Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 955

Shuyin was stunned. After a while, she began to laugh.

By such an excellent person said good-looking, she immediately mood flying, even the wrist did not feel very painful.

Jing Rui doesn't think there is anything. Shu Yin is really a rare beauty. Her temperament and appearance are top-notch.

She inherited the most excellent genes of her father and mother, and Jing Rui has no way to deny that she is good-looking.

Shu Yin has not been so happy for a long time. When she was in the virus research institute, she hardly ever laughed. Since she came out from there, she always felt that life was getting better and better. Her mood was no longer depressed and she didn't need to be too defensive. She even had a lot of cheerful personality.

With a smile in her eyes, she also cut off the other sleeve for Jingrui, and then carefully disinfected, drugged and bandaged.

After both arms are wrapped, Shuyin goes to untie Jingrui's buttons.

Jingrui wants to take off by himself, but his two arms are tightly packed by Shuyin package, and he can't even bend.

He suddenly felt that he seemed to fall into the trap of Shu Yin!

Shuyin didn't mean to wrap his arm like this?

But Shuyin looked as usual, even his voice was calm and calm. He couldn't see anything strange: "don't move, I'll do it.". The arm has just been wrapped, you move around easily bleeding, not conducive to recovery

Shu Yin said, can't help but say one grain after another to untie Jing Rui's clothes, revealing his strong chest.

There are many scars on his body, although they are very light, but still can see the original ferocity.

Shu Yin has already seen Jing Rui's desperate efforts and is not too shocked by the scars on his body.

If he had no scars, she would have been surprised.

Fortunately, this time, there are not too many chest and abdominal injuries, they are only minor injuries, otherwise they will definitely leave scars.

Shu Yin pinches the cotton ball with tweezers and gently wipes the burn on Jingrui's chest.

There is a slight cold feeling coming from his chest. Jingrui has some slight discomfort.

He was not used to such close contact with others, nor was he used to being taken care of by a woman.

However, although some are not used to it, they do not repel, nor do they have the kind of disgust he imagined.

Shuyin takes care of the wound for Jingrui, and fastens the button for him. In a low voice, he says, "let's wear this dress first. I'll buy you a new one later."

Jing Rui doesn't refuse, and gives a cold light "um".

The clothes he usually wears are basically distributed by the base, while his daily clothes are picked by himself at the mall. However, he doesn't like shopping in the mall. It's very easy for someone to do the work for him.

However, Shu Yin's next move, but let Jing Rui feel too uneasy!

Shuyin even took a pair of scissors to cut his pants!

"Shuyin, stop it!"

Jing Rui's voice is angry and his face is a little black.

He doubted that he was too indulgent in Shuyin, which led her to push forward now!

Shu Yin looked at Jing Rui innocently with wide eyes: "your wound surface is glued together with your pants. I can only cut your pants, or there is no way to apply medicine. Don't worry. I'll buy you a new pair of trousers later

Her expression is very innocent, but in the heart actually wants to laugh over!

She cut off two sleeves of boss, and now she wants to cut his pants. This opportunity is once in a blue moon!

Looking at the omnipotent cold face, boss's face was so black that she always felt a sense of accomplishment.

She has been a subordinate of Jingrui for so long, and now she has finally turned over!

When Jingrui wants to stop Shu Yin, it's too late. His pants are cut by Shuyin's scissors, revealing his white legs.

What's wrong with this picture!

Jingrui's face is as black as the bottom of a pot!

He has now confirmed that Shu Yin is intentional!

I didn't expect that she looked cold and quiet. What she did was serious. In fact, she was full of bad water!

Soon, Shuyin wrapped Jing Rui's leg.

In this way, Jing Rui's whole body is wrapped in a lot of gauze, wrapped like a mummy!

Now he wants to kick Shuyin out, but he can't do it!

Shu Yin looked down at his "masterpiece" and felt very satisfied.

"Boss, you have a good rest. The gauze can't be removed. I'll help you remove it in the evening and change the dressing, so that you can recover in three days."

Jing Rui curbs his impulse to hit people. He looks at Shuyin coldly, and Shuyin runs away with the medical equipment.

Shuyin leaves Jingrui's ward and goes directly to Jingzhi next door.

Jing Zhi has been waiting for a long time. If he didn't know that his brother was injured and couldn't do strenuous exercise, he would have doubted whether there was something beautiful happening if he didn't know that his brother was injured and couldn't do strenuous exercise!"How's my brother?"

"It's OK. The burn area has been dealt with. Fortunately, his physical fitness is very good. There is no infection on the wound surface, but there are signs of healing."

Shu Yin said, suddenly felt a little strange.

According to common sense, Jing Rui's burn should not be recovered so well!

Ordinary people must have inflammation and suppurative phenomenon, but he did not have a bit.

"The virus in boss's body looks very unusual. Although it can't compare with yours, it's also quite good."

Shu Yin has no doubt that Jing Rui's virus is exactly the same as Jing Zhi's. she was born in the virus research institute and has studied that virus for a long time.

Like others, she was convinced that no one could withstand the bullying virus.

Jing Zhi is also confused. He doesn't remember that he once infected Jingrui with the virus. After all, at that time, he was only a little bit more than a year old, and then he lost his memory seriously, so he had few memories.

What he can remember is just a picture.

Listen to Shu Yin said that Jing Rui has powerful virus in his body, he is very happy.

"I'm going to see my brother!"

"No, you should have a good rest now. It's not suitable to go anywhere."

Shu Yin doesn't want to refuse. Jingzhi is no different from a paralyzed person. Where can he go?

However, Jing Zhimo's Kung Fu is first-class. He is both pleading and threatening. He has to let Shu Yin push him to the next room in a wheelchair.

Shu Yin can't resist him, so he has to find a wheelchair and push him to Jing Rui's room.

Jing Zhiyi was surprised to see his brother's appearance. Then he almost fell down from the wheelchair with a smile: "brother, are you mummified? Isn't it a bit avant-garde! "

Jing Rui, with a cold face, looks at the comfortable sound pushing the wheelchair. He says faintly: "it's very avant-garde. The designer has some ideas. Maybe he thinks his life is too long."

As soon as Shu Yin heard this, he immediately said, "that I have something else to do. Talk to me

She said that, left Jingzhi and ran out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!