Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 953

from ruin?

It's a big charge!

Shu Yin explained helplessly: "it's not that I didn't save the boss, but the boss didn't treat me very much. You can see that my wrist almost broke last night."

She said, pulling up her sleeve and showing her wrist to Jingzhi.

When Jing Zhi saw it, sure enough, Shu Yin's white wrist, like jade, was red and swollen.

"You're too delicate. You're just a little red. It's not a big deal at all! If you make excuses and find a decent one, you will be locked up with that old North bastard

Jingzhi opens his eyes and tells lies. He knows that Shuyin is not a coquettish person, but he deliberately messes around. Now it's important to send the beauty to his brother. It's not a matter of swearing!

"My brother has burns all over his body. Do you think your injury is comparable to my brother's? Let you go is to trust you, my brother's identity is so sensitive, in case someone else to go, what will happen to him? What good life do you think you can have without him? It's bound to be taken away! "

Jingzhi's words finally touched Shu Yin's heart.

Over the past few years, Jing Rui has given her enough protection, so that she does not have to struggle with those paranoia, so that she has enough time and space to study medicine and virus.

"You're right. I should go."

Shu Yin smiles gently, then turns around and walks out.

Jing Zhi is dazzled by Shu Yin's joke.

He has never seen a girl smile so good-looking, like a white magnolia, suddenly blooming, beautiful natural and pure.

Brother has a good eye!

Shu Yin doesn't know Jingzhi's idea. She takes medical materials such as gauze, iodophor and ointment, and then goes to Jingrui's ward.

Outside the ward, the cold wind and his ten subordinates are there to guard. This battle is much stronger than that of the stand in Liao Wei. Usually, there are at most two or three people around Liao Wei.

Cold wind knows Shu Yin. He took Shu Yin and Peter from North America to city A. he also sent Shu Yin and Peter back to the temporary base of virus research institute to take care of Jing Zhi.

Cold wind has been ordered by Jing Rui early in the morning. He can't let anyone enter his ward. When he sees Shu Yin coming, he hesitates.

He knows that Jing Rui's injury is a little heavy this time. Although he certainly can heal slowly with his own recovery without treatment, the cold wind really doesn't want to make the eldest brother suffer more in this situation.

Shu Yin knew what cold wind was hesitating about. She said softly, "cold wind, open the door. When boss asked, she said that I forced to break in. It has nothing to do with you."

Cold wind laughs bitterly. If he can't stop a girl of eighteen, how can he follow Jingrui for so many years! He's not made of paper!

He weighed again and again, or risked the huge risk of being driven away, let Shu Yin into the ward.

In the ward, Jing Rui lies on the bed with his eyes closed, looking like he is asleep.

The winter morning light, through the clean glass, shines into the room and covers Jing Rui's body, making him look a little warm.

His face was very pale, and his lips were not bloody at all. Obviously, he was in a bit of a bad condition.

Shu Yin habitually reaches out to explore Jing Rui's forehead, trying to see if his fever has subsided.

When her hand is a few centimeters away from Jingrui's forehead, Jingrui suddenly opens his eyes and reaches out quickly, grabbing Shu Yin's wrist.

He holds too hard, Shuyin can't help but "hiss" a, urgent cry: "pain!"

Jing Rui sees that it's her. Her defense is weakened, but her face is still cold, and her voice is cold and frightening: "who let you in?"

Shuyin's painful tears whirled in her eyes. She was so angry in her heart that she wanted to try Jingrui's hair for two times without a fever. As a result, she almost lost two hands! How can she live the rest of her life without her hands!

She said she couldn't come. Jingzhi asked her to come!

It's too dangerous. It's just taking my life to treat Jing Rui!

"I came by myself. You need medicine for your injury."

Shu Yin tried to make her voice calm, but her tone was a little colder, which made people know that she was not happy.

Jing Rui has a high IQ and EQ. of course, I can see that she is not happy.

He took a look at Shu Yin's two wrists, and saw that all of them were red and swollen. He could not help but be shocked.

In his dictionary, there is no such word as "pity on the lady". The woman he meets is either the target he wants to kill or a female killer like yew. Yew looks like a pretty girl, but the fight is very fierce. He got his foot yesterday, just like a man without a problem.

He just pinched Shu Yin's wrist, and he thought he didn't exert any force at all. How could he be so red and swollen?

Is the skin too delicate? Or is she naturally swollen?These thoughts just flash in Jing Rui's mind, and do not leave too many traces.

"Cold wind!" he said in a cold voice

The cold wind came in: "I'm here."

"Even a woman can't be stopped. From today on, you don't have to be with me. Go back and practice hard. When can you stop a woman? When will you come back?"

When the cold wind heard the first half of the sentence, his face turned white. When he heard Jing Rui come back, he immediately straightened up and said in a loud voice, "yes!"

When the cold wind finished, he immediately turned around and went out.

Only Jing Rui and Shu Yin are left in the ward.

Shu Yin didn't want cold wind to be punished for herself. She restrained all her emotions and said seriously: "it has nothing to do with the cold wind. I have to come in. If you want to punish me, you can punish me. He is loyal to you..."

"Get out."

"I want to see your injury first, and if it's OK, I'll go out. If you don't like female doctors, I'll let Peter in. "

Now, Shu Yin is not afraid. Anyway, Jing Rui doesn't look like he can hit people. As long as he doesn't touch him, there is no great danger. At most, he talks coldly and looks fierce.

Shu Yin guesses right, Jing Rui really won't move her.

He is not not not beating women, yew was kicked by him unkindly yesterday, he just can't play Shuyin.

Let alone his commitment to shuchengshan, even if not, he will not hit a female doctor for no reason.

Although his character is cold, he is not violent and paranoid.

as like as two peas, he refused to let others deal with wounds, not because he could not accept the touch of others, but kept a secret all the time. His body possessed the same virus as Jing Chi, but it was much lower.

He can't believe Shu Yin.

At the same time, he is also worried that Shuyin will be infected with the virus if he contacts his blood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!