Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 954

There are only a few people who know the secret of his body. Even Jing Zhi doesn't know it. Maybe he did. But after he lost his memory, he completely forgot this little detail.

Over the years, the virus research institute has been working hard to find out how to make Jing Zhi's virus survive in other people's bodies, but it has not been successful. Thousands of people have died for this experiment.

He's the only one who has survived with that powerful virus.

Moreover, his physical function has been improved in all aspects!

Jing Rui suspects that the reason why he still survives after being infected with the virus is that he is related to Jing Zhi by blood.

The genetic similarity between them is about 25%, so his body can withstand the attack of the virus and complete a small part of the genetic modification.

Shuyin has no blood relationship with them, and the body certainly can't bear the virus.

"I don't need anyone here. Just go out and take care of Jingzhi next door."

"There is no problem with him. The recovery of muscle strength is a slow process. Even if I stay by his side, he can't be cured immediately. But you're not the same. I'll take care of the wound for you. You'll soon get rid of your fever and recover faster. "

Shu Yin said, he looked at Jing Rui's whole body up and down, and asked, "take off your coat or your pants first?"

Jing Rui's face is stiff. The girl is not reserved! She's always been like this before?!

"Shall I take it off for you, or do you take it off yourself? Forget it, you are injured and you are not able to move. I'll take it off for you

Shu Yin doesn't speak to Jingrui, but her face is a little ugly. The sultry just now is swept away!

Originally, her big boss is afraid of this!

She wants to undress him, how to make it look like he was taken advantage of!

She's a girl. It's obvious that she's suffering from this kind of thing!

Forget it, who called him boss!

With a smile on her lips, she deliberately reaches out to untie Jingrui's buttons.

Jing Rui sat up and stopped Shu Yin's hand. His face was ugly and said, "I'm not used to being touched by others."

Shu Yinqi said: "then who helped you to cure your illness and injury before?"


In the past, he wrapped up the wound at will. Most killers are like this. It is impossible to go to hospital for treatment, unless it is a very serious injury.

Shu Yin sees Jing Rui silent, knowing that he was bound up for himself before.

She accepted the smile and looked at Jingrui with clear eyes. She said seriously: "before, it was because you were outside. Now, you don't have to do with it."

"Yes, I won't, so you go out!"

Jingrui's attitude is not very good, he has been Shuyin entangled forehead blue veins straight jump! Change a person, he may kick a person out!

However, Shuyin didn't realize it at all. She kept saying, "take off your coat and lie down. I'll give you some medicine. If the burn is serious, part of the skin needs to be removed. I'm afraid it can't be done here. You have to go to the sterile operating room. "

Jing Rui is silent for a long time, and finally says: "I have a virus in my body, which can infect and may be fatal."

I didn't expect Shu Yin to be very indifferent to the way: "just right, I also have viruses in my body, also infectious, also fatal."

Jing Rui is surprised to see a beautiful girl like a delicate flower. Her expression is too calm, and there is no prejudice and resentment against the virus.

In the killer organization, because every killer has been injected with a virus, although the virus has different degrees of improvement in physical fitness, it is still rejected by all people.

The so-called viruses, of course, are poisonous. Most of the viruses injected by killers can stimulate people's potential within a few years. However, after the peak period, the physical fitness will drop sharply. The average age of death is around 50 years old, and few of them can live to 60.

People in the virus research institute are more crazy. They inject more kinds of viruses into their bodies and have more side effects.

Does Shuyin hate viruses?

In fact, Jing Rui himself is a little bit disgusted with the virus in his body.

When I was young, I didn't feel anything, but when I grew up, I had a strong rejection of the virus.

This virus is a unique virus in the world. So many top professionals have studied it for seven years without thorough research. No one can guarantee that it will have sequelae.

Shuyin skillfully put on the mask and rubber gloves, blinked his eyes and asked, "what are your worries? If not, I'll start to treat your wound! "

She said, directly picked up the scissors, "click click" action neatly cut off a sleeve of Jing Rui.

Jingrui has no idea about Shu Yin. He can't fight, and he can't help but get a headache."You cut off my sleeve. What am I going to wear later?"

Shu Yin's head did not lift the way: "I will buy you a new one, but you have to pay, I have no money."

She carefully disinfects, wipes and bandages Jingrui's arm.

He had a large area of burns on his arm. Blood beads were constantly seeping through the wound. He was wearing a black dress. Just now, he couldn't see what his injury was like.

Now seeing that Jing Rui is hurt so badly, Shuyin is a little bit distressed.

This is too much!

Jing Rui sees Shu Yin take cotton ball to him wipe blood, not from low voice admonishes her: "don't touch my blood."

Shu Yin understood what he meant, and she nodded clearly: "I know, I have treated Jingzhi's wound before, but I haven't died? The virus on your body must be developed by the Research Institute. The toxicity is certainly not as big as Jing Zhi. Don't worry. It's very easy for me to deal with this kind of virus. I know how to avoid infection, otherwise, how can I live to this day. "

Her movements are professional and skilled, her expression is focused and serious. She does not look like an 18-year-old girl at all, but like an old scholar who has been studying medicine for many years.

Jing Rui looks at her, encircling all his arms, and his eyes fall on her two exposed wrists.

Her wrists should have been white and slender, like all 18-year-old girls, as beautiful as a piece of parchment.

But now they are all red and swollen, and there are even his clear fingerprints on his left wrist.

Swelling to this extent, it should be very painful!

In addition to the first cry of "pain", she did not even mention a word later.

Jing Rui's heart is moving, and he can't help looking at her face.

Shu Yin is very sensitive to his eyes. She turns her head and looks at him. Her eyes are crescent shaped: "boss, am I very good-looking?"

She thought Jing Rui would say "no".

Unexpectedly, he even nodded and said, "yes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!