Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 934

In city a, the chip behind Jing zhier has been removed. He takes off the mask he wears all the year round and reveals his real appearance.

Like Jing Rui, Jing Zhi's appearance has been adjusted. Their facial features are close to European and American people, not Asian people.

Jingzhi hasn't put hyaluronic acid on her face for half a year, and her face contour gradually returns to its original appearance.

If you look at it carefully, you can find that Jingzhi's appearance is similar to that of Jingrui.

So, after meeting Jingzhi once, Jingxi fell in love with this brother.

The little girl is very strange. She knows that Jingzhi is a big stomach king. When she comes to find him, she even carries a small backpack, which is full of her snacks.

"Second brother, what do you like to eat? Do you want bubble gum? And lollipops, pineapple flavor

"Second brother, I brought all my delicious food. You should remember to like me in the future."

"Second brother, don't worry. When my brother has defeated all the bad guys, you can go home! Can I come to your house and play with you? "

"Second brother, I have met my brother once. Can you tell me something about my brother? Mother said, brother is a genius, is it true? Is he smarter than I am? "


Jing Zhi has never had the experience of getting along with children. He is at a loss in the face of a girl's "100000 reasons".

He met with Jingxi a day ago. Why does this girl look familiar with him?

Are little girls so smart now?

He even gave him all the delicious food!

But he doesn't like pineapple, he likes orange.

Jingzhi stood there. He didn't slow down since he saw Jingxi.

It's not safe for him to live in a hotel, right? Is it really OK for Jingxi to come here? In case of being hurt by those people, how can he tell his brother!

Jingxi see she said a basket of words, the second brother even ignore her, immediately wronged Du mouth.

"Second brother, don't you like me?"

The little girl's big eyes were full of tears, her beautiful face was wrinkled into a ball, and her small teeth were biting her lips. It seemed that as long as Jingzhi said "don't like it", she would cry immediately.

Jing Zhi was shocked and shook his head quickly: "no, no, I like you very much."

"Then hold me

Jingzhi has no choice but to bend down and pick up her six-year-old cousin.

Xi'er's face, which is to cheat, is to cry at once!

Jing Zhi laughs. The little girl is good at acting!

Small body leaning on his body, perhaps just ate bubble gum reason, her body has a sweet pineapple breath, lovely and good smell.

Looking at her delicate face, Jing Zhi couldn't help but stretch out his finger and pinch it: "clever ghost, why are you here again? I'm not safe here. You'd better stay at home

Jing Xi's sharp eyes saw that there were two words on the hand that pinched her. Her two small hands immediately grasped the big hand and took it to look carefully in front of her.

She was surprised: "second brother, do you like my brother so much?"

When it comes to Jingrui, Jingzhi is always in high spirits. He laughs and teases Jingxi: "of course, you don't like him? Then give him to me

"No! I like my brother too! Second brother, can you get these two words in my hand? "

Jingxi saw the words in Jingzhi's hand. Her eyes were greedy. How could she never think of such a good way!

"Yes, this is easy to do!"

Jingzhi smiles, picks up the pen in the hotel, and then writes for Jingxi.

Who knows Jing Xi is young, but smart, she immediately withdrew her hand: "I don't want this, I want you like that! It's written that it's going to come off as soon as it's washed. You can't wipe it off. It's different! "

You can't fool a little girl!

Jingzhi hugged her in the sofa, rubbed her hair funny, and said, "I dipped the needle into the ink and tied it up bit by bit. It's very painful. You don't need to use this method. Anyway, you won't lose memory like the second brother and forget the previous things. You don't have to write it in your hand, just keep your brother in mind

Jing Xi was shocked: "you are pricked up with a needle!"

Oh, my God! Isn't it going to hurt to death! She used to be naughty and had been pricked with needles. She had little blood on her hands at that time!

"Brother" is so many strokes! How much blood should the second brother shed!

Suddenly, she felt a little hurt for such a tall and handsome second brother.

"Second brother, I'll blow it for you. It won't hurt."

Jingxi said, lowering his head, gently blowing at the palm of Jingzhi's hand.

Mother said that the second brother had forgotten all the things before, and he had suffered a lot. It was because of the second brother that the elder brother left home for so many years.Originally, she had a little resentment against her second brother, but now she feels that he is also very poor.

If you want to blame, you can only blame those bad guys!

Jingxi's brain is turning so fast that she suddenly thinks of something. She holds Jingzhi's neck and asks, "second brother, do you still remember the lost sister?"

Zheng yuluo?

Jing Zhi doesn't know why the little cousin mentioned this man. His face turns cold slightly, but he still says to Jingxi very gently: "remember."

Part of his memory was restored, and he could remember a lot of things before he was ten years old.

He remembers that the twins, as well as Murdoch, did not play with him for fear of being infected with the virus.

He remembers that, except for his brother Jing Rui, the rest of the people thought he was a monster. He was strong and ate a lot. He could always hear voices that others could not hear and see things that others could not see.

As a child, he seemed to have spent all his life arguing with other people. He didn't have any friends at school. No one played with him. He was all alone.

However, he had no impression of being drugged by Zheng Yu.

Maybe he was in a complete coma at that time. He didn't know what was going on. He only knew that he had been admitted to a hospital after he woke up, and then began his purgatory life.

In fact, he knew that Zheng Yu's two sisters could not be completely blamed for this incident. Even if she had not been tied up to send people, those people from the virus research institute would have caught him sooner or later.

However, he still hated it.

Hate her so cruel, unexpectedly gave him medicine, tied him up, personally sent him to hell.

Back in a city, Jing Rui has told him exactly what happened then.

Zheng didn't even want to kill her, but she didn't want to die! , the fastest update of the webnovel!