Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 944

Jingzhi felt that he had always heard a woman crying in his dream. The voice was sad and sad, and his heart would be broken.

Fortunately, later somehow, the cry disappeared, and his world was completely quiet.

When he woke up again, he saw the familiar white room and a large number of instruments attached to his body. Pictures of last night poured in, and he knew that he had been captured again.

However, this time he did not have the slightest panic, he believed that he could escape here again.

Jingzhi wanted to get up, but he found that he was very weak and could not use half of his strength, and his head was dizzy.

This kind of symptom, he is incomparably familiar with - he was taken away a lot of blood, appeared serious anaemia symptom.

What's more, his body was injected with a large dose of muscle and nerve paralysis drugs, and his hands and feet did not listen.

It seems that the paranoia finally realized how idiotic he had been when he was allowed to be free.

Jingzhi doesn't know how long he has been in a coma or where he is now, but fortunately, his memory has not been damaged. He remembers everything that should be remembered.

There were people in and out of the room, armed to explore his condition.

After a while, Jing Zhi saw his old acquaintance.

He couldn't help grinning! Long time no see! You look beautiful! What kind of panacea have you taken recently? Or has the Research Institute developed a new virus? "

Shu Yin, wearing a rubber glove hand, took Jing Zhi's arm without ceremony, and then took an injection to hit him in.

She was wearing a protective glass mask with only one pair of eyes, no expression on her face, but a little speechless in her heart.

She can see how beautiful she looks when she's dressed like this?

Besides, they just met each other on Christmas day yesterday. She also provided Jing Zhi with the whereabouts of several researchers. As a result, he said that he had not seen him for a long time, and he pretended to be quite similar!

What a fool! Boss managed to save him, but he fell in again!

Fortunately, she and Peter's identities have not been revealed, otherwise they will not get involved.

Shu Yin doesn't pay attention to Jing Zhi. She skillfully records various data and carefully observes Jing Zhi's physical condition.

"Cherry, I'm so miserable all over. Am I going to die? Blame that dead woman, or I won't be caught! Do me a favor. If I die, I must not let go of that woman. I must arrest her and do all kinds of experiments with her body! "

"Don't worry, you can't die!"

is as like as two peas, who are cold and proud, just as they used to take care of the scenery.

She had learned how to disguise, otherwise she would not have lived to this day.

If she exposed her relationship with Jing Zhi, it would not have any impact on Jing Zhi. She would be killed herself. The Institute has always been extremely harsh in treating traitors.

Shu Yin doesn't know who the "dead woman" Jingzhi refers to. However, when she came here last night, she already heard that Jing Zhi was in the hands of the same woman seven years ago and this time, and she doesn't know what kind of woman she is.

She can't help laughing at the way Jingzhi gnaws her teeth.

If it is the woman who caused Jing Zhi such a damage, I'm afraid the boss will not let her go first. It's impossible to get people here to do experiments.

She replaced a bottle of Jingzhi's medicine with ordinary glucose, which was infused into his body.

Jingzhi knew that she was changing her dressing again, and she was grateful, but her words were just a careless young man.

"It's also romantic to be a ghost under the peony flowers. Although the woman's character is not so good, she always pits me, but her appearance is really beautiful! I was still in love with her before I fainted out. It felt so comfortable

Jing Zhichang is so big that he has never touched a woman. Yesterday, it was his first time to experience a girl's tender and tender body. At that time, he didn't feel anything, but now he felt the aftertaste was endless!

Shu Yin's face is a little ugly. No wonder Jing Zhi was caught so easily. It turns out that he was fascinated by beauty yesterday!

Boss was crazy to learn that he was caught last night!

It's not wrong that this man was planted in the hands of a woman!

She wanted to shave Jingzhi's beautiful face like peach blossom very much!

If he doesn't get caught, she doesn't need to come back!

It's not a place for people at all times. It's dangerous.

Fortunately, this is not her brother. If this is her brother, she must beat Jingzhi to fat!

She gently shook his head, light mouth to remind him: "this time you don't want to run away, these paralyzing muscle and nerve drugs, effective as long as seven days, you this week in bed as a vegetable bar!"Jingzhi knows that Shuyin is tactfully reminding him that even if she changes all the medicines for him, he will not be able to recover his ability to move in the next seven days, and it will be a week before he can walk on his own.

Shu Yin finished, took a look at Jing Zhi, and then turned out of the room.

In another top secret room in city a, north is discussing with his confidant how to place Jing Zhi.

They wanted to send Jingzhi to the research base in the deep desert, but they received the news early this morning that their secret base had been blown up!

Several of their bases in North America and Africa were destroyed earlier, and now even the most confidential one has been destroyed. For a time, there is no place for them to place Jingzhi.

North was furious. Only his own people knew about his secret base, and only Andrew knew about it. Now it was discovered and destroyed. The first thing he suspected was that Andrew had leaked the secret!

He looked at his subordinates with cruel eyes, and said angrily, "the matter of finding Sean must not be disclosed to the killer organization! We must keep it absolutely confidential. He is our private property. This time, Andrew will not be allowed to intervene any more! "

However, he won't let his men tell the secret, but the secret quickly spread to the killer organization, and Andrew soon found out.

Of course, it was not the researchers from the virus research institute that leaked the secret, but Jing Rui.

Of course, it was Jing Rui who destroyed the desert base.

Jingzhi was captured by the virus research institute. He was extremely angry that night and let people destroy the base without hesitation.

The reason why he is like a killer organization to leak secrets is to let the killer organization send him back to city A.

A city lost a large number of people to protect Jingzhi. All of them were killed by the people of Virus Research Institute. Otherwise, Jingzhi would not be taken away so easily.

The situation is a little grim. Jing Rui is not at ease. Jing Zhi wants to go back and solve the big problem himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!