Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 940

Is this woman an idiot?!

If you don't stay at home in the snowy day, run around!

And I don't know if I'm being followed!

At the thought that he had been punished by such an idiot for seven years, Jing Zhi was not angry.

He would like to kill these three people together!

The two people in the virus research institute never thought that the people they were looking for were always following them.

In order to let Zheng yuluo find Jingzhi, they sent several suspicious places to Zheng yuluo's mobile phone.

Zheng yuluo received the address, and his doubts increased sharply.

She walked on the street, suddenly turned her head, but there was no one behind her, except for the white snow.

She looked at the address on her mobile phone, gritted her teeth, and went to the first place.

Jingzhi followed Zheng yuluo for an hour and immediately understood that she was looking for him.

And the people who follow Zheng yuluo do not want his life, but want to find him through her.

Jing Zhi sneers. These people are really stupid enough to follow Zheng yuluo to find him. Does the virus research institute know that he and Zheng yuluo are in the same boat?

He thought a little, and soon disappeared in the heavy snow.

Zheng yuluo looked for three places in succession, but did not see Jing Zhi's figure. He came to the fourth place with some disappointment.

The fourth place is a duplex apartment. People from the virus research institute think that Jingzhi may live in it, because they have seen people who are very similar to Jingzhi appear here several times.

Zheng yuluo knocked on the door, there was no one to answer, waiting for a long time, just when she wanted to sneak in by other means, the door of the apartment opened.

Zheng yuluo was a little stunned, and said with some uneasiness: "is there anyone? I Come to my friend. "

No one inside responded to her.

The room was empty, Zheng yuluo hesitated slightly, or lifted his feet and walked in.

She followed by two tails, patiently lurking outside.

Zheng yuluo walked slowly in the room. On the first floor, she looked for all of them and found no one. Then she went up to the second floor.

In front of the French windows on the second floor, a tall figure in white stood.

Snow did not know when it had stopped, the sunset through the clean glass, shining on his body, to his whole body covered with a layer of golden light.

He held a pistol in his right hand and installed a muffler skillfully in his left hand. His eyes were fixed on the outside and his head did not return. He said coldly: "Zheng yuluo, do idiots live as long as you do?"

Zheng yuluo's face has been pale without a trace of blood color!

She recognized his voice!

He's the killer, Sean!

How could this madman be here!

He didn't even have to look back to call her name! Did he know she would come here?

Isn't it that the people here may be Jing Zhi?!


No, no, no, it's impossible! How can Jingzhi be that devil! She must have been cheated! Isn't Sean trying to trick her into coming here by texting her with a note!

Jingzhi used to be naughty and fond of pranks, but he was kind-hearted and never hurt others. He liked to adopt stray cats and was full of love!

Jingzhi won't kill people!

Before she regained her consciousness, she saw Jing Zhi open the window and fired two shots at the outside. Because of the muffler, the sound of the gun was very dull. However, the two screams outside were extremely sharp.

He killed people! He killed again! And two!

This madman!

There are some innocent residents downstairs. How can he kill them casually!

Zheng yuluo was so scared that she wanted to run away, but she found that her legs had been shaking and she didn't listen to her command!

She and Sean have met twice, today is the third time, but each time they meet, she is terrified!

Every time, she is struggling on the edge of life and death!

Jing Zhi killed two people without expression, even breathing disorderly.

He closed the window, turned around, against the light, with a gun to Zheng yuluo.

His shoes, stepping on the floor, issued a crisp "Dong Dong" sound, as if declaring the death of Zheng yuluo countdown.

Zheng yuluo almost unable to support himself, she tightly against the wall, do not let himself fall.

She was short of breath and her heart almost reached the limit she could bear.

Jingzhi didn't wear a mask, but his appearance changed a little bit from his childhood, and he was against the light. Zheng yuluo couldn't see his face clearly. He still refused to believe that he was Jing Zhi.

"Sean, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here! I'll go now

Zheng yuluo's voice was obviously trembling, and the cold sweat on her forehead kept sliding, exposing her inner tension and panic.Jing Zhi holds a gun and butts it against Zheng yuluo's head. He slowly approaches her and finally gets close to her body.

Zheng yuluo couldn't move at all, nor did she dare to move. She was afraid that Jing Zhi would lose her life if she was not careful. She totally ignored how ambiguous the gesture between herself and Jingzhi was at the moment.


Jingzhi's lips rose, showing a smile.

But there was no smile in his dark eyes.

"Where are you going? To hell? Oh, in that case, I'm familiar with that place and can give you a ride

His fingers scratched across Zheng Yu's delicate white face. His cold touch seemed to be colder than the snow outside. It was not like human beings at all.

Zheng yuluo felt as if he had been touched by a poisonous snake, and his hair was on his head!

If she had not been pressed against the wall by Jing Zhi, she would have been paralyzed.

"However, you are so beautiful, your face makes a man's heart beat. Before going to hell, I can send you to heaven and let you taste the beauty of being a woman."

He said, the right hand is still holding the gun, against Zheng yuluo's forehead, left and right but from her cheek, slowly sliding down.

His hands were as cold as snow because he had been outside for too long.

Touch to Zheng yuluo's neck, clavicle, let her involuntarily shrink.

"Oh, baby, don't be afraid. I'll make you happy. I'll be your first man. You'll never forget it in your life."

His voice is soft and tender, and seems to be saying the most beautiful love words to his favorite people.

But his eyes are cold and cruel, it seems that the next moment will tear up Zheng yuluo!

His big hand, sliding to her chest.

A 16-year-old girl is not fully developed, but she has all the capital a woman should have.

He stroked her body across her clothes.

Zheng Yu's tears fell uncontrollably.

Her body, never touched by a man, she never suffered such humiliation! , the fastest update of the webnovel!