Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 933

However, looking at the tall back of Jing Rui's leaving, yew wants to kill him, but suddenly he is reluctant.

She has never seen the real appearance of Jing Rui, but his cool and arrogant temperament alone is enough to make the young girl infatuated with spring heart.

Even though she doesn't know that she's the number one killer in Jingrui's group, she doesn't know that she's in the top spot.

In the killers' camp, strength is respected.

Jingrui not only has extraordinary strength, but also has the noble temperament that other killers can't match.

He is not like a killer, but like a noble family.

However, he is too cold, too difficult to approach, so no one dares to tell him.

Although killer organizations explicitly prohibit killers from falling in love, feelings are beyond people's control.

Love, the more you can't get, the more eager you are, the deeper you will love.

Yew has been very restrained now, otherwise she would have been trapped in the whirlpool of love.

After all, she is not an ordinary girl. Her good feeling for Jingrui is soon suppressed by her. Every sharp pain on her body reminds her that Jingrui's strength is far higher than her!

He can get the first place, relying on real talent and practical learning!

An hour later, Yew's wounds were all taken care of.

She lies in her own separate luxury suite and looks through all the fighting materials of Jing Rui.

The fighting information of killers is top secret in killer organizations!

This is related to the life and death of a killer. If it is obtained by outsiders, it is easy to attack a killer's weakness.

How can the talents trained by killer organizations expose such important information.

However, yew can easily get all the fighting information.

Not only that, she also got a picture of Jing Rui today and saw his real appearance.

Although has already had the psychological preparation, but saw the scene Rui true face that moment, yew still slightly some absentminded.

She had never seen such a handsome man!

His eyes are clearly indifferent, but they are Leng, which makes people feel extremely deep and affectionate.

It turned out that his eyes were dark brown.

He usually wears amber contact lenses made by killer group to cover up the real color of his pupils.

Seeing such a handsome man, Yew's heart wavered.

She was afraid that she would regret her life after she killed Jing Rui.

She's a killer, yes, but she never wanted to be a killer for life.

She's in the killers group to train, and next year she'll leave and live the life she should have lived.

In the future, she will certainly be like other ordinary girls, love, marry and have children.

In the killer organization to see such an excellent man, secular among the men, yew has not looked up to.

She doesn't want to marry a man who can't beat her, but how many men can beat her in the world?

Three days later, Jing Rui is out of the killer base. He has already noticed that he is being followed without going too far.

The method of tracking is quite ingenious, which is undoubtedly the unique tracking skill of killer organizations.

Jingrui sneers, dare to follow him, courage is not small!

He quickly changed direction several times, and then in the crowd on the street, he had lost his trace.

Yew emerged from the dark, found that he lost the target, extremely upset.

Her tracking level has been very high, and she has never missed her usual task. Today is the first time that she has run into a wall.

Her heart was hard to say.

Facts once again prove that Jing Rui's strength far exceeds her!

But yew soon got excited. If she looked at it from another angle, it would make her happy. Instead of taking Jingrui as a killer, she regarded him as a man.

Jing Rui does not know when, appeared in Yew's back, and then without pity of a palm will her dizzy.

It's her again!

Now I'm tracking him!

He hasn't sent anyone to follow her, but she can't wait to control him!

I don't know what to do!

Today, he is preparing to contact people from the virus research institute. If he is found by yew, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jing Rui has not been so angry for a long time.

He knocked yew dizzy, and then threw it on the street with people coming and going. He didn't care if she would be bullied.

If you dare to follow him, you must have the consciousness of accepting punishment.

In the virus research institute, it's a mess.

All the qualified doctors and researchers in the research institute all have serious personality defects. They are paranoid and fanatical about the virus, and they are easy to get into trouble.

The Institute lost Jingzhi, the best experimental body, and everyone became furious.They want to break into the killer base and take the lives of those killers with the new virus they developed.

There are also many researchers who have traveled thousands of miles to a city to find Jingzhi.

They don't believe that Jing Zhi will die, because they all know Jing Zhi's physical condition. He is like a superman. Even if he is shot, he can't die so easily.

His body has a strong self-healing ability, there is no blood loss will die.

Unless, like the last time he was affected by the chip, his blood vessels are broken, otherwise Jingzhi is basically immortal.

Now no one in the research institute is concentrating on virus research. He has seen the powerful virus in Jingzhi's body. Ordinary virus can't satisfy these lunatics.

Jing Rui has never thought of enrolling in the virus research institute. The people here are different from those in the killer organization. They are hard to persuade to surrender.

In the eyes of these so-called scientists, "scientific research" is the most important thing. Others can be sacrificed, including their children, parents, relatives and friends.

Even if Jing Rui is so smart, he has no way to make these people work for themselves.

So, his plan is to destroy the entire academy!

Now the first step is very successful. There is a lack of people in the Research Institute, and a lot of people have gone out and are not in the Research Institute at all.

Jing Rui, wearing a mask, meets several people in the Research Institute, and then gives a series of instructions.

A week later, the base of the virus research institute was destroyed by a violent explosion, and the high-rise building of the Institute has become a pile of ruins.

Most of the virus was destroyed, and the efforts of thousands of people disappeared overnight.

Those people in city a were all crazy looking for Jing Zhi. They heard that the headquarters building had been bombed, and all of them went back by plane.

However, they had just returned to North America and tried their best to rescue a batch of viruses. After hearing that some people suspected of Jingzhi appeared in city a, they flew back to city a without stopping. , the fastest update of the webnovel!