Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 952

Jing Rui doesn't see the change of Yew's eyes, but he doesn't need to see it. He also knows that yew can't really have no problem with him.

He has just kicked yew, unless Yew's brain is in the water, otherwise it can't be forgotten so soon.

Jing Rui doesn't speak. He just glances at the yew faintly, and then goes to the next place with the crowd.

When did he get so familiar with yew?

They are strangers, even enemies!

He wants to dominate the killer world. As a powerful new star in the killer world, yew has never shown any sign of cooperation with him, that is, she is the power of Andrew's side.

Yew is ignored by Jing Rui again, a little annoyed.

But there was no anger in her face.

At the next location, a group of killers spread out for a carpet search, during which many researchers from the research institute were killed.

Jingrui does not search, only he knows that searching here is just in vain.

He hid in a hidden corner, closed his eyes and rested.

He had been awake for two days and nights, and had just escaped from the fire. His body and spirit were very tired.

For the convenience of movement, he wore only the uniform uniform of killer organization.

Although clothes have the function of preventing cold, in the deep winter when water drips into ice, thin clothes are not enough to make people feel warm.

Moreover, Jing Rui knows that, as Shu Yin said, he has a fever, and the degree of fever is gradually increasing.

He had multiple burns on his body, because they had not been treated, they are now slowly oozing blood, and the injury has a tendency to worsen.

Although Jing Rui doesn't want to admit it, Shu Yin is right. His recovery ability is far from that of Jing Zhi. Jing Zhi doesn't need any treatment, but he needs it.

He tried to ignore the pain in his body and forced himself to sleep.

There are killers everywhere. He's safe.

He curled up in the corner of the wall, sat there and fell asleep.

The reason why sleeping while sitting is not because the ground is too cold, but because this posture is most conducive to alert and respond to emergencies.

He was alone outside, without protection, and could only be on the alert all the time.

Although the current environment is relatively safe, Jing Rui has long been used to this sleeping position.

The sky is slightly bright. Yew holds a telescope and sees Jingrui curling up to sleep from a distance, and his expression is slightly stunned.

The "lightning" she saw was always strong, invincible, and even without any weakness. He was arrogant all over his body. No one expected that he had such a fragile side.

Yew covers his painful chest, which is kicked by Jingrui, and suddenly feels that his heart is also a little painful.

She put down her telescope and put herself into the search for Jingzhi.

Jingrui must be tired to the extreme, will choose to rest, otherwise he will certainly rush in the front.

In the past, every time a batch of tasks came out, he was always the first to choose, and must be the most selected, very desperate.

When this time's search work is over, yew doesn't see Jing Rui's figure, and knows that he is still sleeping there.

It's already daybreak, and it's not suitable for killing people. Moreover, killers also need to go back to rest. As soon as several people's eyes meet and they don't even need language communication, they can understand what the others mean.

Everyone consciously scattered, looking for the right place to replenish ammunition, and then rest.

Yew didn't leave immediately.

When she comes to Jingrui's hiding place, she looks at him in the shadow and says in a low voice, "ray, the task is over temporarily. You'd better find a more comfortable place to rest."

Jingrui suddenly opens his eyes, and his whole body is tense. When he sees that the sky is bright outside, and yew is standing dozens of meters away, keeping a safe distance from him, he just relaxes.

He didn't know how long he had slept or how the yew found himself, but he knew that he was in a bad condition.

If yew gets close to him, he won't sleep like that.

High fever and body burns have reduced his reaction and vigilance.

However, he could feel the kindness of yew. At least, she deliberately stood far away, and her position was very suitable. She did not mean to harm him.

Jingrui stands up, nods to the yew, and then goes out.

He went back to the hospital, changed his clothes, took off his mask and lived in the ward where Liao Wei used to be his substitute.

What is announced to the public is that Jing Rui is ill again and is hospitalized for recuperation.

Jingzhi's ward is only a wall away from Jing Rui's, and he can't go to the next room to see his brother. But he hears Shu Yin say that his brother has a high fever and his injury is getting worse. He almost fell out of bed in a hurry!Brother, how's Shu yin? Is he taken care of? Have you got an injection? Have you taken any medicine? "

Shu Yin shook his head: "he won't let anyone in. We are the only ones who know his injury. Others think he's just a cold.". Peter just came out of it, and he gave boss a fever reduction needle, but his injury was still not dealt with. "

In fact, even the antipyretic needle is hard hit by Peter. Jing Rui only says that he can have a sleep and won't let others touch him.

When Jing Zhi heard this, he was in a hurry: "how can I do that! You go next door and push my brother to my ward! I want to live with him! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Shu Yin hesitated: "isn't it OK? And you won't agree to go, boss He won't be touched, so you'd better find a male doctor for him! Peter also has some research on burns, so let him have a try. "

"No, Peter, it's you! Peter, a big man, how can you be a girl careful, in case my brother hurt! He's good at scheming, surgery and other things. He's not as good as you are! "

Jing Zhi slaps Peter to death!

He said in his heart, Peter, I'm sorry for you. Now is a good time for my brother and beautiful people to cultivate their feelings. I can only belittle you as worthless!

Because the present posture is obviously that the beauty has no intention to the elder brother, and the elder brother is interested in the little beautiful people!

However, Shuyin is still worried about last night's incident. She just wants to touch Jingrui's forehead and test his temperature. As a result, she almost gets crushed. If she deals with his whole body injury, she can't be directly crushed into slag!

Seeing Shu Yin's hesitation, Jing Zhi immediately threatened her: "my brother is your boss. Now the boss's life is in danger, but you can't help you. Are you tired of living! Hurry up , the fastest update of the webnovel!