Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 951

"What's more, your burns should be dealt with. If you don't like female doctors, I'll ask male doctors to help you with the medicine. Jingzhi is very strong in recovery. He doesn't need medicine, but you can't. If you don't, the wound will be inflamed and the fever will be aggravated. "

Although Shu Yin specializes in gene genetics and virus research, she can handle common fever and injuries very well. Although all the doctors in the virus research institute are paranoid, they are all good at medical skills. After so many years of study, Shu Yin has become a general practitioner.

She guessed that Jing Rui didn't like to be touched by others, so she immediately suggested that a male doctor should come to deal with his wound.

However, Jing Rui is ungrateful at all. His face is even colder than before: "no need, go out!"

Said he couldn't!

Although his recovery ability is not as strong as Jing Zhi, but also very powerful, where can't be?!

Long a good face, but not a good brain!

When Jing Rui talks with a cold face, his momentum is fierce, his edge is sharp, and his cold sense is threatening. Shuyin is scared and goes out quickly.

Boss is angry. Did she say something wrong?

Shu Yin didn't know what she was wrong about. She shook her head and went back to her office to find ice for her wrist.

Her wrist has been swollen for a short time. It can be seen how much strength Jingrui has used!

Shu Yin was a little scared. She made up her mind that she would never touch her boss again.

Shu Yin is a little afraid of Jing Rui, but Jing Zhi is not afraid at all. He lies on the bed and complains vaguely: "brother, you scared the little tree shade away. She forgot to take the thermometer! I've had it for a long time. It's not convenient to talk! Please help me to take it out and see what degree I am now

Jingrui stands up and goes to Jing Zhi. He takes out his thermometer and looks at it. "It's 34 degrees. It's a little low."

Jingzhi's normal body temperature is 35 degrees. 34 degrees means that the virus content in his body has increased, which is a little dangerous.

Jing Rui throws the thermometer on the table and returns to the chair to sit down.

"After a period of time, when you recover, I will give you a blood exchange. After that, your body temperature will be close to that of normal people."

Jing Zhi is not very concerned about his temperature. He has always been worried about his life and death. In the past, once his body temperature was too low, the research institute would try its best to improve his temperature. Now, his elder brother cares about him. He doesn't have to worry about his death because of his low temperature.

"Brother, the tree shade is also concerned about your body, you are too cruel to others! I can't find a girlfriend in the future! What's more, don't you think the shade of a small tree is beautiful? "

Jingrui is indifferent to Jingzhi's words. He sits there, cold as a sculpture.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jing Zhi said excitedly: "I just think that the little tree shade is not only beautiful, but also very good at taking care of people, and has a good temper! Compared with Zheng yuluo, Zheng Yuwei is more popular! I want to strangle those two once I see them! "

Jingrui still doesn't speak, just quietly listening to Jingzhi's nagging.

"Brother, is the little tree shade your man?"

Jing Rui hesitated for a second and nodded: "yes."

At least for now.

"Then give her to me, too!"

This time, without hesitation, Jing Rui refused directly: "she can't do it."

"Why not?"

Jingzhi's eyes widened. He gave everything he asked for from his brother, even the moon. Why not give him Shuyin?

Jing Rui did not explain the reason, just light repeated: "she can't, the rest of the people can give you."

Jingzhi began to giggle again: "ha ha, I know! Brother, do you also like Shu yin? I'll tell you, you are usually so good-natured, and just now you are so cruel to others. It turned out to be intentional! "

Jingrui frowned: "shut up, don't talk nonsense!"

Where does he usually have a good temper?

He's only a little bit better at Jingzhi!

Besides, even if he doesn't have any love experience, he knows that to attract a girl's attention should not use violence.

I'm afraid that violence against girls will only make them go further and further?

"I'm not talking nonsense! Brother, you said earlier, if you like a woman, I will not rob you

Jingzhi said, frowning at Jingrui.

Obviously, his idea is completely opposite to that of Jing Rui. He thinks that suppressing girls with violence will make girls fall in love with men more quickly!

After all, many girls are reserved. Men should be more active and rough!

If you take the body first, are you afraid you can't win the heart?

In any case, he only had a good feeling for Shu Yin, that is, she was beautiful, very eye-catching, and did not have much to do with her. He was very comfortable with her, but he didn't have much love for her.Jing Rui doesn't argue with Jing Zhi any more. It's ok if he misunderstands him.

Shuyin will always be protected by him. If she doesn't like Jingzhi, he can't force her to follow Jingzhi.

She is different from Zheng yuluo and others. She does not owe Jingzhi, nor does she owe him.

Shuchengshan even chose to commit suicide instead of using him to protect Shu Yin all the time.

Jingrui doesn't want to destroy Nuo, so long as he is in one day, he will protect Shuyin one day.

Unless, Shu Yin wants revenge.

Then his promise will automatically void.

Jing Rui accompanies Jing Zhi for several hours in the hospital, and then sets off again.

He needs to be organized.

If they know that Jingzhi has been rescued, their target will be transferred here immediately.

I don't dare to find out who is doing it in the dark.

Jing Rui returns to the ranks of the killer organization, which does not arouse the suspicion of other people, but causes the suspicion of yew.

People are constantly gathered together, they are used to fighting their own battles, absolutely can not stay together all the time, so it is normal to come back sooner or later.

Only, yew never pays attention to those who are worse than her. She only pays attention to Jing Rui, who is better than her.

What's more, she always thinks that the relationship between Jing Rui and the female doctor is extraordinary, and she has been paying attention to Jing Rui's movements. Although her people lost Jing Rui, it is obvious that Jing Rui is not looking for a target according to the task. He is going to do his own thing.

Yew's chest is still dull pain, her eyes are a little cold, but in a moment it becomes bright.

She goes to Jing Rui and says in a clear voice, "ray, the target is not here. Do you have any other clues?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!