Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 956

Jingzhi sighed: "brother, you scared away the little tree shade again!"

Jing Rui doesn't care. He looks at Jing Zhi's powerless appearance and says: "where is she small? One year older than you. "

"Ah? Is the little tree shade eighteen years old? That's very good. It's just as well developed that I can give you a baby! "

Fortunately, Jingrui doesn't drink water now, otherwise he will spray Jingzhi's face!

He chased people with a black face: "you go back to rest, don't be here with me!"

"No, brother, you can't be so ungrateful! But you have not been forced to enjoy the benefits of the tree


"If you think becoming a mummy is also a kind of welfare, I can let you enjoy it immediately!"

Jing Rui looks pale. At last, he understands why Shuyin has to treat him. He thought it was the girl who consciously did her duty as a subordinate. She was forced to come!

The big boss is suddenly a little depressed. How can his staff be trained like this?

Jing Rui took a look at Jing Zhi and said, "you go back and eat something. I'll have someone else come here later. You can't appear in front of anyone now."

"Don't worry, I'm sure I won't show up now. It's not cost-effective if there's someone who wants to sell me!"

Jingzhi leaned back on the wheelchair without any bones, and said in embarrassment: "however, I can't go back by myself! Who can help me if the shade of the small tree is not there

Jing Rui directly calls out the men guarding outside to come in and pushes Jing Zhi back to the ward.

Half an hour later, Shu Yin came back.

She still holds a few clothes in her hand. She goes to Jingrui's side and calmly asks, "boss, I bought you some clothes. Which one do you wear?"

Jing Rui takes a look at some of his clothes. He sees that the quality is excellent and the colors are plain black and gray. The style is simple but not simple, which is very in line with his dressing style.

Fortunately, I didn't buy him those colorful ones.

His anger at being mummified by Shu Yin finally eased a little.

Considering Jing Rui's injuries, Shu Yin bought soft and loose clothes. She thought that Jing Rui's hands and feet were inconvenient, and it might be difficult to dress. She wanted to help Jingrui dress, but Jingrui didn't use her: "you go out, I'll wear it myself."

Jing Rui said, then sat up, picked up a coat, put on the body neatly.

Shu Yin's eyes widened in surprise: "when did you cut off the bandage at the joint?"

She deliberately entangles Jingrui's joints with bandages, so that he can't do all his movements, and it's even more impossible to hit people.

I didn't expect that she just went out for a short time, and he solved the problem!

Shu Yin sees Jing Rui with a cold look and doesn't dare to stay much. After putting down her clothes, she goes out of the ward directly.

It is the same with boss as with tiger!

Jing Rui changes his clothes. After breakfast, it's already ten o'clock in the morning.

The first to see him were his parents and sister, whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Dad, mom, you're here!"


Shangguan Ning was originally holding her daughter's little hand. When she saw her son, she could not even care about her daughter. She went directly to hold her son and her tears ran down.

Now, I don't dare to hurt her son from Jingyi.

"Show me, where did you get hurt?"

Shangguan Ning said that he was going to open Jingrui's clothes.

Jing Rui grabs her hand and says, "I'm ok. Don't worry. I've got a fever. I've got a fever. I'll be fine tomorrow."

He just picked the lightest and said nothing about his injuries.

Small Jing Xi but sharp eyes to see the white gauze wrapped in his cuffs, crisp voice: "brother, did you hurt your arm?"

Jing Rui has no choice but to smile: "yes, it's just a slight injury. It doesn't matter."

Jing Yichen also helped his son to speak: "it's OK. It's all skin injuries. It's OK to keep it for a few days. Otherwise, I won't live in an ordinary ward now."

Shangguan Ning believes her husband's words most. She finally puts her heart down and doesn't lift her clothes to see the wound any more.

At the moment, even if she looks at it, I'm afraid she can't see anything. All the wounds on Jingrui's body have been covered.

However, looking at Jing Rui's appearance, it seems that the state is still good, and there is no special look of pain and suffering.

Shangguan Ning looked at his son's real face, and finally showed a smile: "or my son is the most handsome!"

She means that although the double looks very similar to Jing Rui, Jing Rui is more handsome. After all, he is pure natural, and the double is made by plastic surgery.

She didn't like the feeling of being replaced by her son, so she didn't treat the stand in very much. She usually avoided meeting him when she could.She doesn't transfer all her love for her son to a double.

She can tell that he is not Jing Rui the first time she sees a double. Every time she meets, she will feel uncomfortable.

Although Jingxi is young, he is smart. When he sees his brother, he also smiles brightly: "Mom, you have a handsome son and a beautiful daughter! After that, my brother and I will be filial to you together

Shangguan Ning laughs happily, and her daughter is indeed the mother's intimate little cotton padded jacket!

A family of four is in the ward, laughing and laughing. After a while, jingyichen takes his wife and daughter to the next room of Jingzhi.

This is the first time that shangguanning met Jingzhi seven years later.

Jingyichen and Jingxi have met Jingzhi before.

Jing Zhi has changed a lot. Although his appearance is similar to that when he was a child, he is still a 17-year-old boy. He is tall and handsome. He is lying there in a sick suit, but he still looks like an eye-catching ink painting!

Jingyiran and Xiaolu have extremely outstanding appearance, especially Jing Yiran. When he was young, he was really beautiful and impeccable. I don't know how many women are the dream lover.

Jingzhi inherited all the advantages of both of them. His eyes were not like jingyiran's peach blossom eyes, but they were the big eyes of little deer's Barbie dolls. They were clear and smart. When they were put on his face, they made him more heroic, less feminine and more masculine.

Shangguan Ning's face was filled with joy and heartache: "ah Zhi, you are so big! I can't even recognize you! I used to hold you when you were a kid, remember? "

Jingzhi opened his mouth and laughed: "Auntie, of course I remember you!"

After he recovered part of his memory, he really remembered shangguanning.

In his childhood memory, shangguanning really loved him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!