Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 943

The leader of the men did not put Zheng yuluo in the eye at all.

A 16-year-old girl who has no strength to bind a chicken can be stabbed to death with one finger. No matter how cruel it is, it will not pose any threat at all.

He didn't kill Zheng yuluo just because he thought this girl was their lucky star. In the future, if Jing Zhi ran away again, maybe he could start from her and find Jingzhi again.

At that time, in fact, he was always looking for opportunities. Unfortunately, Jingzhi was protected wherever he went. Although there were not as many people protecting him as Jing Rui, Jing Zhi, as a descendant of the Jing family, had no bodyguards around him.

He had wanted to wait for another year and a half, but Zheng yuluo directly sent people to his hands, he did not have the truth!

This time is also the case. If it was not for Zheng yuluo, Jingzhi would disappear immediately after killing people. There would be no flaw at all. They would not have caught Jing Zhi.

"While I'm in a good mood now, little girl, you'd better leave as soon as possible, otherwise I'll be crying and crying for a while, and I won't be as good as I am now!"

Zheng yuluo has no fear at the moment. The person she has worked so hard to find is right in front of her. Even if she is dead, she has to protect Jingzhi's safety.

She hugs Jingzhi tightly and refuses to let go.

"It's the note you sent to me, the message you sent me, you've been using me, right?"

Zheng yuluo's voice is a little shrill, and his tone is full of sadness.

She wants to say sorry to Jing Zhi. She wants to say that she did something wrong again, but now it's useless to say anything!

Jingzhi can't hear it. Even if he can, he won't forgive her.

Zheng yuluo has now forgotten all the things Jingzhi has done to her and all the harm she has suffered. In her heart, even if Jingzhi wants to kill her, she will not have any resistance or complaint.

Even she thinks she should be damned, not to mention Jing Zhi?

Just now, those several people were talking about "experimental objects", and her heart was very painful.

Jingzhi is a living person. They actually regard him as an experimental object!

What a pity!

The man in black disdains to lie with a 16-year-old girl. He admits frankly: "yes, it's me! Haven't you been looking for him all the time? I found it for you. Should you thank me? "

Thank you?


Zheng yuluo is eager to kill the man in front of him at the moment. How can he thank him!

"Yes, I found him! So you can't take him away! Don't you need a test sample? I'll go with you, and I'll give you a trial! "

The man in black seemed to have heard the most funny joke in the world. He laughed wildly, and finally said cruelly: "you are not even worthy to be an experimental object! The virus in Jingzhi's body is unique in the world. He is an advanced person and the best experimental body! Get out of here, or my three men will break your neck

The kindness on his face was destroyed by cruelty, and his facial features were ferocious and crazy, like a madman who had just run out of a psychiatric hospital.

"Jingzhi killed two of my men. I didn't kill him or you. You should kneel down and thank me! They just follow you all the time and act as bait to attract Jingzhi. If they don't take Jingzhi back, my head will have to move too! "

Zheng yuluo hugs Jingzhi with fear. She finally realizes who killed the two guns Jingzhi opened before!

She misunderstood Jing Zhi!

She was followed, but she didn't realize it!

It was Jing Zhi who helped her kill those two men!

He was still cursing at that time!

Zheng yuluo, you are such an idiot!

Zheng yuluo scolded himself 10000 times in his heart, but the man in Black said: "you are not a man! Jingzhi was taken away by you when he was ten years old. He left his parents. He was treated as an experiment by you! You are a madman! I will never give him to you. You will be punished for all your evil deeds

The three men didn't understand Chinese, but they knew that Zheng yuluo was definitely not saying anything nice. They were staring at Zheng yuluo with cold faces, waiting for the boss to order them to kill the girl who was in the way.

In fact, the three Western men, looking at Zheng yuluo's eyes, with a trace of amazement and greed. They have been hiding in Tibet recently and haven't tasted the taste of women for a long time.

Zheng yuluo's appearance is astonishing. Her figure is graceful and her skin is like coagulating fat. Even if she wears inconspicuous clothes, she can't hide the temperament and charm of the classical beauty on her body.

In particular, the beauty is now pear with rain, delicate and pathetic, which stimulates the strong possessiveness of men.

Zheng yuluo knew that she was beautiful, but in recent years, she did not care about her appearance at all, and did not think that three people had thought about her.She refused to leave or even let go. She kept holding Jingzhi for fear that he would be taken away by these people again.

Men in black are not interested in women. For him, nothing is more important than immortality! Jingzhi's body is related to the huge secret of prolonging his life. Where can he let three of his subordinates fool Zheng yuluo.

This girl, it will be useful to keep it in the future!

He was eager to take Jingzhi to leave. He did not want to talk nonsense with Zheng Yu. He made a gesture to his subordinates, then jumped down from the window and disappeared into the vast night.

Although the three subordinates were extremely unwilling, they did not dare to disobey the order of the eldest brother. With one hand, Zheng yuluo was stunned and Jingzhi was carried up, and then disappeared.

Waiting for Zheng Yu to wake up with a headache, where is Jingzhi around!

The sky has been slightly bright, the sun is gradually rising, but Zheng yuluo can not feel the slightest warmth, the whole person seems to be immersed in the ice and snow, from head to foot.

She got up from the floor in a daze, her arm accidentally touched her chest, a burst of pain came, let her slightly awake.

Yesterday's scene flashed in front of her eyes. Jing Zhi's cold hand seemed to still stay in front of her chest and kneaded fiercely.

His hands are so cold that they don't look like human hands at all.

Zheng Yu falls behind and realizes that Jing Zhi's hand is so cold. I'm afraid Jingzhi has been following her outside all the time before, so it's just like ice. Otherwise, how could he know that someone was following her? How could he shoot those two people who were following her!

She found Jing Zhi for seven years!

However, she would rather that she had not found Jing Zhi!

In this way, Jingzhi will not be taken away again!

Zheng yuluo squatted down slowly, covered his face and burst into tears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!