Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 935

Although Jingxi is young, she is very sensitive to the changes of other people's emotions.

She knew that her second brother was not happy.

"Second brother, don't be angry. My sister also knows that she has done something wrong! She's been looking for you, and she's gone to North America for you! According to her mother, she was injured by a pervert in North America and nearly died. Uncle Zheng and aunt Zheng flew to North America to take her home


Jingzhi pinched his cousin's small nose and said in his heart, girl, that abnormal is your second brother and me!

It's hurt. Good!

This is what Zheng Yu owes him!

"Zheng yuluo asked you to be a lobbyist?"

Jingzhi's voice is even colder than before. Jingxi is just a child now. If Zheng yuluo dares to use Jingxi, he will certainly not let her feel better!

Jingxi quickly shook his head: "no, no, she didn't let me say that. It's me that I feel sorry for my lost sister. You see, in order to find you, she didn't even want her home, and I never saw her smile! "

Jingxi did not lie, Zheng yuluo did not laugh.

Her guilt to Jingzhi is too deep and deep, and the whole person is trapped in remorse. She has nightmares every day and is under great psychological pressure. She can't laugh at all.

She had been afraid to see people for a period of time, so she had to drop out of school and stay at home. The Zheng family invited a psychologist to do diagnosis and treatment for her, which made her return to normal and continue to go to school. However, after that, she changed her character and became a silent girl.

Every time Jingxi saw the twin sisters, she would feel very strange, because their personalities were so different.

She only recently learned that Zheng yuluo bound Jing Zhi and sent it to the bad guys.

However, although Zheng yuluo is silent and does not like talking, she likes children very much. She is very good to Jingxi. Maybe she wants to make up for the damage caused by her childhood to Jingzhi, so she will subconsciously protect and love children when she sees children.

So Jingxi will like her, far more than like the lively and cheerful Zheng Yuwei.

That's why she wants to speak good words for Zheng yuluo.

Although Jing Zhi has met Zheng yuluo twice, she doesn't know what her personality is, and she doesn't notice whether she loves to laugh.

What does it have to do with him!

Knowing that Zheng yuluo has been bad, Jingzhi is still in a balance. If Zheng yuluo is heartless and carefree, he may have a stronger sense of revenge.

At last, Zheng yuluo still has some human nature and knows to go to him!

The feeling of being isolated was so clear after Jingzhi recovered his memory.

Before Zheng yuluo, she was good at learning, smart and talkative, had good popularity, and was beautiful. She had a large number of supporters. She only needed a word to let all the students around her gather around her, ignoring Jing Zhi.

In his childhood, no one wanted to touch him except Jingrui, who was willing to hold his hand.

Except for Jing Rui, others are strangers to Jing Zhi.

"Xixi, this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't be cheated. Stay away from that woman in the future. She is not a good girl!"

In Jingzhi's eyes, Jingxi is only a six-year-old girl, no matter how clever she is. How can she be an opponent of Zheng yuluo's kind of people!

Jingxi was a little helpless: "second brother, I still can tell the good from the bad. The lost sister is a good man, not a liar!"

"Good man?! How many years have you been eating? Second brother, I came back from North America. I've seen a lot of bad guys. Your heart must be black! Maybe deliberately cheat your trust, and then one day take the opportunity to tie you up and sell! You are such a beautiful girl, many forces will fight for it! "

Jingzhi said, suddenly felt that it was possible.

He himself was sold by Zheng yuluo, and his impression of Zheng yuluo was extremely bad. He always thought that she would sell Jingxi.

"No way, no way. This kind of person is a threat to us. She is a disaster. She wanted to keep her alive. It seems that I have to kill her soon after I turn back!"

Jing Xi was so scared that her face turned white!

She tried so hard to help her sister speak well today, but it turned out to be counterproductive!

"Second brother, don't be impulsive

Jingxi hugged Jingzhi's arm and shook: "you must promise me that you can't kill my sister! Let her live

"Can't kill?"

"Can't kill!"

Jingzhi hesitated a little. He wanted to get revenge, but he also wanted to get rid of his roots. Otherwise, what if Jingxi was trapped by Zheng yuluo?

Seeing his hesitation, Jingxi immediately threw himself into his arms and acted coquettishly: "second brother, second brother, you are the best! You're not going to make me sad, are you? I like losing my sister. If you kill her, I will have no sister! "

Jingzhi didn't realize that even if he killed Zheng yuluo, Jingxi had Mu duo and Zheng Yuwei. He just didn't want to upset the little girl, so he nodded and said, "OK, I won't kill her. Let her live."Sometimes living is more painful than dying. He has a hundred ways to make life worse than death.

Jingxi doesn't know Jingzhi's fickleness. Hearing his promise, he immediately breathes a sigh of relief and says seriously: "second brother, you have to keep your word. Let's pull the hook. If there's something wrong with my sister, I won't pay any more attention to you!"

"Well, don't worry, she's very lucky, she can't die! Pull the hook The last time he kicked so heavy a foot to survive, is not a big life!

Jingxi happily followed Jingzhi and finally asked carefully, "second brother, can I tell you something about your return? She has been looking for you all the time. I heard from my mother that she will go to North America again next month. She doesn't know who said you are there, so she always runs there

Jingzhi held Jingxi's hand and refused with a straight face: "no, absolutely not! It's confidential! I don't know more than five people about this matter in a city. You can count one, and you can't have a sixth! "

Jingzhi is credible, but Zheng yuluo, who knows if this woman will sell him again!

Once bitten by a snake, he is afraid of the well rope for ten years!

Jing Xi's small face suddenly collapsed, wilting son's way: "OK, I keep secret."

Poor lost sister, but also let her find a second brother for a period of time.

Jingzhi got the assurance of her cousin, and finally put her heart down. Then she began to touch her chin and seriously discussed with her cousin: "Xixi, what do you think of Zheng Yuwei? At that time, she helped her sister to send me to a villain's hand. She was as bad as her sister. Since you don't allow me to kill Zheng yuluo, can I kill Zheng Yuwei? "

Jingxi's ruddy face turned white at once!

"No! Second brother, sister Weiwei can't kill her , the fastest update of the webnovel!