Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 945

The killer organization learned that Jing Zhi was still alive, and immediately sent people to city a to rob people.

Jing Rui, as the elite of the killer organization, of course, has been sent. The killers of his peers also have six people, such as yew.

In fact, the killer organization is now seriously divided. Andrew can no longer control the whole situation. Jing Rui's people have more voice, so Jing Rui can be sent out.

After getting on the plane, Jing Rui discovers that yew actually took the same plane with him.

He frowned slightly.

Generally speaking, killers don't take the same flight. As far as he knows, Yew's original flight was not the same one at all.

Yew see Jing Rui, it seems not surprised.

She wore a lavender sportswear, a black down jacket and a high ponytail. She looked like a gentle girl next door. No one knew that she was a murderer without blinking an eye.

Yew sits in the empty seat beside Jingrui, and naturally picks up the newspaper to read.

A few minutes later, yew takes a look at Jing Rui, and suddenly says, "ray, what a coincidence, I met you here!"

Yew greets Jingrui with a crisp voice, but Jingrui closes his eyes and begins to rest.

Yew was ignored, a little angry.

Recently, she has been following Jingrui all the time. Although she often follows him, she feels more and more that Jingrui's background is unusual.

A man of such strength, yew from the initial unconvinced and competitive, into admiration and heart.

Jing Rui has always ignored her, but she is more and more frustrated and brave. Even for him, even the flight has been changed.

She wants to know the real identity of Jingrui, but no matter how she checks it, she won't miss any chance to be with Jingrui.

The plane is a direct to a city, Jing Rui this time is impossible to avoid her.

She can stay with Jing Rui for at least ten hours.

"Ray, don't you remember me? We are primary school students! We are all primary school students in a city. We were good friends before

According to the information found by yew, Jing Rui is 90% likely to be from city A. However, his resume shows that he is a Malaysian, of mixed blood. His parents died and he grew up in an orphanage.

She wants to test the reaction of Jingrui to city A.

Unfortunately, she was doomed to be disappointed.

Jing Rui's psychological quality has been so strong that he won't be affected by any foreign objects.

Yew went to school by herself. Like many ordinary children, she would choose to go to school for education. She probably didn't expect that Jing Rui had never studied in primary school. Before he was ten years old, he had completed all the courses of primary school, junior high school and high school with a private teacher. After that, he formally entered Harvard University. He graduated from University at the age of 12. What's the difference Learn from your classmates!

Jing Rui has no reaction, but yew doesn't give up.

She pesters Jing Rui, like an ordinary little girl, constantly asking questions. I don't know that they really think they are old classmates who haven't seen for many years!

Killers more or less have their own quirks. Yew knows that Jing Rui doesn't like being touched. In fact, she doesn't like it either.

Touching the body is a taboo between killers. We usually keep a certain distance by tacit understanding.

Yew eyes a flash, looking at Jing Rui's arm, suddenly reach out to embrace, want to hold him coquettish.

However, before her hand touches Jingrui, Jingrui suddenly opens her eyes and sweeps towards yew indifferently.

His eyes, shock is too strong, Yew's hand hard to shrink back.

However, she was so quick that she said with a smile, "are you willing to take a look at me at last? I thought you were going to pretend to sleep forever! What have I done to you? You won't pay attention to me

Her voice is good, and her mask is very delicate and beautiful. When she says this, she doesn't feel a bit obstinate and willful at all. On the contrary, it makes people feel pleasant, lovely and lively.

Several male passengers on the other side of the aisle had already looked at Yew's face frequently and wanted to talk to her.

Only Jing Rui is still cold and light. He takes a look at yew and takes back his eyes. He says in a low voice: "close your mouth and roll to the back!"

He doesn't like to have such a chattering person around him. She pretends to be lively and lovely, naive and kind-hearted. However, no one knows what kind of person yew is more than Jing Rui. She has nothing to do with being cute and kind!

She is a person who can do anything to achieve her goal!

In a way, he's the same type of person as yew.

But the difference between him and yew is that he is moral, and his demands are based on giving. He is deeply influenced by his father, and his essence is justice.

Yew's mind is even heavier than he is. He doesn't think about other people's feelings. He looks like a spoiled lady.Jing Rui will not cooperate with such people, so no matter what yew said, he did not respond.

Yew was suddenly scolded, the tears of injustice were about to fall.

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly. Her beautiful eyes were full of tears. She looked helpless and pitiful.

The people next to him can't look down. They comfort yew one after another and accuse Jing Rui.

For all the blame, Jing Rui is indifferent, Yew's grievances, he also turned a blind eye.

Just, Jing Rui's heart has a huge doubt about yew. Who is this person?

He always vaguely felt that yew was against him!

At ordinary times, it seems that yew loves him, so he tries his best to get close to him, but Jing Rui doesn't believe that yew will like himself.

At least he is very clear, love a person's performance is what, his parents love very much, never deliberately embarrass each other, but everywhere for each other's consideration, sacrifice for each other.

Yew, however, used his tears to push him to the top of the storm, causing people around him to blame him one after another.

It's not love.

This is just a kind of utilization and possession psychology.

He was originally interested in the girl who survived in the killer organization and was interested in her mysterious background. But now, in his eyes, yew is no different from others.

After flying for more than two hours, the plane made a forced landing because of the fault.

When they take off again, yew suddenly finds that the original King Rui on this plane has disappeared!

Is it because Jing Rui wants to leave the plane to avoid her?

How could that be possible!

This plane is subordinate to a powerful large airline, how can it be forced to land for Jingrui!

Yew does not know, this airline, Jing Rui is one of the shareholders.

In order to avoid yew and get in touch with his subordinates, he was forced to expose his strength, which was only the tip of the iceberg of his great power. , the fastest update of the webnovel!