is too easy to expose. It is not safe for Jing Zhi to live here. It is likely to lead many killers here.

Jingyichen just left, Jing Yiran came to the hospital with a big bag of food.

Jing Yiran was originally a doctor in Mu's hospital. It's normal to come to the hospital. Naturally, it won't arouse anyone's suspicion.

He asked someone to help him move the food into his office, and then he moved the same thing to Jingzhi's ward upstairs.

Father and son have not seen each other for many years. It is inevitable that they are a little strange.

Jing Yiran is better. He has never forgotten his son and has been looking forward to his son's return home. However, Jingzhi has lost his memory, and his father's impression is blurred.

However, he knew that his father loved him most when he was a child.

Seeing Jing Yiran for a moment, Jingzhi was stunned for a long time, and then he called out "Dad" in a rather awkward way.

Jing Yiran is happy with tears in her eyes. She hears her son calling him "Dad" again. She is so excited that she can't even speak quickly.

"Good, good, I You Good! Come on, I'll bring you a lot of food! I don't know if your taste has changed for so many years. Dad always does what you like before. If you don't feel good, I'll do it again later! "

He said, choking.

"Your mother would be very happy if she knew you were so big now! She's been looking forward to you coming home! "

A beautiful baby face flashed into Jingzhi's mind.


He hasn't met his mother yet.

Jing Zhi has already learned from Jing Rui that his mother, in order to protect him, has returned to the killer organization. In addition to doing tasks, he almost always protects him in secret, but he has not noticed it.

Father and son from unfamiliar to familiar, soon chatted up.

Jingzhi's personality is with Jing Yiran. She talks a lot and likes to chat. Just now, she chatted with shangguanning's aunt, not to mention her father.

Jingrui there, after his parents leave with his sister, Mu Sen and Mu duo soon come to see him.

Because this hospitalization did not deliberately conceal, everyone knows, but Jing Rui did not expect that the two brothers and sisters should come so soon.

He frowned slightly. What happened when he was away?

Mu duo anxiously entered the ward: "cousin, what's the matter with you? Why are you in hospital again? Did you have your last illness again? My father's medical skills are very good, how can you get sick again! "

As she said this, she was going to hold Jingrui's arm.

Jing Rui looks indifferent, but his eyes are like a knife. He sweeps the past towards the wood.Mudo was startled and quickly took his hand back.

Jing Rui's eyes are really a little frightening! That look in the eyes does not have a trace of emotion, look at her also completely does not have the usual kind of gentleness, cold is like the ice outside!

When did cousin become so fierce!

Seeing him a few days ago, he still hugged her with a smile! Why don't she touch it today!

Cousin, today It seems a little different!

I feel that Jingrui is not the same. It's not just Muduo.

Mu Sen's feeling is more intense than mudo. He is a doctor, and he is more sensitive to people's appearance, temperament and even breath.

Although Jing Rui in front of him is very similar to the one before him, his appearance is still different. As a doctor, he can't distinguish him.

What's more, the temperament of two people, as well as the attitude towards wood, are too different!

Before the king Rui simply wood as a sister, how to pet how to come, even his brother is ashamed.

But today, Jing Rui treats Muduo as a stranger completely!

This sense of distance is hard to describe in words, but it is real!

Muzen's cold sweat immediately came down!

This man, not Jing Rui!

No, no, no, to be exact, this is another Jingrui!

What he and his sister saw were two people! There are two Jingrui!

How could that be possible!

The king family can't even make mistakes in their own successors!

Jing Yichen can't admit his son wrong!

Just now my father also said that three members of jingyichen's family came to the hospital to see Jing Rui. He can't be a fake!

But the former one is not fake at all. It not only took over the rich Jingsheng group, but also was carefully cultivated by jingyichen!

For the first time, Musen felt that his brain was not enough!

He subconsciously pulled his sister to his side and tried: "cousin, a few days ago you said you would like to drink some tranquilizing liquid. I prepared it for you, but I forgot to bring it today. How many days will you stay here? If you're not in a hurry, I'll bring it to you tomorrow , the fastest update of the webnovel!