Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 947

Zheng Yuwei's look is somewhat complicated.

In fact, she also felt guilty about Jingzhi. After all, she and her sister drugged Jingzhi and bound him up and sent him to the bad guys.

But Jing Zhi bullies her sister, and she is still angry.

However, she knew that her sister was willing to atone in any way. Even if Jing Zhi wanted her life, she would give it to him without hesitation.

She wanted to do something for her sister, but she was disappointed to find that she could not do anything.

She was sitting in a taxi and waiting outside silently. Her sister would not live here at night. She must be going home, but I don't know if Jingzhi is in the villa and will bully her sister again.

Zheng Yu came to jingyiran in the middle of the night, but jingyiran did not sleep.

He was wearing a casual suit and a down jacket on the outside, looking ready to go out at any time.

Seeing Zheng yuluo, Jingyi is obviously stunned.

Before Zheng yuluo opened his mouth, his tears fell first.

"Uncle Jing, I I found Jing Zhi... "

Her tears fell more and more quickly, and she cried, "but I made him get caught again! You'd better get someone to help him

Jingyi sighed heavily, but there was no accident: "well, I know."

Zheng yuluo raised his head and looked at him in a daze: "Uncle Jing, you You know it all? "

She didn't tell anyone about it. How could jingyiran know?

Jing Yiran now doesn't know whether to blame Zheng Yulai. Jingzhi's arrest this time is really related to her, but she can't all blame her. I'm afraid she is one of the people who don't want to be arrested.

Just learned from jingyichen that Jingzhi was captured again, Jing Yiran was extremely angry, but a few days later, all he had left was heartache and eagerness to rescue his son.

He knows that for the sake of Jing Zhi, Jing Rui has returned home again.

He trusts Jing Rui's ability very much, as long as he hands, the son can certainly rescue.

However, his son will suffer again, so he really can't like Zheng yuluo.

"Rain falls, so late, you go home! Don't come back, and don't look for ah Chi again. Let's go

"Uncle Jing!"

Zheng yuluo felt that her heart suddenly broke, she could hear that Jingyi ran really rejected her!

She was depressed and sad to see Jingyi turn away. She felt that she was no longer qualified to come here!

She stood for a long time, empty villa, only her crying voice.

Someone gently hugged her shoulder and wiped her tears.

"Sister, don't cry. Let's go home."

Zheng Yu falls to stare big eyes: "Wei Wei, you so come?"

"I didn't trust you, so I came out with you. Elder sister, I heard what you said just now. Don't worry, uncle Jing, they will try to rescue Jing Zhi. From now on, you'll live your own life and stop looking for him, will you

All of a sudden, she was not allowed to look for Jingzhi any more. Suddenly, Jingzhi appeared. Zheng yuluo felt that his life seemed to have lost its goal and direction, and his heart was empty.

Is this really OK?

She has no idea what she should do if she doesn't look for Jing Zhi.


In order to ensure the safety of Jingzhi, North has made many protective measures.

Only a few people know where Jingzhi is hiding.

Even Peter and Shu Yin don't know where North hid people.

However, although they don't know the real location, they know that the places they are in are just a cover.

In this way, it will be easier for Jingrui to find it.

However, at the beginning of the search, he could not leave the yew and other six people alone and go to other places to look for people, otherwise it would be too suspicious.

He, along with the other killers, approached the first site heavily armed.

Jingrui knows that Shu Yin is also in this place.

In order to make them believe that this is Jing Zhi's hiding place, North deliberately left a lot of doctors and researchers.

The result of the search naturally disappointed many killers. The target was not here at all. In order to find out the true whereabouts of Jing Zhi, yew and others began to extort confessions.

When it's time to extort a confession from Shu Yin, yew holds a gun and aims at Shu Yin's hand, and says coldly: "where is the man? If you don't, your beautiful hand will be useless forever! You'll never get a scalpel again! "

Shuyin's mask has been removed. She is wearing an ordinary white coat and kneeling on the ground. Her long black hair is scattered on her shoulder, which makes her skin more and more white and bright.

Being pointed at by a gun and kneeling is a little bad.It is obvious that the one who extorts a confession to her is a woman. Shu Yin knows that this person should be yew who ranks third among the new killers.

In the past, when the relationship between the virus research institute and the killer organization was very good, the people in the research institute had a deep understanding of the killers, because usually if there were people to deal with, they could entrust the killers to kill, and they didn't need to pay any fees, and all the expenses were borne by the killer organization.

Because the virus research institute also provides a large number of viruses free of charge to killer organizations. Most viruses are used to strengthen the killers' physical fitness. Among the whole killer organizations, the only one that has not been injected with virus is yew.

So Shu Yin was very impressed with yew and had paid close attention to her for a long time.

She has never seen yew herself, but she has seen her photo. At the moment, she can tell the identity of yew only from her body shape.

Among the top three new killers in the killer organization, Shu Yin is the second and the third. Only the first "lightning" is missing.

Shuyin was kneeling steadily and quietly, "I don't know where he is. Even if you kill me, I don't know."

Even if she knew, she couldn't have said it.

It was Shu Yin's cold attitude that stimulated yew. The fierce color in her eyes flashed away. She was about to pull the trigger to kill the woman who had never paid attention to her, but her gun was kicked away.

Yew suddenly turned his head and said angrily, "lightning, what are you doing?"


Shuyin was slightly shocked. She turned her head slowly and looked at the tall man who saved himself: "thank you

Jing Rui takes a light look at Shu Yin.

Sure enough, her appearance is somewhat similar to Shucheng mountain, but her facial features are more delicate, and her eyes are more beautiful, probably like her mother.

However, what makes Jing Rui surprised is not her outstanding appearance, but her calm manner.

Jing Rui quickly took back his eyes and looked at yew in a cold voice: "give me this man, you can go." , the fastest update of the webnovel!