Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 949

A city in the cold winter night, a large textile factory in the suburbs, a violent explosion.

For a moment, the fire was raging and screams came and went.

The explosion was so sudden that Jing Zhi didn't react at all. He didn't know what happened. If it wasn't for the explosion, he would still be in a coma and would not wake up.

He didn't know where it was or when he came here. He felt as if he had been in a coma for a long time.

He looked around and was startled!

There's fire everywhere, even under the quilt!

The smoke choked Jingzhi and kept coughing. He climbed down from the bed with difficulty. If he did not get down, he would be on fire!

Hate that he is weak, even walking is a problem, otherwise he does not need to be trapped here.

The fire at the door is getting fiercer and fiercer. Jingzhi can't help but smile. Is he not killed by the virus in his body, but will be burned to death?

In a trance, a tall figure rushed in.

When Jingzhi saw the man's face, he was stunned. Then he grinned and said, "brother, I knew you would come to save me! However, you are still so handsome. Don't wear those old masks in the future

Jing Rui shows his true face, which is quite different from his previous appearance. However, Jing Zhi can tell who he is just by his body shape and breath.

When Jingrui hears that he is still joking, he knows that Jingzhi is not in a big way.

Thanks to his worry outside, he didn't care about anything and rushed in directly.

If he finds out who blew up this place, he will treat the culprit well!

"Can I go?"

"No! Brother, are you stupid? If I had been able to walk, I would have run out, would I? "

Jing Rui's face is black. He is so big that no one dares to say he is stupid!

For the sake of Jing Zhi's half life, he can't agree with the patient.

He tore two half of his wet towel and threw the other half to Jingzhi: "cover your mouth, or you will be choked to death. Don't blame me for not coming to save you."

Seeing Jing Rui come to save himself, the shock in Jingzhi's heart is actually indescribable.

In fact, his impression of his brother is still vague. He has forgotten what his relationship with Jingrui looks like. He feels that people who are as indifferent as Jingrui seem not to fight for him at all.

But he was wrong.

After his accident, Shu Yin and Peter came to him at the first time. He knew that it must be arranged by his brother.

Now, the fire is blazing, and the aftermath of the explosion is still not over. Even a three-year-old knows how dangerous it is to rush in.

However, Jing Rui does not hesitate to rush in.

He looks extremely indifferent, but in fact his heart is soft and warm.

"Brother, I won't die. I've always had a big life. I want to live for a long time and protect you in the future."

Jing Rui is not sure.

As long as this brother doesn't make trouble again, he will be satisfied!

He pulled Jingzhi up from the ground, hesitated for a second, and carried Jingzhi on his back.

Although he dislikes close contact with others, this is a critical moment. The man on his back is the younger brother who grew up together since childhood. He doesn't have much rejection. In addition to feeling uncomfortable at the beginning, he quickly adapts to it.

Don't say that Jingrui is a little awkward. Even Jingzhi feels uncomfortable.

Because he is taller than Jing Rui. He was so powerful before, and his strength and speed were far beyond the limits of human beings. He has always been proud of this. Now he has to let his brother carry his back. It is really a shame.

After Jing Rui carries Jing Zhi on his back, he is somewhat astringent.

Maybe Jingzhi doesn't remember it, but he remembers it clearly. He once recited Jingzhi before, when Jingzhi was six years old.

At that time, Jing Zhigang had just finished the blood exchange and was too weak to walk. So he carried Jingzhi on his back and took him to the streets to watch the fun and buy food.

He still remembers that Jingzhi is happy like a bird, chattering incessantly, eating all kinds of snacks on his back.

He is only two years older than Jing Zhi, but it's hard for him to carry the six-year-old Jing Zhi, but he never said he was tired.

Perhaps, he knew for a long time that in the future, no matter how tired he was, he would have the responsibility to take good care of Jing Zhi.

He's his brother, the only brother.

After Jing Zhi lost his memory, he was the only one who didn't want to forget.

After many years, he was carrying Jingzhi on his back.

When he grew up, he had enough strength to background wisdom, but he found that Jingzhi, one meter eighty-seven, was so light!

These days, what kind of life is Jingzhi!

How can thin to this degree!

In a few days, Jingzhi's muscles have been seriously atrophied. If he comes back later, I'm afraid Jingzhi's muscles will be permanently injured.Jingrui's eyes turn red quickly. He must catch all the people who abuse Jingzhi. He wants to revenge Jingzhi!

Jing Zhihuan lives on Jing Rui's neck hand, and suddenly drops a drop of cool tears.

He wanted to hold his brother tightly, but his arm muscles and nerves were paralyzed and he could not use his strength at all.

Jing Zhi leaned his head on Jingrui's back with some chagrin, and said in a low tone: "brother, don't cry, I won't be caught in the future."

Jing Rui doesn't speak. He raises his head, carries Jing Zhi, and shuttles quickly in the sea of fire.

He won't let Jingzhi get caught again!

The hot flame burned the skin of the two brothers, and the red fire light on their similar faces covered them with a layer of Nirvana like brilliance.

The factory covers a large area, and Jingzhi is hidden in the most central position.

Jing Rui is running in the sea of fire. He can tell the direction by instinct.

From time to time, wood will fall from the top of his head to hit him. If he doesn't hide quickly, he and Jingzhi will die.

Both of them had extensive burns to their skin, but no one cared for the pain on their bodies. They were all on guard to avoid being accidentally hit.

Fortunately, Jing Rui has a strong memory. Even if many things are burned out and destroyed by explosives, he can still find the exit along the way he came.

At the moment of escaping from the fire, the two brothers were relieved at the same time.

"My God! Finally came out! Who is so shameless and dare to set fire to me! Brother, you're going to turn that man into a suckling pig for me

Jing Zhi hates to bite his teeth, but his childlike tone makes Jing Rui smile gently.

My brother is OK, everything is fine!

"Ah, brother, how can I remember the story of a pig Bajie carrying his wife?"

The smile of Jing Rui's lip corner immediately froze, almost throwing Jing Zhi on his back!

Who are you talking about?!

If Zhu Bajie grows up to be like him, can the king of the kingdom of daughters still like Tang monk?

"Shut up, you're not allowed to talk!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!