Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 948

Yeshan was suddenly Jing Rui's words and tone of gas inverted!

What is the manner of his commanding subordinates!

They are all at the same level. There is no question of who is in charge of whom!

She should extort confessions from the prisoners she captured herself, and all the sources of information should belong to her. This is the rule! Jing Rui has been organizing killers for so many years. It's impossible not to know!

Yew looked down at the beautiful amazing Shuyin and sneered: "how, you feel soft when you see the beauty? That's what you're doing! Kick my gun away and I can't help it? Hum! I have a hundred ways to kill her

Yew said, and her finger went to Shuyin's throat.

However, before she meets Shu Yin, Jing Rui kicks her out.

Although Jing Rui's foot didn't use all her strength, yew still left and fell out a long way. She lay on the ground, bleeding from the corners of her mouth, and didn't get up for a while.

She didn't expect that Jing Rui said to do it!

Just for a little doctor I don't know!

Yew mercilessly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and forced himself to get up from the ground.

The pain was like being pricked by a needle, but yew just held back and didn't utter a word.

"Do you want to fight with me for this woman?! OK, come on! I'll be with you! "

Jing Rui looked at her indifferently and said, "you don't deserve it!"

These three words, for yew, is a great shame, she has always been competitive, for this kind of devaluation can not tolerate.

She just wanted to say something, but suddenly felt that these three words are familiar!


It seems that someone has said such things to her before!

The same look, the same tone, the same condescending!

Yew all over the shock!

She seems to know how to find out Jingrui's identity!

She took a deep look at Jingrui, then looked at the kneeling Shuyin, deeply engraved her appearance in her mind, and then covered her chest and slowly left.

Only Shu Yin and Jing Rui are left in this area.

Shu Yin slowly stood up from the ground. She looked at Jing Rui's ordinary but cold face and said thanks again: "thank you, boss."

Jing Rui is a little surprised. He didn't expect Shu Yin to recognize himself immediately. After all, he never revealed his killer identity. What Shu Yin knew was that he was the successor of Jing family and Jing Zhi's brother.

What Shu Yin knows is always his real name, not code name "lightning".

However, he did not deliberately hide, so Shu Yin as long as a little clever and careful, guess his identity is normal.

He nodded to Shuyin and said indifferently: "leave from the back. Peter is waiting for you there."


Shu Yin only answered one word, then turned and walked towards the back.

After walking far away, Shu Yin looks back and takes a look at Jing Rui, who is still standing there. Her heart is moving, and the kind of doubt that she had been having for a while has emerged again.

Why does Jing Rui protect her at all costs?

Her value is very clear to her. What she does is not enough for Jing Rui to come forward to protect her.

And obviously, it's the first time that she and Jing Rui meet, and Jing Rui has no other feelings for her.

She pressed down her doubts deeply. Since Jing Rui doesn't want to let her know the reason, no matter how hard she tries, she can't find out the reason.

It is a good thing to be protected by a powerful man.

Shu Yin comforts herself in her heart.

Otherwise, without him, I would be wasted by yew today. No matter how high her medical skills are, it is useless to deal with such top killers as yew. At most, she can only let her be infected with the virus quietly.

However, yew is very defensive against these, seems to know all kinds of viruses, basically no chance to start.

Shu Yin takes back her eyes and flashes out of Jing Rui's ordinary face in her mind. She thinks of another "Jingrui" she has seen, and can't help shaking her head.

Killer groups wear a special mask, which she always knew.

She has long guessed that "Jingrui" is not her boss, but a stand in.

There is a big difference in temperament between the two. One is cold and calm, and can't make people guess their actual age at all. The other is just a fierce, handsome face, and knows nothing about it.

Although I didn't see boss's real face today, he gave her a feeling of inexplicable peace of mind.

Shu Yin likes to work for Jing Rui.

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin leaving, without any expression on his face, but he has a little worry in his heart.

It's enough to worry about a Jing Zhi. Now we need to add a Shuyin. The pressure he faces is doubled.Yew's character is very domineering. Although she let Shu Yin off today, she will certainly find trouble in the future.

Jing Rui suddenly has some regrets that he promised shuchengshan to take care of his daughter.

When things over here are over, it's better to send Shu Yin far away. Although city a is safer, it's easy to find her here. It's safest for her to send her to a place where no one knows her.

She can start a new life in a new place, love, get married and have children.

In this way, he would have fulfilled his commitment to Shucheng mountain.

The killers found nothing in this location and then raced on to the next.

Although Yeshan is injured by Jing Rui, she quickly follows the crowd and continues to extort confessions with a gun.

However, she has already contacted with her own forces to thoroughly investigate the identity of Shu Yin.

Jing Rui is usually a person who doesn't associate with anyone. He is more ruthless than most killers. He doesn't know what compassion is. Today, he suddenly wants to protect a woman. It's weird.

This is the first weakness that Jingrui has ever exposed!

How can yew not hold such a good handle!

Jing Rui doesn't know yew is investigating Shu Yin. Even if he does, he won't care. What he cares about most is Jing Zhi.

After that, the seven people did not find a good place to search.

Taking advantage of the rest time, Jing Rui changes his clothes, takes off his mask, and goes directly to the real place where Jing Zhi is hidden.

He did it in his true capacity, and would not attract any suspicion.

He is Jing Zhi's elder brother, so he should be saved.

In this period of time, as long as the double doesn't show up, he won't go through the gang.

Jing Yichen there, has already coordinated well, the double is guarded, he is not allowed to go out.

It's just that Liao Wei is not so obedient. , the fastest update of the webnovel!