Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 942

"Bang solid" on the wall, the man fell firmly on the wall.

Just listen to the sound, you know it will fall very painful.

However, the arrogant and cruel man, at this moment, did not know the pain at all, he was completely unconscious in the past.

Zheng yuluo is a little unbelievable.

That's how the devil died?

Who saved her?

She still shrank against the wall, looking around nervously.

Out of the window, a figure suddenly hit the window.

With a loud bang, the French window was completely broken, and a man in black broke in. Then, three middle-aged men with golden hair and blue eyes turned in from the window.

As soon as the wolf fell down, there was a tiger in front of him!

Zheng yuluo was so scared that his heart almost stopped!

She didn't know that Jingzhi was anesthetized. She just thought Jing Zhi was killed by these people.

Although she was saved, these people also looked like they were killing people without blinking an eye, and their fear increased instead.

It's better to be tortured by Sean alone than by four!

Zheng yuluo didn't even dare to cry now. Standing there with stiff limbs, he did not dare to try to escape, for fear of provoking each other.

Among the four, the man in black, the most advanced one, was old in appearance, but he was quick and powerful.

He dragged Jing Zhi to the center of the room and told the other three, "check your fingerprint and iris!"

He needs to make sure whether this one is really Jing Zhi. He has arrested more than a dozen of them since this period of time, but they are all fake.

The three quickly took out the instrument, and one picked up Jing Zhi's two hands and pressed his ten fingers up. A mechanical voice came from the instrument: the verification was successful!

Did it?!

The four were suddenly overjoyed. All eight eyes burst out with blazing light. They thought they had picked up gold!

Ten fingers have been verified successfully, and the probability of true Jingzhi is over 90%!

Another person immediately opened Jingzhi's eyelids, and the instrument flickered above his eyes, and the instrument again sent out a voice: verification successful!

"Great! We finally found him! Boss, he's real

"This time, you can't let him run away any more!"

"Our experiment can go on again! There is only one such good test object in the world

The three men couldn't help cheering and excited, and they completely threw Zheng Yu, who was pale with fright, into the air.

Many of them are very happy to wear masks for him

After he finished his command, he turned his head and looked at Zheng Yu.

"Little girl, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to do me another big favor! Thank you very much, otherwise it will not be so smooth today! "

He is a typical Asian face. He speaks Chinese very standard. His face is also very friendly. He seems to be a good speaker.

Zheng yuluo's brain has almost been unable to think!

Things today are all weird!

What the hell is going on here!

She took a deep breath and held her hands together because she was too nervous.

"I didn't help. I should thank you for saving me."

The man said thanks to her!


Are they using her to kill Sean?

But she never helped at all!

Now, seeing the movements and expressions of the four, she knew that Sean was not dead, but unconscious. It seems that Sean is very important to them.

Zheng yuluo doesn't know whether the person in front of her is good or bad, but it seems that she is much better than Sean. No matter what, she has to say a few polite words to the other party first. She reaches out and doesn't smile. She has a more sincere attitude and is grateful to each other. Maybe she can escape a robbery.

"But you don't seem to know me. Have we met before? "

The man suddenly "ha ha ha" laugh, this laughter, there are three points of madness and seven points of ridicule, listen to Zheng yuluo heart is very uncomfortable, as if he just asked a very stupid question.

"Oh, little girl, you don't remember me! It's also true that a person like you, who only saw me once seven years ago, has long forgotten it! "

Zheng yuluo frowned, seven years ago?

The year when Jing Zhi disappeared?

The man slowly took off the hat that covered his half face, and a face that was old and kind showed up in front of Zheng Yu.

Although his tone is gentle and his face looks as kind as a neighbor's uncle, Zheng yuluo immediately turns pale when he sees his face!She looked at the man in front of her in disbelief. She couldn't support her body any more and collapsed on the ground.

Fear and anger swept her whole body in an instant!

This kind of fear and anger is more painful and helpless than being pushed against the wall by Sean and pointing a gun at her head!

It's him!

Seven years ago, he took Jing Zhi from her hand!

This face, she will never forget in her life!

In the past seven years, because of this face, she has had countless nightmares! In the dream, it was he who wanted to kill her and Jingzhi!

Combined with what he said just now, as well as the notes and messages he received today, Zheng yuluo suddenly looked at the man lying on the ground, unconscious and left to the manipulation of the other three men in black.

If Zheng yuluo doesn't know who lies on the ground now, she will live in vain these years!


He's Jingzhi!

No wonder he knows her name!

No wonder he hated her so much!

She had been looking for him for so long, but she didn't know that they had already met!

No wonder she thought he was so familiar!

His eyebrows and eyes are similar to jingyiran!

Zheng yuluo realized the identity of Jing Zhi and wanted to shoot himself directly!


Jingzhi managed to escape, but because of her, she was caught by this man again!

She hated herself!

Zheng Yu tears big big big to the whereabouts of the heart of pain spread to the four limbs, instantly annihilate her!

At this moment, she forgot any fear and that these four people could take her life at any time. Regardless of this, she threw herself in front of Jing Zhi, hugged him, and screamed at the leading man: "you let him go! I'll go with you, whatever you want! "

Her voice was full of heartrending grief.

It seems that she doesn't care about anyone in the world, and she doesn't care about her life and death at all. She just wants to protect the unconscious man.

She has owed him once. This time, even if she doesn't want her own life, she can't let the four take Jingzhi away again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!