Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 941

Tender place is forced to knead, pain from the chest, Zheng yuluo involuntarily exhaled pain.

"Let go

"Hush! Baby, don't talk. Didn't that sound good? One more time, louder. I love it

Jingzhi's lips almost stick to Zheng yuluo's, and his hands are more and more hard.

However, there is not a trace of his ambiguous words in his eyes.

Obviously, he was just venting his anger.

Zheng yuluo's skin is white. When she bumps into it, she will be red. She doesn't need to take off her clothes to check. Now, all the fingerprints on her chest must be blue and purple!

Her body has been shaking and her teeth are shaking. She wants to push Jingzhi away, but she is pasted closer by him.

She raised her head in shame and indignation. Her beautiful eyes were full of resentment: "let me go! I have no injustice or hatred with you. I came to find my friend today. I have apologized for my mistake! If you want to kill me, just kill me! What kind of hero are you

Jing Zhi pushes her against the wall, so that she can't struggle. She goes directly into Zheng yuluo's sweater, caresses her slender waist, and then climbs up the towering mountain.

The cold touch made Zheng yuluo feel extremely uncomfortable. The shame of the girl made her want to die.

She couldn't understand why she had repeatedly bumped into Sean's hand, either being beaten and losing half her life, or being humiliated by him!

"I've never been a hero, don't you know? I kill people as well as cut tofu. Playing rogue is also my strong point! But there's one thing you're wrong about! "

Zheng yuluo was biting his lips. After a long time, he asked: "what's wrong?"

"Our hatred has long been countless. Why, have you all forgotten it?"

Jingzhi said, cold hands from one peak to another, and then went down.

Zheng Yu falls flustered and incomparably stops him, two hands use all one's strength to embrace his left arm, refuse to let him continue to descend.

"I don't know you at all! How can I have a grudge with you! Aren't you afraid I'll call the police to arrest you? You want women, there are plenty of other places! "

Jingzhi's hand is blocked by Zheng yuluo desperately. He doesn't force him to swim down. He doesn't have any pity.

Zheng yuluo only felt extremely ashamed. Jing Zhi's strength was too big and too big, which made her suspect that she would be crushed by him at the next moment!

There is no comfort at all, burning pain, Zheng Yu's tears like broken line of pearls continue to fall.

as like as two peas love, I love you, but I don't like it. Although your twin sister is almost the same as you, I still don't like it! I just want you! Zheng Yu falls! Tormenting you is the greatest pleasure in my life

Jingzhi's cold and cruel voice reverberates in the room.

The sun gradually disappeared in the sky, the light disappeared, the room has become very dark.

In the dark room, magnifying all perception.

Hearing, touch, and fear.

Zheng yuluo almost broke down!

Why let her encounter such a thing! She has been living very hard, has been oppressed by the sense of guilt out of breath, how to bear the humiliation of a strange man!

Zheng yuluo suddenly lies on Jing Zhi's shoulder and bites it hard.

Jing Zhi wears a bullet proof suit specially made for him by the killer organization. Even if Zheng yuluo has a steel tooth, he can't bite through.

At the moment, he hopes to be bitten by Zheng yuluo, because in this way, Zheng yuluo is bound to encounter his blood, and then even the immortal can't save her life!

Jing Zhi sneered: "I can't help myself!"

Zheng yuluo has been wandering around alone in recent years. Although she is silent and does not like talking, her insight is better than ordinary girls by more than one or two levels.

After a breath, she knew that Jingzhi was wearing protective clothing such as bulletproof vests. She couldn't bite at all.

She beat Jingzhi like crazy. Unfortunately, Jingzhi has been training all year round and doesn't pay any attention to the pain.

He "pa" suddenly pressed on the light, the room suddenly bright, Zheng Yu fell conscious of reaching out to block his eyes.

It was a while before she got used to the light in the room.

She looked up at Jingzhi, and when she saw his face, she was completely stunned!

In this world, how can there be such a handsome person!

It's totally different from Sean she's seen before!

How can a person change his appearance at will! It's impossible!

But their voices are clearly the same person!

No, no, no, no!

In front of the man, why can let her feel familiar!"Who the hell are you?"

Under the light, Zheng yuluo's eyes are full of panic and panic. Jingzhi appreciates her helplessness and pity at the moment.

At that time, he was more helpless and pitiful than she was!

Jing Zhisen smiles and reveals his white teeth: "I'm Sean, the top 100 killers in the global killer list, magic charm. Or, you may be more familiar with my other very nice name! "

He's Sean!

Zheng yuluo is like falling into an ice cellar!

He's a killer!

No wonder killing people without blinking an eye!

Zheng yuluo just wanted to ask him what his other name was, when he saw something flying towards him behind Jingzhi.

She did not remind him to escape, and now she would like to kill the demon who humiliated her!

A second later, a powerful anesthetic specifically aimed at Jingzhi's body shot into his back neck.

Ordinary anesthetics, even bullets, will not cause too much damage to Jing Zhi.

However, his consciousness soon became blurred, his limbs became stiff, and he turned to see who was shooting at him!

There is no other place except virus research institute which has this powerful anesthetic that can instantly make him lose his ability to move!


He's in a trap!

Jingzhi knows that there are not only two people following Zheng yuluo, but also many other people who have been hiding with forbearance. His strong perception has not been found out!

He rigid and slow head down, incredibly looking at the arms of Zheng yuluo, when she and Virus Research Institute of people joined hands?!

It's her again!

Seven years later, he once again fell into the hands of Zheng yuluo!

Jingzhi slowly closed his eyes, and could no longer resist the powerful power of the drug. The whole person fell into the dark and fell on his back to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!